Expand Your Imagination!


That's knot all!

Okay, I admit it! I'm a bookworm! I have two large bookcases (and several boxes) full of books. I mainly stick to Science Fiction/Fantasy and Horror. Here's some of my favourite authors:

Anne McCaffrey

Dragons, psychics and spaceships... oh my! Anne McCaffrey has been the magor inspriation behind my own writing. For all you McCaffrey fans out there I found her home page in Ireland, Dragonhold. Yes, there is truth to the rumour that there is going to be a movie based on her book Dragonflight, closely supervised by Anne herself, it's being made in Ireland. Hopefully I should have the release date for you as soon as I know!

Robert A. Heinlein

Alas, he is no longer with us but his books live on! Here's two links to check out:

Chruch Of All Worlds - They definitely grok his message in Stranger In A Strange Land!

Heinlein Resource List - A listing of his books.

Mercedes Lackey

Elves in L.A.!! Touch the magic of physical magic in the world.

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Not just Tarzan! Explore the worlds of Barsoom and Pullicidar!

Anne Rice

Okay, I'm a vampire nut also. Her books are dark and dangerous, but isn't that the side of life we don't want to face? Here's a link to an Anne Rice page that goes with her vampire themes:

Theatre des Vampires - fan writings and peotry, Anne Rice trivia and faqs.

That's knot the end?

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