Poetry is known as the Language of the Soul and Prose is commonly referred to as the Voice of the Earth. Being a Spiritual creature, having a human experience, I thought this an appropriate page for the sharing of inner thoughts and feelings, as well as for sharing the prose I have written, which is often taken from personal episodes in this lifetime.


It has been said that no one knows a person like his or her mother. That is why I would like to share with you this very special poem that my mother wrote for me while she still walked upon the face of the earth, while also walking up moonbeams and dancing on the Milky Way. I include this poem as a tribute to her, for she is, indeed, one of the last of the dreamers...

She rides the sunrise
and treads the rainbow
in tears, her eyes
reflecting what they know.
She feels each scarlet scar,
perceiving people as they are.

She sings the sunset,
to drift on moonglow;
hears voices fret
on cosmic winds that blow
by travelers from afar,
pretending they're a shooting star.

She flies the cyclone
and drums with thunder.
Her seeds are sown
and growing more like her;
marooned on honeyed tar,
a pilgrim lost in Shalimar.

By Wilma Nadine Canfield - copr. 1988

Now maybe you would like to take a look at some of the things I write about.

Childhood Secrets

Family Ties


Rights of Passage

Patriots All!

Spirit Songs

Thoughts of The Heart

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Last Updated Thursday, September 18, 1997 by GypzyLady
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