Seth's Story

My friend Seth was a fine young man. At age seventeen, he was a smart, good looking, strong, and popular high school senior. He came from a loving family, and an excellent church. He was offered large scholarships by almost all the colleges to which he had applied . Yes, it looked like Seth had a bright future ahead of him. Then, on April 29, 1995, just one week before he was to be baptized, and less than two months before his graduation, Seth was killed in an accident.

Why? Why did Seth die? He had so much ahead of much to look forward to! I don't know all the reasons...I don't know if I ever will....but this much I know: God is good. I believe Seth was a Christian and I believe that someday I will see him again in Heaven. Seth did not expect to die, but he was ready. What about you? You say, "I am young..." So was Seth. You say "I am not sick, I am strong and healthy!" So was Seth. All too often, we live only for the present, never stopping to think beyond this life. We act like death cannot touch us, but it can touch us, and it did touch my friend Seth.

We are all born sinful and we could never be good enough to get to heaven on our own. God is a just God, and our sin cannot go unpunished. That is why Jesus Christ was killed on the cross, to take the punishment for the sins of all who will put their trust in Him and repent of their sins. It is only because of this, that Christians have a hope that goes beyond this life.

I believe that if there is one thing that Seth would tell you today if he could, it would be this, "Be ready! Don't wait until tomorrow! Never assume you have another day on this earth!"

Who knows, perhaps death will come knocking at your door next. Are you ready?

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