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Interdisciplinary, Cognitive and Affective Connections through Visual Tools Adapted to Interactive Multimedia

Overview of Literature Review:
Thinking Maps� are visual tools which assist learners in constructing knowledge through the use of a visual language. The language is grounded in research in both cognition and visual tools (Ausubel, 1963; Hyerle, 1995, 1996; Costa 1985; Lakoff, 1987; Novak & Gowin, 1984; Upton & Samson, 1960; Bruer, 1995).

The current investigation:

  • The Thinking Maps� visual language primitives were developed by David Hyerle for delivery by a teacher. Can these thinking tools be effective, efficient, and appealing when instruction is delivered to the learner through a interactive multimedia?
  • Many learners enrolled in public schools today come from home and community environments which provide neither the experiences, nor the role models, for learners to develop meaningful schema necessary to proccess and appreciate classically interpreted song literature. The Goals 2000: Educate America Act proposes that "American students will be competent in all core academic subjects." (United States Department of Education, 1994a, p. 5) The Department explains that "Funds available through GOALS 2000 will facilitate the development and implementation of high standards for students in math, English, history, geography, foreign languages, and the arts." (1994b)
  • Without a schematic foundation, it is highly improbable that our young people will become culturally enlightened citizens. That is, they will not be enabled to respond: to value, conceptualize and organize a value system which includes this subtle art form. To become culturally enlightened role models, our learners must move through a developmental heirarchy. Can an upper elementary or middle school learner construct schemata for the sound and subtlety of the classical art song given instruction through interactive technologies? Go Next

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