Animus by Andrew Lewis  
You told me
You would come tonight
And I do not believe
These high winds
Would deter you

I stood for a while
Outside the door
Arms folded across my chest
Fingers touching soft wool
Hair blown about my face

Looking out for you
Looking at the full moon
Seeing the clouds hurrying
Across her face
Delighting in the coolness

Do you remember
When we were walking
On a cool spring day
We crossed a field
And at its centre

We noticed the horses
Trotting up to us
You knew they were friendly
And so did I
But I was afraid

Why do I think of this now?
Back inside I lie down
In front of the fire
Coffee cannot keep me awake
The wind lulls me

You are my beast
When you come I will ride you
Hair blown about my face
Laughing I will possess you
But I will be afraid

Who is that who comes
Prowling round my house?
Who is that who comes
Banging on my door?
Eyes burning like flames

It is the wind
It is the beast
It is you
It is Love
And I am afraid.

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