
There are ways to enhance meditation practice. There are spiritual forces which you can use. There is a spiritual force called 'The Inner Light and Sound'. Sometimes when you are meditating, or when you are relaxed but alert, you may hear sound. This is not a sound you can hear with your ears, neither is it a sound you think, imagine or visualise. Sometimes you may see light, or even sense an aroma. This sound is known in India. It is called Nama or Nada or Shabda. There was a form of Yoga called Nada Yoga. Today, especially among the Sikhs, there is a form of Yoga called Surat Shabd Yoga. This is the yoga of meditation on the Inner Light and Sound.

There are different sounds, different levels of sound. The lowest level of inner sound is the one that is heard most readily. It is like a very high pitched continuous musical note. You can meditate upon this. It is a kind of mantra. It is the mahamantra, the Great Mantra. You may hear it in the right ear to begin with, and then in the centre of your head. It may seem to come from all around you and from within you. It may be accompanied by light, and the light and sound may become one.

All sense perceptions come from it. When you have meditated at this lowest level of inner sound you can go to the next level. You can meditate at higher and higher levels, but you should continue with lower levels. Meditate on all the levels; each has its own importance.

There is another spiritual energy. Its outward manifestations are spontaneous vocalisations and/or spontaneous movements. Often a person will spontaneously release tension in the manner that they usually release tension. If you usually release tension by crying, you may cry. If you usually release tension by laughing, you may laugh.

There is an inner intelligence which takes control of your body when this happens. It cannot take control if you (your mind) does not wish it. It will release control when you wish it to. It will do nothing to embarrass or harm you. The spontaneous vocalisations and movements are mere outward manifestations of an inner spiritual process of purification and development.

If you make use of this form of development to begin with you may have the release of tension by crying, laughing, screaming etc. After some time this simple tension release is replaced by something which resembles spontaneous prayer. There may be chanting or dancing in what may appear to be an unknown language.

This process is associated with the third person of the Christian trinity, the Holy Spirit, which is female in nature. In Pentecostal churches and the Charismatic Renewal it is known as 'speaking in tongues'. A recent development of this seems to be the Toronto Blessing. In India it is known as the lesser awakening of the kundalini. In China it is responsible for spontaneous Chi Gong. The Subud group make best use of it as they are not restricted by ideology.

Like all forms of spiritual development, you should not overuse it. If you do you may have unpleasant symptoms of irritability or anxiety. People who have a history of psychotic episodes and people who have used hallucinogenic drugs extensively are advised not to do it.

There is another spiritual force. It results in people collapsing in what seems to be unconsciousness but is in fact a deep form of relaxation which is very healing. The Pentecostals call it 'being slain by the spirit' or 'resting in the spirit'. The late John Cain used it in his healing groups. If people stand, then they fall. If people sit, then they slump. If people are lying down to begin with (as at John Cain's groups) then such drama is avoided. Unfortunately, Christian ministers can create a form of hysteria in their services where genuine spiritual experiences can be replaced by something of no value.

This force is associated with the person of Jesus Christ and should be present at every Eucharist. The bread is a physical vehicle into which this force can rise on currents of kundalini energy from the centre of the earth. It is the accumulation of the particles of the physical forms of all perfected people from Jesus Christ onwards. It is like a 'black hole' which can suck into it negative psychic energy. A true saint does not die, the particles of their bodies - having passed into the control of the highest aspect of the self - go to join that at the centre of the earth.

A true Christian priest should have present in his heart chakra an extension of this substance. This begins at ordination. In the Eucharist it passes into the bread and from there into the chest of the recipients.

There is a validity in exorcism and deliverance. Evil spirits are real but not what they are usually thought of as. They are like an accumulation of something negative with in one's own personality. They are like parts of one's self that have grown bigger than they should and have passed out of the control of the self. In this way they are analogous to cancer tumours. They can be removed from the self, but can also regenerate.

An evil spirit is like a projection from Lucifer. Lucifer is the result of evil spirits within people connected to each other and thereby forming a composite being. That is why his name is 'Legion'.

One form of meditation is reviewing past events. To begin with, you review past events since the last time you meditated. In meditation images can form spontaneously in your mind, in reverse order. You can relive the sensations and the emotions that go with them.

When this is working well for you, you can continue with this daily practice, and also go further and further back into your own life, even to the womb.

When this is working well for you, you can continue with this, and also relive what you have done while out of the physical body at night. While the body sleeps, the soul has work to do.

Imagine a man in a house. He can go out of the house, but when he returns he cannot remember what he has done while outside. While inside the house, the man has no memory of what he has done outside. To him, there are these blank periods, periods of unconsciousness. This is our sleep.

When this is working well for you, you can continue with this, and also relive what you have done in previous incarnations.

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