This page is posted for the benefit of the Catholic Internet community.  The Mystical Rose Catholic Page is not affiliated with any of the sites listed below, and is not responsible for their content, claims or offers.

I have not sent away for all these items, so I cannot vouch for all of them (a number are in the "testing stage" right now).  Some require you to fill out a survey or send a small shipping fee; others do not.  Read all offers carefully before applying for them!

Though the following items are free, some of the organizations ask for free-will donations.  Please consider giving one if you can, if the Spirit so moves you.  Some such sites have stopped providing free items because of high demand and few donations; they simply ran out!  Even if you don't choose to get the freebies, you may still be able to send donations to help keep the offer going for others.  Check each website for details.

I post these free offers in the sincere hope that everyone who takes advantage of them will use the items with prayer and devotion, not superstitiously or just for show.  In other words, if you get a free rosary please use it devoutly; don't wear it as a mere "fashion accessory" or, worse yet, a talisman.  That's just not its purpose!

If any of these links go dead or if an offer ends, please inform me so that I can update this page.

Check out, a new website full of free Catholic items to order!

Free Literature and Audio/Visual Materials

Free Educational Materials Free Sacramentals Freeware and Computer-Related Items Know of any I missed? Please email me the information.  Thanks and God bless!

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