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Thanks for visiting the cloud n7!
Merci de faire un petit tour sur le nuage n7!!

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C'est ici que vous pouvez consulter le Livre d'Or, et ensuite me laisser vos commentaires, si le coeur vous en dit...

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chaouch - 10/08/00 15:40:52
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 30
Profession: mother
How did you find cloud-n7?: plutonien !!

Ca me ravie de revoir ton site, cela faisait des ann�es que je n'y �tais pas all�e,tout �a me rappelle de bons souvenirs de l'�poque o� j'�tais encore �tudiante (dis-je avec quelques regrets !. Toutes mes f�licitations pour ton DEA, comment c'est pass� "l'accouchement", je suppose que c'est un peu comme un b�b� pour toi � la diff�rence qu'apr�s, on n'a pas � s'en occuper. Gros bisous, et � plus pour de nouvelles aventures.

Navita Loren - 05/10/99 18:11:11
My Email:none
Age: 31
Profession: Teacher
How did you find cloud-n7?: Looking for tales

Very nice site. Looks like you and I are the same kind of dreamers. Good luck!

Ola Kjeldset - 12/16/98 14:33:39
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 22 i morgen
Profession: student
How did you find cloud-n7?: lette etter myriam

Puhh, det var bra at det sto skrevet p� engelsk ogs�.

Gudmund Vauger Br�dholt - 11/16/98 10:48:54
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 22+
Profession: Service engineer
How did you find cloud-n7?: I know you!!!!!

Hi Myriam nice page and i like the thing with how to learn french hmmm!!!!

vijay rao - 10/31/98 04:11:29
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 28
Profession: fashion designer
How did you find cloud-n7?: surfing the net

i did not view your entire page. but i found it interesting, and i wished to be amember . thank you vijay rao

10/26/98 05:51:58
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Karoline Vidal - 09/11/98 10:20:12
Age: 23
Profession: student (psychology)
How did you find cloud-n7?: surfing

This is a very nice page. I've been some days in France and i enjoyed it a lot. I wish i could visit the French west indies. Bye!

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 01:29:47
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Kazuhiro Tomi - 06/08/98 16:22:52
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 22
How did you find cloud-n7?: From Myriam

Hello. How are you doing? It has been a long time, Myriam! I am doing fine in Tokyo. Now I am studying English to be a tour guide in Tokyo. I am worried about you because I have not heard from you for a long time. I am happy if you tell me you are doing well. Now I have a project to translate my top page into French. If you have enough time, please help me. Hope to hear from you. Oh, my URL has changed. New one is

Mikael Marias - 04/28/98 00:28:00
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 29
Profession: student
How did you find cloud-n7?: Wery nice

I think you are a loving and positibe person.

Gudmund Vauger Br�dholt - 04/18/98 11:25:30
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 22
Profession: Student
How did you find cloud-n7?: hmmmmmm


naveed - 04/13/98 21:18:12
Age: 30


ray - 04/06/98 01:38:41
My Email:[email protected]
Age: old
Profession: inspector
How did you find cloud-n7?: lookin for pen pals


Fungi - 03/19/98 12:10:00
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 28
Profession: student
How did you find cloud-n7?: you showed it to me!!

I'm impressed..learning more and more each day. I'll resist the temptation to start my own homepage..otherwise I'll never study!!!

Simone de Beauvoir - 02/25/98 14:13:12
Age: none
Profession: Sophia
How did you find cloud-n7?: In the sky...

Think about Existence... Choices? Destiny?

Kazuhiro Tomi - 12/07/97 21:55:16
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 22
Profession: Student
How did you find cloud-n7?: You are my friend!!

Hi,Myriam! How are you? It's been a long time. Thanks for introducing my page on your top page. I update my home page, so please visit again. I put more pictures on it. I hope you enjoy it.

Bernt - 11/26/97 16:55:29
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 30
Profession: student
How did you find cloud-n7?: u told me

Hi Myriam Nice talking to u on IRC Hope you will have a great time in my home town Bergen

Roy Lumley (Canuk) - 11/01/97 19:45:26
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 56
Profession: retired abmbulance worker
How did you find cloud-n7?: by invitation :)

Great Page!!! Roy

Laurence - 10/15/97 13:20:13
Age: 23 aar gammel
Profession: Studine
How did you find cloud-n7?: Myriam adviced me to visit this site

great site to surf on! I'm waiting for the fantastic addresses you surely have. Tusen takk for hjelpen!(That's norwegian!) Have a nice stay in Bergen! I'm sure you'll love Norway.Ha det bra!

veronique et ses photos rigolotes - 10/05/97 20:42:52
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 24
Profession: Graduate Assistant
How did you find cloud-n7?: ya un lien sur ma page

Salut Myriam... je suis aux states et tpoi comment vont les etudes? C'est bientot la rentree pour toi. Ma rentree s'est faite le 22 Aout... dur-dur. Salut et ne traine pas au Be Hap' tout les soirs

Carl Frank - 09/24/97 20:35:20
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 38
Profession: Attorney
How did you find cloud-n7?: Surfing through Firefly

Anyone that likes the movie Mishima -- even if she might also approve of French foreign policy -- must be ok

Ludmilla - 09/23/97 15:27:24
Age: 24
Profession: Student
How did you find cloud-n7?: Juste surfing with geocities

Nice page! It just let us dream. Thanks!

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