Writing the Standard Four or Five Paragraph Essay

Writing the Standard Four or Five Paragraph Essay

The Introductory Paragraph

The Introduction has two purposes:

A good Introduction can make the difference between an ordinary essay and an excellent one. Typically, the good introductory paragraph contains 5 or more sentences that begin with a broad reference to the essay topic. Each succeeding sentence further clarifies the idea until it has narrowed down to the Thesis Statement. An introductory paragraph might include the following:

The Body Paragraphs

Body Paragraphs are the "meat" of the essay. Their purpose is to provide all the necessary information the reader needs in order to understand the point or argument that the writer is trying to make.

Typically, the Body Paragraph contains a Topic Sentence and several Supporting Detail Sentences. A good body paragraph contains 7-9 sentences that might include the following:

Sometimes, young writers have difficulty deciding what to write about in Body Paragraphs. The best way to overcome this problem is to turn the Topic Sentence into a question. All the information and/or reasons needed to answer the question then become the Supporting Detail Sentences. Below are the types of Supporting Detail Sentences that should be used to answer the "Topic Sentence Question":

Often, Body Paragraphs follow specific patterns which, depending upon what you are writing about or trying to say, will make it easy for the reader to understand. Below are some examples of paragraph types that might be used in an essay. After each type are words and phrases that are found in each one that will make your explanations more clear:

The Concluding Paragraph