Chapter Seven

Animal Bodies


Ancient traditions abound with lore of divine teachers. The teachers are in Gen.6:1-4. These same teachers are better described in the books of Enoch. These teachers were an abomination to the Deity of the Hebrews. The Babylonians had their teachers and so did the Canaanites. The Canaanite religion is one which was very similar to that of the Hebrews as revealed by the recent finds at Ugarit. In days gone by, they revered the divine teachers. In some "non Biblical" material, the Hebrews also revered these teachers. It was only after these teachers took to themselves human females and begot children with them that the Hebrews condemned them. More about this later, I got way ahead of myself.

Before the Light withdrew from chaos, the authorities saw that the prime parent had lied when he stated: "It is I who am God, and no one exist prior to I." They laughed at him and said, "Is this not the force or God who would ruin our work."

He said yes, and if you do not want him to ruin all your work, come, let us create a man out of earth, according to the image and in the likeness of this Adam of light." "Then he will serve us, and become a light for us, and when the other power sees his own likeness, he might become enamored of it, and no longer destroy our work. Rather, we shall make those born out of the light our servants."

Now all this came about through the forethought of Pistis, in order that Man should appear after his likeness and denounce Yaldabaot because of their modeled form.

Man's modeled form was intended as an enclosure of the invincible Light. Pistis caused the authorities to acquire the knowledge necessary to create Man. Sophia saw them start the project and laughed at their decision, for they are blind. Against their own interest created they Man.

They decided to call him Adam that he might become a source of Light for them. All the powers and angels in charge of the human body are then named. There are also four chief demons. The demons are over pleasure, desire, grief and fear. From grief came envy, jealousy, distress, trouble, callousness, anxiety, etc. From pleasure came much wickedness, empty pride and such things. From desire comes anger, wrath, bitterness and such. And from fear comes dread cowering, agony and shame. All of these are similar to useful things and evil things. The head of the material soul is Anaaro.

There were 365 Angels alongside the demons who worked to complete the phantom body (genetic entity). After their product was completed it just laid there, inactive for a long time.

Sophia desired to retrieve the Light which she had lost to her son Ialdabaot/Yaldabaot, and she petitioned the powers of the Eon of Light. Five Lights (spirits) descended and convinced Yaldabaot to blow into the face of the man they had created the Light which he had received from his mother. The first Adam, the Adam of Light which we met after our twelve characteristics, was completed and spirit endowed. He appeared on the first day. The second Adam is Soul (GE) endowed, He appeared on the sixth day. The third Man is a creature of Earth. He is the man of the Hebrew law, and he appeared on the eight day, on the tranquillity of poverty which is called Sunday.

The progeny of the earthly Adam became numerous, was complete and produced within their societies every kind of scientific information regarding the soul-endowed Adam. But it all was in ignorance.

When the rulers had seen Adam and the female creature that was with him erring ignorantly like beasts, they were very glad. They learned that what they had to fear was the female which had turned into a tree, and this disturbed them, and they decided she could be the true Man. The being who had brought a fog upon them, and taught them that she who was soiled was like the body they had created. They feared they would be conquered.

Then the rulers descended to paradise where they told Adam and Eve that the trees of paradise all had good fruit on them that should be eaten. But the tree of acquaintance, they told them, never to eat of, for then they would surely die.

Gen.2:17, "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shall not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die." Thus they imparted great fear in them and having done this, they departed.

Then came the wise creature created by Pistis, and when he saw the likeness of their mother Eve, he asked them what the "God" had told them. He asked if he had told them not to eat of the tree of Gnosis. Eve told him they had not just been told never to eat of it, but also never to touch it, for on that day they would surely die. He told her not to be afraid of death, for they could not die but, rather on the day when they eat of it, their intelligence would become sober, and they would become like the Gods knowing good from evil. He said it was in jealousy they were instructed in order to prevent them from becoming like the Gods.

Gen.3:22 states: "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evi; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever." Now here, the God did not desire for man to be like the Gods according to the biblical record. Man was not to have been more than any other animal on the planet. The knowing of good and evil comes from Egyptian mythology. One who knows good from evil is a thinking being and could be brought before a judge in the Egyptian courts. A person who did not know good from evil was no higher than an animal and could not be held responsible for his actions. Adam and Eve would then not have been responsible for their actions prior to eating the apple which turned out to be the rotten apple contaminating civilization.


The other part to this tale about man suffering death because of this action of eating the fruit is even more ridiculous. First of all: Man did not know right from wrong before he ate of the tree so he could not possibly have known it was wrong to be disobedient. This would indicate the God was not beneath setting devious traps to make the people he was supposed to save feel inferior and shameful. The reason the God needed to make Man feel guilty will be adequately demonstrated later on.

The next part about Man experiencing death because of this action is absurd. In the first place, Man did not have eternal life prior to eating from the three of death as is clearly illustrated. Just look at the last part of the verse 3:22 "...and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat and live forever." (the tree of Life is naturally the tree of Gnosis). Only through Gnosis can Man reach out and become aware of the fact he does live forever.

The physical body dies, and that is as it has to be. Anything created from matter deteriorates and has only limited use. There is not to be found anything in nature which has more than a limited use. The reason is that there is not any particle within nature which does not go through changes. The physical bodies are temporary, the sun is temporary, the entire galaxy is temporary. The span of usefulness of the body is less than the blinking of an eye as compared with the sun. But then the life expectancy is not as much as an inkling of the blink of an eye when it is compared to the life span of a soul. All material substances are but of a limited use and corrupt in the same fashion as the Greek philosophers wrote long before Jesus.

The Soul never dies. That was the real message and salvation brought to Man by Jesus or whoever it was that rose again after physical death. These physical bodies are constructed to give us as little chance of escaping from our three dimensional incarceration as possible. First of all, it takes far too long after birth for a person to become free enough of the physical impingement of the body to think straight. The whole idea is that as soon as we are free enough to think straight, the pains of the aging body start to saturate our bodies severely. What happens to the body when it feels too much pain is that the spiritual level to which it has aspired is lowered.

Because of the stage where medicine has come today, and the modern less stressful society which afford thinkers the opportunity to escape the physical and learn the truth, there is a little chance for us. It is not just enough that one person knows the truth, we should all become freed. The other side to this coin is that it is not undiscovered that we have better opportunities today. So in reality, this means that the days of the Earth soon will be coming to an end.

The real drawback to these bodies is that they take far too long to become mature and they then wither and die too soon. They should have more time as full and mature and less time dying.

Jesus died for the sin of Man. That is what the Christians stated after Irenaeus and religion continually states today. If this was true, and Man was nothing but a body which in some fashion was tied to a soul, the body we have now would not die. We all know the body but lasts for a short while. What Jesus showed Man by arising after his crucifixion was that while the body died the Soul remains alive. Who cares about the tale of the body who disappeared from the tomb? Of all the unsubstantiated allegations this one is one of the best. Many a loose fable has been added to the Bible after the original message was brought forth. This thing about a body living again after rigor mortis has set in is stupidity to the extreme. Nothing but wishful thinking and unsubstantiated allegations are behind it. The Christian Gnostics stated Man was like a drunk who had to get sober in order to be saved from the three dimensional universe. That Christian faction we have inherited today states a son of a God will come and sober them all up if they are good little boys and girls and they themselves only have to watch their steps and feed the coffers.


Eve trusted in the words of the instructor, and she took some of the fruit and ate, and she took also some and gave to the love of her life. He also ate thereof. Their intellect became opened. As soon as they had eaten, the Light of Gnosis shone upon them. When they became sober they saw that they were naked and became enamored of one another. They were very aware, and saw that the ones who had modeled them had the appearance of beasts, and they loathed them.

When the rulers knew they had broken their commandment, they entered Paradise with earthquake and great threatening, to see what effect it had on them. Adam and Eve became afraid and hid themselves under the trees in paradise. The rulers did not find them and started calling them. Adam finally came forth, and said "here I am, for through fear of you did I hide because I was ashamed." They asked him who it was that had told them they were clothed in shame or, had they eaten from the three of Gnosis? Adam proceeded to tell them that it was the woman who had given it to him, and she told him it was the instructor who had urged her on.

An omniscient God would not have had to call out to Adam and Eve in order to locate them. And then especially not a God with the character traits depicted in the Old Testament. He would have demonstrated his superiority by locating them immediately and demonstrating the futility of attempting to hide. The Bible abounds in evidence that indicates beyond a doubt the God is not omniscient. For example, Gen.18:21 states: "I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which has come unto me; and if not I will know."

An all knowing God would not need to go down and look for himself to see what has been done. It is abundantly clear that the God depicted is also a slave to the three dimensional world.

The savior was asked if it was not the snake who taught Adam to eat of the tree of knowledge, to which the Savior answered that the snake thought him to eat of the wickedness of begetting, of lust and deception that Adam might become of use to the physical, or enslaved by it. Adam knew he had been disobedient to the chief Archon because of the light of Epinoia which was in him (had he not, he would not have known he was disobedient.)

The rulers came upon the instructor, and their eyes became misty and they could not do anything to him. They cursed him because of their powerlessness. Afterward they came to the woman and cursed her and her offspring. After her, they cursed Adam and then the land and the crops. All the things which they had created they cursed. They have no blessing. Good does not originate from evil. From that day, the authorities knew there truly was something mightier than they yet, they only recognized that their commandment had not been kept. Great jealousies came forth upon Earth because of Man. They were very troubled because Adam had become like them, knowing good from evil, and they gathered again. Now why would a good God desire that his subjects not be able to tell the difference between good and evil?

The Archons decided that Man may also now learn that he is immortal. He would then truly despise their works and their stupidity, and they would loose all power over him.

They decided to expel him from paradise into the land from where he was taken in order that he may not be able to recognize anything any better than they. Since the rulers were afraid of Adam, they desired to diminish his life span. They could not do much, but each of the rulers took away ten years, so that the life of man became 930 years, and those were spent in pain and weakness through evil distractions.


Many have wondered about the ages of the first patriarchs in the Bible. They were relatively low in our Bible compared with the original which is called Atra-hasis and comes from the Babylonian legends. I have already mentioned that a great many things has been added to the literature to indicate the beliefs of the transcribers. Here someone was trying to explain the incredible age of these bodies and did not know the facts behind it. 930 years is actually 931 years.

This comes from the Sumerian cult dedicated to the worship of the moon God. Each year was one month. 931 divided by twelve is seventy seven years seven months. This does not indicate the amount of years, but rather the cult. The holy seven as seen in innumerable material is Babylonian and Canaanite of origin indicating they worshipped the seven planets known to the ancient astronomers. This reduction in the life span of Man is most probably an addition where the ancients desired to get in some of their worship symbolism, a further indication of the age of the document. We see also the age of Lamech is 777 years, going back again to the sacred Canaanite number.

Because the 931 years is the original, it is here easy to see that the translator also missed the point. He could have been a translator, but might have been a copyist who made a new copy of an old original, and there explained the fable, but he came up with 930 years. When the gods were fearful of Man living forever, it was the fear that Man would discover he was a spiritual entity. What the gods did to ensure Man did not live long was to have his Soul trapped in physical bodies who already had a short life span. As long as Man thought of himself as a body, immortality was impossible and Man was the servant of the Archons.

The Israelite holy seven is Babylonian and the holy age of 931 years is even older. The Hebrews got it from the Canaanites who god it from the Sumerian cult dedicated to the worship of the moon God called Nanna. To them every year of a leading figure could be measured, not in years, but in months. 931 divided by twelve months gives us the sacred figure seventy seven years, seven months. This however does not reflect the true age of an individual. It is a declaration of the cult to whom the worshipper adhered. All those holy sevens and forty nines found in innumerable manuscripts in the Bible are not Israelite. They are Canaanite and Babylonian. The Hebrews also worshipped the same way as these ancients, but then we would need to separate the old Israelite cult from the new Israelite cult which developed in about 420 B.C.E. There is no such distinction, only a lot of restated old Canaanite, Babylonian and Sumerian doctrines with a sprinkling of Egyptian lore mixed in for flavoring.

Thirty was the sacred number of the moon god, and it is not difficult to understand why it was so. The fact that these ancient writings were changed does not make any difference when it comes to the validity of the material. All it does is show us to be careful when it is interpreted. Since we have changes in these Gnostic documents made to them by people who worshipped the moon god, it can readily be seen that the documents are older than ever thought. The last Babylonian king to worship the moon God may well have been Nabonidus who is the real king written about in the biblical book called Daniel. Daniel relates how Nabonidus was converted to the worship of this moon God.


Such has life been from then until the consummation of the age. When Sophia saw that the rulers had put a curse on their counterpart, she was indignant. Coming out of her heaven with full force, she chased those rulers out of their heavens and cast them down into the sinful world. There, they would dwell in the form of evil spirits upon the earth.

When these seven rulers were cast down, they made for themselves Angels, numerous demonic Angels to serve them. And the latter instructed Mankind in many kinds of errors, magic, sorcery, potions, worship of idols, spilling of blood, alters, temples and libations to all the spirits of Earth (the Watchers from 1 Enoch) having as their coworkers, fate, which came into being from the Gods of justice and the Gods of injustice. Thus was the earth at the beginning. Man lived in ignorance from the time of it's inception to the appearance (parousia) of the true Man.

It should not be surprising that these stories have ancient astronomy mixed within them. Things like 365 angels creating the genetic entity. Things like the ancient moon cult from which the sacred number 30 comes from. If this material is as old as I believe it was, passed on down the line through the Canaanites, the Babylonians the Sumerian's and others, material would enter the originals. When these people would see a number, they would change it to reflect the closest number sacred to them. The occurrence of such numbers, rather than invalidating the substance of the documents ,validates the age of the material. Because of this transmission, we also have slightly different versions.

When a multitude of human beings had come into existence, through the parentage of Adam who had been fashioned out of matter, the Earth had become full and the rulers had become masters over it. They kept it restrained by ignorance because the immortal father had known that an error existed in the physical universe. When he wanted to bring to naught the dominion of these rulers, he sent the innocent light which was Man. He was not innocent to Gnosis, yet all Gnosis was vested in the one Angel which had appeared before them.

Thus when the blessed spirits appeared before the rulers, the authorities mixed their seed with them, in hopes of polluting them. Then the savior with the word that is superior sent a proclamation. He said, "There is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, and no one hidden which will not become recognized."

After this, the Epinoia hid herself again in Adam and it was the chief Archon who desired to bring Sophia out of him by opening up his rib, but the Epinoia of Light can not be grasped by those of the dark force. While the darkness pursued her, she was not apprehended. Then the chief Archon brought forth more of his power and created a woman according to the likeness of Epinoia, and he brought the power which he had taken from Adam forth and placed it in the woman.

Adam saw the woman standing beside him, and at that moment, Epinoia appeared in front of him and lifted the veil of darkness from his perception and his mind. He became sober from the drunkenness of darkness, and recognized the female shape as his counter image.

It was Sophia which came down to Adam to correct her deficiency. Therefore she is called Eve, which is mother of the living. Through her they tasted the perfect knowledge, as they were still both fallen spirits at this time. When Yaldabaot noticed they withdrew from him, he cursed his earth. He came over the woman and proceeded to show the Angels his ignorance. He cast them out of Paradise and clothed them in gloomy darkness. There, Yaldabaot saw the virgin who stood by Adam, and it was the luminous Epinoia who had appeared in her.

When foreknowledge sensed the intentions of Yaldabaot, he snatched life (Epinoia) out of Eve. The chief Archon seduced her and begot in her two sons. The one of them was Yave, and he had a cat face, and the other was Eloim, and he had a bear face. The one is righteous, and he was Yave. Eloim was unrighteous. Yave he set over fire and wind. En-lil (Eloim) he set over the water and the earth went to En-Ki. These two sons were called Abel and Cain with the intent of deception. (This rendition differs slightly from the previous story told where Cain was the offspring of Yaldabaot and Abel the offspring of the Archons collectively.)

Though this first act of intercourse was physical, it was not the physical bodies which were created from them. These two beings here created were astral bodies.

Sexual intercourse came about among the Souls because of the chief Archon. He planted sexual desire in her who belong to Adam and he produced through intercourse the copies of the physical bodies, and these bodies were forevermore to be inspired by his counterfeit spirit (the DNA Code!).

One Archon was set over each of the two humanoids (Adam and Eve) to rule over the tombs of the Soul. Eve conceived by Adam the first physical body, and when Adam recognized the image of his own foreknowledge, he called his name Seth from the Seth of the Immaculate perfect universe.

The Mother also sent down her likeness and a copy of those who are in the pleroma. Thus she prepared a dwelling place for the pleromas which the future would bring to the race of the visible body, and the Soul.

The Chief Archon made them drink from the waters of forgetfulness, thus for a while they would not know where they were from. But the seed of the Pleroma/vital force, would always be with the physical body in order to assist him, and to prepare a dwelling for those others that may come about.

After a period of time, a savior will come down and awaken the Gnosis within the Soul. Thus the Pleroma might again become holy and faultless.

This particular rendition comes from the Apochryphon of John. John asks the savior if all Souls will then be brought to the safety of the pure light. The savior commands John for having comprehended the great things which he has been told. He furthermore tells John that it is difficult for him to explain these things of the immovable race to others. Then he tells John that those on whom the Spirit of Life descends will indeed be saved, for they will have the power. They will be relieved of the injustice, jealousy, fear, greed and all other emotions of the physical universe.

John asks if the Spirit of those who do not realize those works will also be saved. The savior answers him that the Spirit will descend, and the Power will descend. They will change for the better because of the power which he says will descend on every man because without the Power none can stand upright.

After that, he says the Spirit of Life will increase, and the Power of the pleroma will strengthen the Soul. No one will be able to lead it astray with evil. Then he tells John that on them that the counterfeit spirit descends, they will be drawn toward Yaldabaot, and they will go astray.

John asks where the Souls will go after they leave the flesh, and the savior answers that the Souls in which the power of the Spirit has become stronger than the counterfeit spirit will flee from evil, and through the intervention of the incorruptible Spirit it is saved and taken up to the rest of the eons.

John then asks the Savior where the Souls will go which have never known where they belong. The saviors tells him that in those, the despicable spirit has taken strength after they went astray. The evil spirit furthermore burdens those Souls and draws them to works of evil. They become submerged even further into the cloak of forgetfulness. After that soul escapes from the body, it is handed over to the authorities which were created by the Archons, and they are again cast into prison (a physical body). This happens to these Souls then until such a time as they are released from the forgetfulness and acquire knowledge and, start on the road to perfection, become Man and are saved through the pleroma. It does not again get cast into another flesh.

Then John asks the savior where the counterfeit spirit comes from. The savior answers that the Epinoia of Light raised up the offspring of the perfect race in the bodies of Adam and Eve and when Yaldabaot realized that their thinking surpassed that of the Archons and that they were exalted above Yaldabaot in the Light, they became jealous.

With the authorities, they planned and became able to seduce Sophia, and bitter fate was born through this action. Furthermore, this made a bond between the physical and spiritual Soul which is so strong no one can readily break it.

The forgetfulness which it brought made it nearly impossible for anyone to discern the injustice being done. All had hidden sins which bound them with time and space.


The chief Archon repented of everything which he had brought forth. This time he planned to bring on a flood to destroy the work of Man. But the power of the Light of foreknowledge informed Noah, and he proclaimed it to all the offsprings which are the son of Man. But those who were strangers to the world of Light did not listen to him. They were hid, not in an ark as the story of Moses goes, but in a luminous cloud. And she who was of the world of light was with them, and she shone upon the people who were rescued from the flood for the Archon had again brought darkness upon the Earth.

Yaldabaot made another plan with his powers. He sent his Angels that they may come onto the daughters of men and take some of them for themselves, and raise offspring for their enjoyment.

At first they did not succeed. When they saw the plan would not work they gathered together and made new plans. They created a counterfeit spirit who resembled the descended spirit in order to pollute the souls through it. The Angels also changed themselves, and their likeness unto the likeness of the mates of the daughters of Men. Then they mixed these created images and filled them with the darkness and mixed the darkness with evil.

They brought gold and silver, and gifts of copper and silver, and they steered the people they got to follow them into great troubles, leading them astray with a great many deceptions.

The people started becoming old before they had found enjoyment. They died before they knew the truth, and thus the entire population became enslaved forever. From the foundation of the world until now.

They took women, and begot children out of the darkness according to their spirit of darkness. They closed their hearts and hardened the hearts of the followers.

Dardakeas, the perfect protennoia of all changed himself into his seed. Dardakeas was first existence. He is the richness of the Light. He is the memory of the Pleroma.

He went into the realm of the darkness where he endured until he entered the middle of the prison and the foundations of chaos shook. And he hid himself from them because of their wickedness, and they were not aware that he was there (in a physical body).


He returned a second time, coming forth from those of the world of Light, and he, the remembrance of the vital force, entered the midst of Hades to accomplish his task. Again the foundations of Chaos shook and might have been destroyed. He left that they not be destroyed before their time.

A third time he went to the midst of the darkness of Hades, and he filled his Light with the Light of the completion of their time/space. He entered into the midst of their prison which is the humanoid body, and he said, "He who hears, let him get up from the deep sleep."

Man wept and shed bitter tears and said, "Who is it that calls and brings hope to me while I am in the chains of the prison?" He said, "I am the Life Force of Light. I am the thinking of the Virginal Spirit. Arise and remember, and follow and guard yourself from the demons of chaos and the Angels who would ensnare you. Beware of the deep mental sleep and of the enclosure of the insideHades."

"John," he say's, "I have now completed everything in order that you might know and understand. I have said it all to you that you might write it down and hand it secretly to your fellow spirits, for these are the mysteries of the immovable race. Just remember this one thing. You must know Gnosis, for only then can you overcome fear. The lamp of Man is the mind, and when leaving the body at death, let not this Light lessen by fear, for fear is darkness, and you would then be powerless over the minions of the physical universe whose weapon is darkness."


The soul is what gets contaminated by the physical universe and not the physical universe by the Soul. It is the same as when you mix flax and wheat. The flax is not what gets contaminated, it is the wheat, and in the physical universe, the reason for the Gods attempting to snare souls is because they desire some wheat to go with their flax.

The teachings of the Gods and worship of them is based on an evil teaching intent upon trapping the Souls, and not liberating them. The Soul has no evil within it and thus it has no comprehension of evil, and this is why they implicitly believe those who state they are attempting to help them. In the physical universe, the Soul eventually looses this, the innocence of babes.

The heart of the Soul (if we may use that expression about an entity which has no physical parts) begins to harden as soon as the spiritual manifestation it is becomes betrayed often enough. When Man in this fashion starts getting hardened, he has started on the road to becoming a part of the physical universe. The spiritual world can never cause anything evil. The physical can never cause anything which is good!

Mark 10:15 states: "Verily I say onto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall not enter therein." This means we have to regain our innocent trust of that which is truly spiritual. Do not however confuse this with stupidity. With Gnosis, we will also be able to discern between what is truly spiritual and what is of the evil Archons.

The heart of the Soul begins to harden when it is betrayed often enough. The trapping of the Soul Begins as soon as the heart of the Soul hardens.

 Chapter 8

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