Chapter Nine

Physical Life


Life got its start on this Earth more than three and a half billion years ago as a result of chemical reactions within the physical universe. Intricate reactions occurred between hydrogen atoms, light and gravity. I am not aware if the creationists as they are called, include gravity in their computations, but if they do they are right in their assumptions, and they are correct when they state this was the first life. Life then is defined as a change within the structures of the physical universe allowing for the evolution of physical bodies and plant life.

There was Life in existence more than three billion years ago in the form of one celled microorganisms. It is speculated by some that these organisms may have been in existence as far back as four billion years ago. It is of no consequence really whether they existed that far back. A few million years is of no consequence on the grand scale of things. But as mentioned, if the evolutionists include gravity in their speculations, they is absolutely correct.

The theories they espouse when it comes to the evolution of the physical bodies and the survival of the fittest is excellent. Life in the physical universe is thus defined as changes within physical structures. These changes permit the development of more intricate and decidedly more advanced physical structures. These changes coming about allow success for the more advanced structures making the less desirable structures die out.

The Gnostics state that Life originated outside the dimensions of the physical universe outside the dimensions of time/space in an alien realm which in reality is our home. Here we would have no physical bodies. Here is no size, no time, nothing but harmony. Here is the Source and that Source is us all.

If the Gnostics are then correct, our existence here is to be compared with the existence of a shadow. If we were to think of ourselves as the shadow which exist in the two dimensional world, we would not be capable of transporting our bodies (shadows) into a three dimensional world. If we existed in a two dimensional world, we would not be capable of comprehending a three dimensional world until we were in the three dimensional world. We could never take a two dimensional body from a two dimensional world into a three dimensional world. As soon as the body was in a three dimensional world, it would be three dimensional and not any longer two dimensional.

If the fourth dimension the Gnostics spoke of exist, we would not be capable of completely understanding it either until we were there. The only thing which we would be able to bring from a two dimensional world to a three dimensional world would be our minds. The reason for that is because the minds are of our native universe. The mind is also the only thing we can bring from a three dimensional world to a four dimensional world.

Should you wonder how to get your mind from a three dimensional world to a fourth, you can cease. The mind is already there. It can never exist in a three dimensional world, it can only perceive the existence of a three dimensional world.

Picture yourself on the moon. Picture yourself, less the body, at the center of the sun. Think yourself to the center of the milky way and then picture yourself covering the entire milky way as a carpet. Now wrap yourself around the milky way and give it a hug. Now picture yourself in a chair in front of a book. These were four dimensional exercises. Our thoughts are all four dimensional and the depth of understanding regarding this concept will vary from one individual to the next. To perceive the fourth dimension is very difficult because a part of us is already there yet, this we are trying to align with the three dimensional universe. It is not really the fourth dimension which is hard to comprehend, it is the three dimensional universe because it is not native to us.

It is about the same as the discovery of the wheel. Once one knows how the wheel works, there is nothing to it. It is only difficult to perceive what we have not yet experienced.

Now come back! No reason yet to go on an exploratory mission within the fourth dimension. It is not a wheel. The wheel was employed as a comparison and the fourth dimension is not a wheel. Now go exploring if you desire.

It is total independence of this dimension of time/space. A life in a seemingly strange dimension which really is our home is what we long for when we hear someone talk about the heavenly domains. In this world, there would not exist any bodies as we have in the physical universe. We would not be able to use them even if we desired. Here is where the origin exist which the Gnostics spoke of.

An error came about using wisdom without the rest of the characteristics of Man and this was the origin of the physical universe. I am also firmly convinced it was the formation of Man. The twelve attributes and the five characteristics came about as a result of the error of wisdom. The creation of Pigera-Adamas, the perfect Man was then the correction which was to come about among all spiritual entities. All spiritual entities are as One. All are a part of the Source. All are Source and all are the error. Therefore, the correction must be made. All spirituality within the physical universe must be freed.

Like the creationists, the Gnostics are also correct. One is not more correct than the other, they just do not take each other into account.

The other thought does not go that far back. It was earlier stated by both Christians and Jews that the Earth got its start on October 26, I believe at 9 am, in the year 4004 B.C.E., and that was when their God created Man, the heavens and the earth. I am not quite that sure about the date, but it seems to be awfully close. Today, some creationists state that a day to God is not necessarily a day to us, so they attempt to revise this date to conform with archeological discoveries. When they do this they indeed enter an error into the picture. The date given is so close that we can assume they are correct. If it is off, it is by a negligible amount.

Those who were in doubt before (if there were any) will now know I am crazy. How could three so widely different theories be correct? Many would now think I should cease speculating regarding the spiritual and enter politics.

About four billion years ago. the conditions around this particular solar system were of the nature that the interaction between various atoms, modified by gravity and the energy of Light was such that a primeval soup took shape. This substance was the forerunner of Life on this planet as we know it today. The soup would never have amounted to anything by itself. It would have changed but never become anything resembling an animal or bird or fish. For that to take place, a modifying agent was needed and that modifying agent was you.

You, the spirit, may have already been involved at that stage. You, the body, definitely was because all bodies on this planet evolved from this primeval soup. The Spirits trapped within the physical universe attempting to find a body for themselves would, with the compulsive creation of the DNA structure have succeeded in getting Life started in the form of a one celled organism. Once this was accomplished their prime purpose in the physical universe was completed.

The Souls responsible for getting this first life form created would have identified themselves with this one celled form and become a one celled entity. This step is important. Here, we have an Omnipotent and Omniscient Spirit which identifies Itself with a one celled organism. The one celled creature may have lived for but a few seconds, but during these few seconds, like the Genetic code states, they would have been able to split into numerous other one celled creatures all nearly identical. All these one celled creatures would not have been individual Souls. Many would have been, but the Genetic code is such that the instinct to survive and duplicate is enough, and it would have continued the splitting of the DNA chain without the impulse of the individual Soul. The DNA chain is a part of the genetic entity comprising the artificial soul. Being a creation of the physical universe, it does quite well without the supervision of the Individual Soul. Only at much higher levels of Life does it become necessary for an individual Soul to care for the individual organism.

The Spiritual entity is not necessary in bodies after the life forms have started reproducing. You are only needed to start the evolution within the physical universe and can control it better if you are then separated from the physical bodies.

The GE (Genetic Entity) is such that it wants to combine chains of DNA in order to form more complex organisms. Also, the forces within the physical universe are such that they enhance such a union. Over millions of years, other organisms do occur. They evolve into organisms which take sustenance by consuming other organisms and each organism becomes motivated by a brain.

The brain is not the thought mechanism as popularly believed. It is more like the computer database which is supposed to control the chemical reactions within the organism. It monitors heartbeat, muscle reactions, etc. It is a stimulus response mechanism which given a stimulus, has within it the appropriate response. It is likened to a computer and rightly so. If I write "wp" on my computer I always get the particular program I use when writing this material. Should I write "w p" I would be informed that I had made an error. I could look at what I had written and correct this to get the desired result. The computer, like the brain, cannot correct anything. They are both stimulus response mechanisms.

The Soul always desires to move up. After the first one celled organisms become overshadowed by more advanced organisms, the Soul would desire to move up to higher orders along the evolutionary chain. Some may be stuck all the way at the bottom, identifying themselves with the one celled organism for millions of years, but eventually it would move on. Moving onto a higher organism, the Soul's awareness would have increased. This does not happen because the brain is more developed in higher organisms. We do not move up because we are so smart. What we really are and what we attempt to be are two entirely different things. We try to be something and become stable at that. We do not achieve any stability within any forms of the physical universe for the simple reason that we do not belong in the physical universe. This is as applicable whether we attempt to be an amoeba or a human being.

By leaps and bounds, we now postulate the creature has eyes, ears and various other physical universe motivated sensing organisms. The Soul, through the eyes of the creature, encounters a new dimension. Through the nervous channels within the organism, it becomes aware of touch, smell, olfactory, etc., and this new dimension becomes full of sensations. It also becomes full of danger because there is either a whole bunch of other shapes which desire to eat it in order to survive, or it needs to eat other beasts to survive and is thus in a constant battle.

These beasts do not even need an individual Soul in order to operate. All of the life functions of these beasts necessary for survival are imprinted on the DNA chain. The beast which gets operated by an individual Soul has, on the other hand, a slightly better chance of survival because the Soul has the power to override any command from the stimulus response mechanism of the brain and can thus modify the behavior of the beast. The amount of modification possible is only dependent on the awareness of the Soul. It has nothing to do with the stage of the development of the beast or the type of beast. The amount of modification of behavior is relative to the awareness of the beast. It should not be necessary to stress the fact that the Soul which thinks of itself as a beast is very limited when it comes to awareness and this is regardless of whether the beast in question is a dinosaur or a humanoid.

The amount of modification of the behavior of the beast is strongly influenced by the compulsive urges of the beast. If the beast compulsively desires to ascend to high territory, the Soul's ability becomes modified in that direction. The beast which has a Soul partially running things instead of becoming more enlightened, becomes more able to ascend to great heights. The beast who compulsively seeks sexual liaisons and has a Soul in partial control, becomes better able to procure sexual partners than one with the same urges where there is no Soul.

In other words , the Soul which is unaware will simply act to further enhance compulsive behavior within the animal body. We see this no matter where the body is on the evolutionary chain. For example, killing is an animal instinct. Men at war, and their cruelty have for ages confounded rational people. How could anyone do those things that killing men do? This question is not new. From the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians six thousand years ago until today, many have questioned Man's behavior.

The reason is because the killing instinct of the DNA is enhanced. When one such stimulus becomes enhanced, it gains strength and becomes a compulsion and the Soul perceives the ability to kill as the fulfillment of a pleasure. Thus it is with all deviant behavior. When we have the feeling there is something physical we have to do, we are under the control of our bodies. To be subjected to such compulsions are extremely degenerative to the Soul which is the true Soul and thus, we employ the excuse that we are the body.

We would be wiser if we would listen to Socrates as it is written in Phaedo. While Socrates was preparing himself for his death, he stated that all one's physical desires, fears and all sorts of other garbage came from the physical bodies which we have. He stated that this state of affairs made the bodies untrustworthy. Nothing we perceived solely through our physical senses could be real. He went on to state that all wars and corruptions come from the physical body's desire to gather food and satiate it's lusts. Furthermore, the body was the greatest enemy of the true philosopher and the greatest goal of all true philosophers was to distance themselves as far from the physical as possibly. To him and a lot of other ancients, it was philosophy which was Soul and everything which was physical was corruption.


Food and sex are the primary instinctive urges of the Genetic Entity and thus we see that the most devious behavior comes along these lines. Because sex involves more than one beast, this is the most noticed of the two.

All along the evolution of these beasts, a certain type of body would be the one most favored by Souls to operate. Early on, one could have stated it was a majestic tree or a flower and this is the reason we now have spirituality in virtually everything which surrounds us. About four million years ago, an ape body was most favored. These evolved in a direction which later became the humanoid bodies, but the bodies themselves did not make the Souls more aware.

Along the evolutionary chain, very slowly, the Souls indeed become more alert. They are trapped within the creations called beast because of the Genetic code. It is very difficult to rise above what you identify yourself with. The identity we assume seems like the only reality we are willing to accept. We wrap it around ourselves like a security blanket insisting this is reality. One day, we wake up and discover that it was the cloak of darkness which impeded our awareness and no security. Four million years is not at all very much time to bring us from the operation of the ape bodies to the stage of development which we see today. The Soul would spend billions of years trapped within a black hole. This experience would not have caused the Soul any real pain, but because she was identifying herself with the artificial Soulthe blueprint of the DNA, she would have identified existence with extreme suffering. The Soul that is brought to the level of awareness necessary to sustain that long within a black hole is brought to a level so low that there is no way for the Soul to be aware. For all intent and purposes, the Soul would be a stimulus response entity without any thought. To think this Soul will suddenly awaken is ridiculous.

At this stage, the Soul is about as near to true death as it is possible to get, and there may be many who are permanently lost because of the extremes here encountered. Here, nearly nothing is left and there are no true feelings. All we have here is suffering. Many Souls would exist here which are but stimulus response mechanisms. Not because of personal interests, but only through the association and identification of "Self" with a false Soul which is an imprinted D.N.A code.

When the forces within the black hole become such that they cause the black hole to rupture, the pain becomes different. The Soul would have found some stable data while in the black hole and this now becomes shattered. What this does to the Soul is diminish its awareness. Now again, the only thing which will exist for the Soul is chaos. Nothing would come about which could change this. The possibility of the Soul recollecting former existences is about nil. If such existences should be remembered, it would have been comparable existences to the one it experiences at the time. The remembering of former existences is triggered by circumstances which are similar in one fashion or another. To remember what popularly has been called "past lives" is possible as long as one also is in a similar environment.

We do not, without further ado, rise above whatever station we are. Our greatest motivating factor may not be to survive, but rather to adapt. We have the spiritual urge to learn, but the physical urge to adapt modifies this. About the only way to outweigh this desire to adapt and fit in is as Socrates remarked. When a true philosopher rises above the physical, his abilities are limitless.

After the explosion, the Soul fervently attempts to stabilize forms. It desires to create within the forms the GE through the DNA which it carries and must compulsively create. Innumerable years go by before any changes are made.

The newly developing universe finally becomes more stable because of the laws of physics which we all have had some contact with.

The laws of physics become modified by the Soul and thus, planets and stars do get created in a stable enough environment for life forms to take shape. Endless years will go by before there are any shapes on these planets which have developed anything resembling a central control unit such as the brain for the Soul to identify itself with. Once this happens, the Soul is again confused because it now sees the physical universe through the eyes of a beast. Looking at the physical universe through the eyes of any physical body is totally different from without the body so, the Soul has first to become accustomed to this change.

Familiarity breeds recollection and nothing will change that. Four hundred years before Christ, Socrates knew that the only way to really get Gnosis (knowledge) was to separate oneself as the Soul from the physical. The ancient Gnostics knew the only way for someone to return to their native state was to first have the feeling of not belonging to the material environment of the physical universe. On our own, without any forms of stimulus, we do not get better.

When someone who is a bit aware reads the material of Gnosis, there may be the dim awareness at first because the basic memory gets jarred. These are things which happened to us and therefore the memory of these things are re-stimulated. To the person who is totally unaware and submersed within the significance of the physical universe, this alone will not get anything re-stimulated. He will still wonder what the age of his body will be when it is resurrected. This material is not written for those who believe it may be a sin to step on an ant because the ant may have a Soul. All people can be reached and rehabilitated, there are just some who need to have very basic learning experiences first.

But then there are several different ways to become resurrected. A person who is not very badly off when it comes to awareness can read such material as what was hidden in the jars at Nag Hammadi. When this material is read, it is possible for him to have his memory jarred to the extent some things will come back.

Again we have the parallel in Phaedo. Socrates argued that true Gnosis is a recollection of knowledge known from prior to the birth of the physical body. After this, Socrates goes on in his own special way to prove that one again comes back to life after the death of a former body to remain a slave of the physical universe.

The recollection one usually gets from an earlier life is just the knowledge that the data is correct. The recollection of places and people is far less usual. For the person totally engulfed within the significance of the cloak of darkness and spiritually a zombie nothing will get rekindled by reading a writing such as this. Such a person can read and read, but is unable to perceive and comprehend Gnosis.

Such a person is the one who will still be wondering what he can do to have "his" soul resurrected. The soul he has is not him and it is difficult to see why he cares so much for something he has and not for what he is. This material was not composed for those who feel guilty for eating meat because the animal may have had a Soul. While it is true that all people can be reached and all people can be resurrected, it is also true that some of them just needs a little more ground preparations first.

But if we really look at the situation analytically, wee must side with Socrates and the rest of those ancient philosophers. It would have been totally impossible for the Soul to perceive the possibility of being saved had it not previously existed in a saved situation. From the saved situation we became ensnared and now need a liberator to come around and resurrect us. The saving one is hoping for is a reunion with one's original and native universe. To do this, one must not go anywhere. One must become aware while shedding the cloak of ignorance.


Every birth, the newborn babe goes through a similar process. After birth the awareness of the Soul is small. You might say the Soul is in a wait and see mode. The Soul is learning to adapt to the environment, the peers and society. What the Soul perceives in those formative years while adjusting becomes the stable facts for the being. The only way for the being to ascend to heights of awareness is by prodding the depths of knowledge outside society. This was the resurrection which was prophesied from of old. The stable data which the Soul has adopted will not be discarded just because it seems wrong. There has to be a serious challenge to the erroneous data from without before changes are made, otherwise, the enemy of civilization will be employedthe excuse.

When the Soul within Homo Erectus was learning to adapt and survive, new discoveries would be made along the road. When these discoveries enhanced his survival abilities they would be adapted, but whether these would bring man from the Neanderthal of 35,000 years ago to present man is extremely doubtful.

The Soul, while learning to adapt and survive, resists change. It is sometimes hard to understand why people now, in a democratic society, so adamantly oppose all changes. A certain percentage refuses to change, even if it is for the better. It does not seem as if we are able to change any form very easily. There is an inherent fear of the unknown which can only be explained by catastrophes.

We have had changes forced on us in the past. These could have been natural in such things as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes or planets being swallowed up by their sun. These changes were not pleasant to say the least. When the idea of another change comes about, we are in fact not necessarily resisting the current change as much as we are resisting the disastrous changes of the past. The biggest change any one of us have had to tolerate was to accept the three dimensional bodies.

Regarding disasters there is one question which is posed by the tale of the Flood. Because there never was an all encompassing Flood within the history of Man, how could the legend exist everywhere? Sure, some people in different locations at different times may have been deluged so to speak, and the Archons could then have implanted them, but there was never one flood to wipe out Mankind during its history.

The only time there was such a possible deluge would have been at the end of the Dinosaur era. If today's scientists are correct in their speculations, it was a giant meteor which collided with the earth, and there certainly were giants walking about on the Earth in those days. It would also have been true that these giants would have eaten everything else which they got a hold of. Is it possible that the giants in the Bible were the dinosaurs and the Flood which was talked about came about millions of years before Man emerged on Earth? These giants were the Dinosaurs, yet they had no effect on Man, and thought Man nothing. You as a Soul were quite possibly here, and then you were very likely in a dinosaur body. These dinosaurs would have fit the bill of the Gods' sons as depicted in the Bible quite satisfactorily.

The possibility that this is the universal memory of the Flood exist. The memory would be recorded along the lines of the GE and it would have been recorded along the lines of us as spiritual entities. The God who was not pleased with the enormous beasts could have been manufactured to explain the failure by the spiritual entities in ensuring that the line of life continued. If that had been done, the entire story could have been manufactured to explain the disaster, bringing the original way back before the Sumerians. When we perceive we have been the cause of a failure, we compulsively manufacture an explanation. This could have been done here and if it was the case, many other questions arise which would have to be answered at a later time.

The urge to adapt and resist change is one we got from the Archons of the past. The fear of change is an inbred quality which we received while in pain and under duress. To change is to relive this pain and duress, and to adopt is to escape the pain and duress of the past. Pain and duress are emotions from the artificial Soul which we are not really a part of. The artificial Soul is the chain that links us to these physical bodies. The Soul which we have and the Soul which we are can easily be seen to be two entirely different entities. The soul we have has no mind and is like a poor computer program installed complete with various viruses which prevent us from achieving our real grandeur. To become free of this artificial Soul, we have to do so while in these bodies. The resistance to change comes from the artificial soul. The Soul which we are naturally desires challenges and change, fear is alien to us. It can now also be seen that fear of change is most flagrantly demonstrated by the less intelligent members of society. The reason is that they are more heavily suppressed by the cloak of darkness. As mentioned, intelligence is directly proportional to the impingement of the cloak of darkness.

Thus, Cro Magnon of 35,000 years ago would have needed far more time to evolve to the state of the Sumerian and Egyptian societies which existed 9,000 years ago.

The mathematical principle of proportion is such that there would not have been the time for the Soul to evolve its awareness in such a short period of time. From the Cro Magnon to societies complete with schools, arts, well managed cities and the feedings and caring for a great society is too much of a leap in a mere 15,000 years. Trillions upon trillions of years in oblivion would take far too long to undo. The resilience of the Soul is great, but because of its greatest enemy, the excuse, it would have remained in oblivion for a period which could even surpass the time which it took to bring it down.

While it is true we are omniscient, this does not mean we are aware of all the facts as they are presented in the Physical Universe. It is not our home; it is an alien domain existing in time and thus we do not have complete awareness of all the processes within it. The reason for this is that there is no truth in the physical universe other than the truth which we ourselves bring in to it. As the Greek philosophers stated, there is no honesty or beauty in the physical universe. There is no right or wrong, there is no beauty or ugliness. These are all qualities which we bring.

I used to visualize a group of intellectuals sitting in an old bar, long ago while men believed the earth was flat. These could sit there for hours making up all sorts of computations regarding the amount of rain God would have to let out of his storehouses each year to amount to the rainfall which filled the rivers and the oceans. Thus they could compute the amount of water which fell over the edge of the earth and really have a good time discussing a reality which existed for them which we no longer can partake in. (According to ancient biblical lore, water was contained in the storehouses of God as depicted in the formerly Biblical book 1 Enoch.) These people were not necessarily any less intelligent than today's. This demonstrates the cloak of darkness, and how it works. When man is fed erroneous information he will not have the immediate desire to discover the truth. When false information comes from an institution such as a Church, he will, because of the authority which comes with the Church, adapt his theories to the false teachings rather than reject the teaching.

All things pertaining to the physical universe are like this. As long as you know something about it, you can have great conversations about it and demonstrate great feats of mental energy. Once you know all it's secrets, there is no longer anything left to discuss.

 Chapter 10

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