Three poems for Michelle by Andrew Lewis Autumn 1991

If I were a little dog
I could follow you home
I could lie with my head
On your lap
While you watched TV
With your husband

If I was a little cat
I could sit at your feet
And eat your left over lasagna
I could lie on your bed
And watch you doing your ironing
In your nightie

If I was a dark horse
You could ride me
Galloping for miles
Through forest glades

But I'm not
And there is no room
In your life
For me

Like the wind that searches
Through forest glades
I have no home
For a dwelling-place
Is not a home
Without a woman like you

When you hear the wind
In the trees late at night
Outside your bedroom window
Think about me.


Sometimes when you looked at me
You looked deep into my eyes
As if searching for something

Sometimes when you looked at me
I could see anger
Like lightning in your eyes

You were searching for something
And you could not find it
So you hated me

What you were looking for
Was there
I did love you
I still love you

But how could I forget
That you are another man's wife?
How could I tell you
That I had feelings for you?

There are some kinds of love
That can be spoken out loud
It is welcomed
Like the sunshine

There are some kinds of love
That are hidden away
A dark secret
Deep within your heart

I know how
To keep my feelings hidden
I know about
This kind of love

If I ever see you again
Talk to me
And you will find
What you have been searching for.


You have gone away
You are nothing but
A dream to me now

The sun is pale
The trees lose their leaves
In slumber they are silent

The song-birds have gone
To a warm and sunny place
Is that where you are now?

No. Only in my dreams
Do I see you by a warm sea
Bathed in the sunshine of the Levant

Only in my dreams
Are you my oriental bride
Your smile as warm as the sun

No. You see the same skies
As I do
You walk the same streets

I remember when at night
I looked down upon London
From a high place

I could see a myriad of lights
Like stars
And each one seemed to be

Like a home
Like a warm place
For people to be together

And I wondered
Where is my home?
Where is my place?

I think about you
Out among the stars
How can I find you now?

As I wander on a cold
And dark night
Were you just a dream?

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