The Mystical Rose Catholic Page


"You are to be my witnesses...
even to the ends of the Earth." Acts 1:8,
This Angel Site by

Cyber Idealism Award

The Passion of Jesus Award Byantine Peace Offering Award 2000 Fidelity to Mary Award for Excellence

Explanations of Awards (from the email I received)

The Angel of the Web Award

"Hi Rosemarie, It is a great honor to present you "THE ANGEL OF THE WEB AWARD" for being a Witness of CHRIST and spreading His Love on the web. Just let me know when you have it posted and what page. I will then add it to the "ANGELS OF THE WEB PAGE". Just copy and paste the file below on whichever pages you want in on and don't forget to add the graphic in the same bin, oh you already know that.

"With love of Jesus, Grace"

The "Cyber Idealism Award"

"I'd like to offer you my "Cyber Idealism Award" which is meant for personalities expressing themselves through web sites in a well defined manner....

"The award is meant for the personality behind your web site, not in the sense that I'm to judge whether you're catholic or not, but in the sense that you try and succeed in overcoming prejudices that made understanding between various fractions of christianity impossible for centuries. I'm not so strong in making compliments but take the graphic (one of my photos of a sunset in Medjugorje) as encrypted form of my esteem for your efforts.

"Pax et Bonum, Gerard"

(From Gerard, Webmaster of the Home Page of G.W.F. Albrecht.)
The Passion of Jesus Award

Award given to: The Mystical Rose

We are pleased to present you with our "Passion of Jesus Award". This award is given only to those special web sites that display a special devotion to Our Lord's Suffering, Sorrows and Death or True Presence in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar ~ Through which he has proved there is no greater love!

God Bless in His abundance for all you do out of love for Him and The Blessed Mother,

(from Marlene Vickery, Web Ring Manager of The Passion & True Presence of Jesus Ring)

Byzantine Peace Offering Award

Hi! I'm the webmaster for Byzantine Peace Offering (formerly known as Spiritual Links from a Byzantine.) Just wanted to explain who I was first, so you would know who this is from.

We've created an award and are sending it out to our favorite websites. It's up to you, of course, whether you choose to display it or not. If you do, please link it back to our site. I've attached it with this email, so if you have any trouble receiving it, just let me know.

Have a great day!

Visit ~ Byzantine Peace Offering~ @
for recent updates.

2000 Fidelity to Mary Award for Excellence

Dear Mystical Rose:

Your Mother of God site has merited Catholic Tradition's 2000 Fidelity to Mary award for excellence. The URL will be posted on our awards page tomorrow; it can be viewed by going to and clicking on the link for our awards page, about half way down.

Thank you for your efforts and God bless you,
Pauly Fongemie

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