"Masahiko is seventeen," Mitsuko said. "He is a 'pathological-techno-fetishist-
with-social-deficit,'" this last all strung together like one word, indicating a concept that taxed the lexicon of the earclips."

I'm not 17, but that's also what I call myself - a pathological-techno-fetishist- with-social-deficit. I'll let you think of your own reading. Anyway, I'm an amateur writer, struggling to improve his craft and yet maintain the themes that I think are very pertinent, and yet often undealt with. My post-humanist themes, and unconventional aesthetics are but some aspects here. Unfortunately, there isn't much room to explain this here. Just check out the link.

Writing from a uncommon perspective while being a 3rd year creative writing student in the University of the Philippines isn't particularly easy. There's always the question of whether to try to please your professors who oftentimes are not the target audience of your material. Well, conflict is helpful to one's brain. Anyway, just check out my works if you're interested.

As might be deduced from the quotes, I'm a reader of William Gibson, whose 1984 book Neuromancer practically began a sub-genre of science-fiction called cyberpunk. Aside from Gibson, I'm also an avid reader of Japanese poetry, other science-fiction, and several other authors.

As for other interests, role-playing games, anime, Gundam, and other things sometimes take up my time. I also happen to be learning the Japanese language. Just check out my links page.

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