POST SCRIPT: This was written shortly after 9/11/01 when a lot of unnecessary attacks were occurring against Arab and Muslim-Americans. I leave it here because I believe it still applies and we have to keep focus on the fact that one cannot blame millions for the acts of the much smaller fanatical few. Thanks. J.Jabara - Sep.7, 2006.

I would like to address those American citizens who are lashing out at the Arab-American and Muslim-American communities of our Nation.

You are terribly mistaken if you think that we support these despicable actions against this country.

Our ancestors came, and continue to come, to these United States to find the opportunity, growth, and freedom that are the hallmarks of this great nation, often from oppressive nations that do not allow growth and prosperity. America says "come, come to our shores and make your life good." So we come, often to be met with fear and intolerance.

Make NO mistake about it, we deplore the violence against our Nation. Arabs, Arab-Americans and Muslim-Americans at large do NOT in ANY way condone or support such horrible acts of terror in the Nation we call home or anywhere in the world.

Many of us are Doctors, Lawyers, United States Marines, Army Officers, even Congressmen and Senators. We have a stake in this nation. Why then do our fellow Americans feel the need to attack and ridicule us when such a small minority of individuals were responsible for these tragic events?

Did this Nation want to attack and kill every White Christian Male when we found out that Timothy McVeigh laid waste to the Murrah building in Oklahoma City? NO, of course not! Then WHY in the name of God and all things good do Americans lash out with violence and hatred at EVERY Arab, Arab-American, Muslim, Pakistani or anyone with dark skin that, for whatever reason, someone might think is "Arab-looking"? This double standard and hypocritical behavior is simply inexcusable.

I implore the good people of this country to refrain from acts of hate and violence. Do not kill innocent Sikhs (Arizona) because they wear turbans. Do not murder innocent Native-American girls (Tulsa, OK) because you think they are an "Arab" and you want them to "Go back to their country". Do not burn Mosques and Islamic Centers because the individuals who committed these heinous acts of terror CLAIMED to be of that same religion.

Our very own President, George W. Bush, also asked the people of this Nation to respect Muslims and Arab-Americans. Does it mean nothing when our very own President asks for a halt to these terrible attacks? Is it not the duty of the people to live by the laws of the land set forth by the Executive, Legislative and Judicial lawmakers? These are certainly not the acts of patriotic Americans.

I implore this nation to stand up for what is right, and take a stand against racism and hatred. We should all realize that the actions of a handful of evil people do not represent the actions of the many. Living that way is simply a wholly uneducated way to exist in our World. We all need to open our eyes. Realize that all people are united in this cause. People from many nations, including many Arabs and Muslims, died in this senseless tragedy.

The violence and intolerance must stop. These acts disrespect the memory of the 1000's already lost. We MUST unite as one and stand together to fight the common enemy.

Thank you for taking the time to read these thoughts. I hope we will all learn and grow from the horrible tragedy that has befallen us. Please do not let the deaths of the countless victims be in vain. Thank you.


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