After careful consideration of the best way to present a day in the life of a GypzyLady, I decided that it would be appropriate to post some selected journal entries here...

New Year's Day...1997

I spent some time working on organizing the files in the computer and worked for a few minutes on StarFawn's Story. I wrote some e-mail to my online friends, and especially to pippi3, asking her if she would consider doing photo-illustrations for my new ten-book series for children...

I cleaned up in the trailer and put some things away. StarFawn and I put her clothes in the shelf and I put mine in the cupboard above. We got the chores done and went outside for a bit. The snow is absolutely gorgeous outside. It feels like the whole world is lying asleep, in hibernation, just waiting for the air to warm and the birds to come back.

Jan. 5, 1997 (Sun)

StarFawn and I sorted toys and books and games and school stuff and tried to find a spot for took most of the day. I worked on the computer and did some research for the things I want to accomplish on #Vision. I learned some more about the www today and found some very interesting sites that I want to go back to.

I went to the well-house and did some more dishes. I re-started the load of clothes that had set in bleach overnight. I did several sinks full of dishes and carted them up to the trailer to be put up.

Jan 15, 1997 (Wed)

I got up earlier than normal and worked on the "Angels and Aliens" chapters. I wrote an outline for the next series of workshops on #Vision. I went through StarFawn's schoolwork with her and we colored together. I caught up on some of my Rosicrucian studies and read some of "The Ascended Masters of The Far East". Then I worked on the children's stories and spent a good part of the afternoon working on Medicine Wands and Talking Sticks.

I got onto IRC at the normal time and spent the rest of the night talking on #Vision and visiting some of my other favorite channels. In the meantime, I drew out the lay of the land for the 20 acres across the street and mapped out where the best building sites could be...

I worked on an introductory column to submit to flowerman for Green Planet and checked out the web site again. I wrote the outlines for what I would like to cover in the columns and set about finding the right format. I read some of the herbal information on the web and continued in my "Back to Eden" book. I wrote some email to let everyone know what I am doing and I went to bed at 5am.

January 24, 1997 (Fri)

The morning contained the normal hustle and bustle of getting a new day started. I fed StarFawn and all the fur kids. Then I worked on my Rune projects for a while and then took some time to just sit and read. While StarFawn was doing her schoolwork, I actually got caught up on one series of studies. I surfed around the www for a while and found some kewl sites to get educational downloads for StarFawn.

I made a rash of calls today to find out about permits and costs for building in the summer. I drew out the land plans and marked the areas for septic and buildings and gardens and sheds. It took a while to get it set up the way that would work best, but I think it is well on its way now.

I wrote some new poetry today and did some artwork this afternoon. Of course, I went to #Vision tonight and did some readings. We had a good talk on channel. I can feel a change in the energy of the channel every time new thoughts and revelations are brought forth. It is evident to me that there is a global awakening taking place. It is subtle and many do not even notice.

February 3, 1997 (Mon)

It was along weekend for me...too much to do and no time to do it in. StarFawn was a big help with the chores over the weekend, but there is still a lot to do. I worked heavily on the building plans and cost estimates for the building we want to do this summer. The new well-house and septic system are probably going to cost the most, in time, labor, and money. After all the piping and plumbing is in, though, at least we won't have to mess with it for a long time. The actual building of the units and outbuildings shouldn't be too difficult at all, if we plan it out right.

I worked some more on the herbal column for Green Planet and wrote email to some of the inquiries I have received about the land out here and what I plan to do with it. I read up on some hydroponic gardening and it sounds like it would work well here, if a person were to actually know what he or she was doing. I have finished my design for a greenhouse and have sketched in where all the piping needs to go when we are ready to start building. I talked to the county about building codes and they said to either get a contractor or learn the codes. do not come

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Updated on Thursday, September 18, 1997 by GypzyLady

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