The Tree versus Rhizome War


Rhizome(n): A horizontal, usually underground, stem that often sends out roots and shoots from it's nodes. (Greek rhizoma,a mass of roots.)

    Consider this, conventional systems of logic are based of hierarchical arrangements like flow charts. Most of us believe that logical rational decisions are first possible,and ,second, arrived at by applying a certain process (logic) which if applied correctly yields The Truth. Logic works something like this. We begin with a foundation of assumptions concerning how the universe is constructed. These assumptions (The sun rises in the east, Hens don't have teeth, the pope wears a funny hat) are, by and large, unquestioned and invisible.  The assumptions are the roots in the arboreal metaphor.using the arboreal metaphor these assumptions might be considered the roots. Conventional problem solving consist of moving up from these basic assumptions, eliminating along the way all of those possibilities that contradict your assumptions or, in many cases, simply do not seem to lead to a satisfactory , in terms of logic and rationality, conclusion. A graph of this series of decisions and exclusions might be look like the branches of a tree. The process of logic operates by starting at the unquestioned base of assumptions and moving upward through various branches until you reach the top. At the top of this logic tree one would suppose you find The Truth. Actually, what you discover is that the branches at the top of the tree are the skinniest and least likely to support you weight

The easiest way to envision the place of the rhizome in all this is to remember first that Rhizomes are horizontally spreading roots masses. Something like the tangle of roots that holds sod together except the various roots and shoots of a rhizome are all connected to each other. now envision a mat of rhizomes that covers the entire earth. you have the world wide web

 The easiest way to see how rhizomes masses of roots and to envision a rhizome mat the clogs ups the entire universe. now remember from the tree metaphor that the roots of the tree were sets of assumptions. The crucial difference with the rhizomic perspective that it is possible and desirable to move away from you local area from the tangle assumptions we're you nest your ideology outward. Traveling through rhizomic space is not a journey upward , excluding all paths until you finally find the golden truth, but outward adopting different perspectives allowing different assumptions including various and often disparate world views. It is not as if logic and rationality don't exist in the rhizomic world it is simply that we may see them for what that are dangerously tenuous structures that grow out of a group of localized assumptions that are no more valid the the root tangle of the tree next to them, or one on the other side of the world

That's enough for now

 I am The Lorax Capo, and I Spik speak for the Trees! The Rhizomes!

 Sunflower pictures shamelessly nicked from a painting by Joan E. Spik,
 Though I am personally unrepentant, all rights reserved
 &copy1997, Dean Spik, O, show me the way to the old money river!
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