Disclaimer: To my knowledge, nothing in the following article contradicts the official teachings of the Catholic Church. However, some statements are speculative. The final decision on these matters belongs to Holy Mother Church, and I lovingly submit to her wise judgment.

Scripture presents the relationship of Jesus Christ to the Church in many different ways. A very beautiful, meaningful one is that of the Bridegroom and Bride. Yet this is more than a metaphor; for Christ is indeed the New Adam, the Father of the new humanity, and Ecclesia (the Church) is our holy Mother, the New Eve. We are their spiritual children, born of their fruitful, mystical union.

Eucharist as Nuptial Union

As Pope John Paul II comments:

The "sincere gift" contained in the Sacrifice of the Cross gives definitive prominence to the spousal meaning of God's love. As the Redeemer of the world, Christ is the Bridegroom of the Church. The Eucharist is the Sacrament of our Redemption. It is the Sacrament of the Bridegroom and of the Bride. The Eucharist makes present and realizes anew in a sacramental manner the redemptive act of Christ, who "creates" the Church, his body. Christ is united with this "body" as the bridegroom with the bride. (1)
As husband and wife are "one flesh", so Christ is "one flesh" with Ecclesia (Ephesians 5:30-32) for He gives Himself to her the Eucharist (John 6:56).


  1. John Paul II (1988) Mulieris Dignitatem (On the Dignity and Vocation of Women), 26.


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