Rowdy and Wordy Printed in Pipe Dream, B.U.'s twice-weekly student-run newspaper, 2/3/97 Although many things may be clear when they are left as they are, sometimes you can rearrange things to get a better understanding of them. In this instance, I'm referring to words themselves. You might know that if you rearrange the letters in "Daniel," you get "Nailed." A Boggle addict knows that "rats" can be arranged to "star," "tars," and "arts." (You could rearrange the word by writing it backwards, but that can have its drawbacks). I came up with a few of my own B.U. Anagrams. During the riots, President DEFLEUR was often viewed as the ULED REF. BENARDELLO, our president who humbly resigned, can now be remembered as just AN OLD REBEL. PUBLIC SAFETY might evoke memories of the L.A. Riots as it can be rearranged to YIPE! CLUB FAST! They might also tell you Y, AT B.U., LIFE'S P.C. Some campus publications make good fodder for wordplay. Some might (falsely) view PIPE DREAM as a DEMI-PAPER. When I read through FAIR USE, it looks like all that their articles do is FUSE AIR. The right-wing manifesto, the BINGHAMTON REVIEW, could be seen as a BORING WHITE MAVEN. If you'll allow some roman numerology, one of their credos is to BRING HATE IV WOMEN. The name of our fine institution itself could be dealt with. Although BINGHAMTON itself might only spell out BAM NOTHING and HANG NOT IBM, STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BINGHAMTON (this took me a few hours) can be transformed into EAT FAT, NO SANITY, WORKING THEM (NOT!), VERY "BUSI." Most insightful is rearranging the letters in BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY to find that it's the SMUG BRAIN NOT IN THE IVY.