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things wrong in my flat

UPDATE. In January 2007 I took the lid of my WC cistern. The WC is supposed to be a dual-flush. It has 2 buttons on top of the cistern, each has a smaller or larger circle to indicate the flush. Push the button with the large circle and it gives a large flush. Push the button with the small circle it is supposed to give a smaller flush. This is a water-saving device.

I had been wondering for many months why the amount of water flushed always seemed to be the same, it didn't seem to matter which button I pushed. When I removed the lid of the cistern and had a look at the mechanism I could see that there is no way that this could be a dual-flush mechanism. While I was a neighbours flat I noticed that the flush was exactly the same despite which button was pressed; he also had a WC installed by Lovell.

There are 3 possibilities here:-

  1. Lovell have been negligent and have given us single-flush cisterns but with dual-flush cistern lids by mistake. If this is true it shows that they can't be bothered and just put in any rubbish they have to hand.
  2. Lovell put in the wrong cistern lids knowing that they were the wrong cistern lids but hoping that they would get away with it and that it wasn't important anyway. If this it true then they would have been even more negligent.
  3. They were paid to put in dual-flush cisterns but to make money for themselves they decided to put in cheaper single-flush mechanisms. If this it true then they would have been fraudulent.

I would like to know which of these 3 possibilities is the correct one. I remember that when the WC was installed the cistern lid was sealed to the cistern. I noticed this and asked for it to be unsealed. I was told by the man who did it that he liked to do it this way to stop mosquitoes breeding in the cistern. Quite apart from wondering if Lovell give any training to their employees, I am wondering if this was really done to conceal malpractice.

If ever water meters are installed in my block of flats this is going to cost me money. I could be in that flat for 40 years, and losing money when I flush the WC. If the council want to install meters, I am going to ask them to install dual-flush WCs. If they tell me that they already have, then I will tell them that they have not. If they don't believe me then they can come and look for themselves. I don't like wasting water in any case.

When I think that people in my block of flats think that they have a dual-flush WC, and are using it as such, but don't have one at all, it makes me angry. Just as people think that when they turn on the extractor fan in the bathroom that humid air is being sucked out of their flats when it is not (Lovell installed extractor fans in bathrooms that aren't always powerful enough to lift the flap to the outside). How can they get away with this?

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