Chapter Six

And in the Beginning


After the creation of the immortal sphere, the physical universe and eventually the earth were created. The next task was the creation of a physical body for the son of Man, and here it becomes far more difficult to rid the material of the christianized elements of the text.

The creation of bodies for the son of Man was evidently far more important to the Gnostic Christians, and a far more controversial issue judging by the amount of material on the subject. This in itself is also another indication that the material is far older than anyone until now has been suspecting. The ones who had attained Gnosis were not themselves preoccupied with the creation of physical bodies, but others were. This material would then have been gathered through the years and employed to explain to new members exactly how the creation of the physical bodies came about.

The details of these renditions would also have been altered as time went along. As the philosophical and theological beliefs of the new adherents were from different societies, things were changed to accommodate the new philosophies. One may be tempted to discredit the ancient writings because of this change, but I see no reason to. The only important part is the underlying material, and as the current Bible is still being changed to accommodate new knowledge, I see no reason why society should have been different way back when.

In the Old testament there is no mention of the creation of the various characteristics which made up man. Gen.1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." But then, if we look at the rest of the actions of this Deity mentioned in the Old Testament, this would have to be expected. Besides, if any truth exist to the Gnostic material, we would expect the origin of our spiritual selves to be the last thing the Deity desired us to know anything about. In the Gnostic material, Man was elevated above the Hebrew Deity. He would thus desire us to be ignorant of our true selves. The Gnostic material clearly indicate that Man had a far purer and more elevated status than the Hebrew and all other Gods.

According to the Gnostics, the Hebrew Deity attempted to control and subjugate Man to his jealous whims and mold him into a part of the physical universe in order that he might be able to steal the power of radiance from Man and his mother.

In the Old Testament it is only stated, "And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he them." (Gen.1:26,27)

This creation story is not very much of a story. The other thing about this creation story is that it is not consistent. First he makes Man in the image of the Gods and then he creates Man. Here we have but another indication that the Gnostic's were correct: God desired to make Man into something he was notthe image of the Godsand then he created bodies for these images. The second creation story in Genesis offers us a bit more information, but not much. The first part is from the so called Yahwist source, or "J." The second more frequently referred to part is the priestly rendition: "P." "J" has supposedly been written about 1000 B.C.E, but there is absolutely no real evidence that this is true.

The only material which exist to indicate the possibility that any part of the Bible was written that far back that is employed as proof is material written a few hundred years ago which, in itself, is falsified material. No material exist which would indicate the Bible or any part of it was written prior to the Persian occupation of Jerusalem a few hundred years before Christ, but there is an awfully lot of material which indicate the Bible was written afterwards. We will have to take another look at some of the false material we are thought later while we continue removing the cloak of darkness.

"P" was supposedly written about 450-550 B.C.E, but no material from this period is available either (420 is correct). The earliest written Biblical material was the Nash Papyrus from Egypt of some of Deuteronomy. It is from about 150 B.C.E. Thanks to the Dead Sea Scrolls, we now have material for study which may be as early yet much indicates the earliest written records from Qumran date from the first century B.C. An entire Isaiah scroll was among other things discovered in Qumran. It was Translated about 50 years ago into Hebrew, but as yet only a few pieces of the material have appeared in English.

Those pieces are controversial when it comes to the context, so when the scholars tell us to read Isaiah in the Bible to know what the rest of the Dead Sea Scrolls contain, it makes some of us wonder just what it is they have discovered. Rest assured, only the most flattering pieces have been publicized, and when these cast doubt over currently held beliefs, the rest contains embarrassing material not only for Christianity, but Jewry as well. Had the material from Isaiah not been controversial, the Church would have released the material ages ago. It takes no genius to figure out the fact they are hiding this, the most important document from the general public. It makes one wonder at the intelligence of the people who are willing to follow the Church, when they in this fashion hide truths from the lemmings they are leading over the edge.

But more about that later. More also about the biblical material discovered, which was written 2500 to 6000 years ago. Material which is far more significant than any of the Dead sea Scrolls.

It is not my intention to encourage discourse, we have enough already, I would like nothing but harmony. Should some of the material be other than what we would like it to be, we would only see what has been known and protected for hundreds of years. In honor of the Gnostics whom I would like to be identified with, it would only be right to set the record of the Gnostic material straight. We would not be able to do this if we did not set the record straight of related material while we are in the process.

With the amount of material unearthed all over the Near East in the last few centuries it is hard for many experts to understand why more of it does not align with biblical material. These "experts" are all looking at it with closed eyes and a closed mind. The material unearthed does not fit with the biblical material because the Bible was not the source of this material. The Bible fits very well in with the material unearthed because it is where the Bible got it's material from.

The Gnostic had many different types of scriptures. These can be categorized as those belonging before Christ and those after Christ. The pre Christ manuscripts are far more interesting, but this does not mean there is no validity to the Christian doctrines and theologies. These doctrines have been so reworked it is hard to make out exactly what the originals said. We will tackle that later, for now we will concentrate on the creation of the bodies.


We go back to the time when Dardakeas had finished his mission in the physical universe. Ialdabaot is the lone idol of the physical universe. Now he is ready for some creating of his own. The luminous spirits which exist at this time are an object of jealousy to the God. It is a presence which is superior to him. It is a presence which possess a power of the immortal light which Ialdabaot desires. And he desires some allies of his own.

The darkness created by Sophia is immortal. Ialdabaot is immortal. The stars and the planets along with the black holes are not. The physical universe is mainly composed of what is referred to as plasma. Plasma is what we have in a welding arch. It is what we have in lightning. The physical universe is not self sustaining. It's demise would be imminent once all unbegotten spirits leave. The mission of Ialdabaot and his minions is to trap the unbegotten spirits in order to make the physical universe persist. When Dardakea was here it was not the mission to make the spiritual depart, neither was it to ensure that the physical would persist. The idea was to first of all make the spiritual a part of the physical for so later to extract all the spiritual from the physical.

Dardakeas needed three missions in order to stabilize the forces within the physical universe. First he was able to make the forces congregate into a black hole which subsequently exploded. This reversed gravity, and permitted expansion. Once again the forces were brought back together into a black hole.

After the next explosion a part of the spiritual manifestations were with the elements of the physical universe. A third time these forces were gathered and after the resulting explosion there was enough spiritual energy within the physical universe for Dardakeas to stabilize it enough to form some order and endow the spiritual entities with enough of the pleroma (pleroma is spiritual energy, the opposite of plasma.) to become enlightened.

By the will of Dardakeas, the habitable planets were formed and here is where the luminous powers of the spirits were to be permitted to be set free. Now this all came prior to formation of any physical bodies. The physical bodies were not a part of the luminous entities which we are, and never will be.

The physical universe is mortal. We are not. The physical universe will be immortal if the spiritual entities are made to be a part of the physical universe. The physical universe will be immortal if enough of the sons of Man are thinking of themselves as being only physical bodies, or the artificial soul having a DNA identification as `I'. If the God Ialdabaot can make the son of Man (us all who read this) believe we need physical bodies for identification, the physical universe will be immortal.

The knowledge of Dardakeas, and how the physical universe came about is inherent knowledge to us all. The best plan Ialdabaot could come up with was to have innumerable sons of Man on a planet. When the planet is about filled, it is to be swallowed up by another black hole before the amount of spiritual free pleroma of Man is such that the truth is regained.

When these Souls are swallowed up in the black hole, the subsequent explosion into another similar dimension of space/time is where these Souls will get life started again through the DNA.

The Father is Truth, oblivion came into being because of Ialdabaot. Yet the responsibility lies on the shoulders of wisdom, the characteristic of Man who desired to do it alone.

Living as in a fog, unaware of truth, Ialdabaot worked on matter in an imitation of Truth. Ignorance of the Source brought about anguish and terror. He started a creation through power and beauty to trap those of the Source. This creator, also referred to by some as a father is in reality oblivion and not the Father. When the Truth becomes known, the fog will vanish as if the sun had arisen on a beautiful summer day to give us light.

After the natural structure of the immortal beings had developed out of the infinite, an image emanated from Sophia. This became a product which resembled the primeval light.

Immediately it's will manifested itself as a likeness of heaven having an unimaginable magnitude. Sophia herself is said to have acted as a veil between the immortal beings and that which came into being in the dimension of time.

The idea that there exist a veil between the realm of the physical and immortal does not make sense. The idea must have come from the cloak of darkness which was placed over Man in order to keep him ignorant. There are no veils shielding the immortal, awareness is the only requirement for immortality and it is available to everyone. This awareness is then the realization of dimensions beyond our three dimensional perceptions of today. A good start to this is when one understands how the mind is not of a three dimensional universe.

The notion it was the original source which was responsible for the physical universe must have been abhorrent to some transcribers. Sophia was blamed with the creation of Ialdabaot while in fact Ialdabaot was but another manifestation of the original source.

In the limitless realm of Truth there are no shadows. The limitless Light is everywhere within it as was previously mentioned. Darkness and chaos exist in a dimension totally apart from the living radiance, and this dimension is what Sophia is supposed to be covering with a veil.

The shadow was a vain force which aspired to grandeur, yet he perceived that there was something in existence which was mightier than he was. He felt envy and became impregnated by his own desire. This engendered jealousy, and since that time, the principle of jealousy has been apparent among all the works of the world of chaos. Jealousy is an abortion without any spirit within it. Like a shadow, it came into existence in a substance of matter.

This bile came into being in the chaos from where it went to its lowest regions. His substance was made apparent like the substance of afterbirth which flows out of a woman after she gives birth. This was matter. Matter did not come into being from chaos. Matter is a part of chaos.

After these things had come to pass, Pistis (faith) came and appeared over the matter of chaos which had been expelled like an aborted fetus because there was no spirit in it. All of chaos was limitless space and bottomless matter.

Pistis Sophia saw what had come into being because of her deficiency and she became distraught. Her disturbance took form as a fearful product and rushed to her out of chaos. She turned and blew into his face which was from below, in the abyss.

Pistis Sophia desired the thing without the spirit which she had created to take form and come into being to rule over all matter and forces which she had created.

A ruler appeared for the first time out of matter. He was androgynous, lion like in appearance and he had great authority with him. Sophia asked him to pass through here, which is Ialdabaot, and this became his name. The Ruler Ialdabaot is ignorant of the force of Pistis Sophia.

He did not see her face but, in the reflections of the waters, he saw the image of a likeness which spoke to him. Because of this he called himself Ialdabaot. Ariel is what the perfect call him, for he was like a lion. Now when he had been given the authority over matter, Sophia withdrew into the realms of her Light.

The ruler envisioned his magnitude, he saw only himself, matter and space and, he believed he was all that existed. Ialdabaot is the first Archon and he received his great power from his mother. He became strong, and removed himself, and there created his own spirits.

The ruler conceived an image and, through his mental image concept, created an androgen. The androgen cooed to him and Ialdabaot called him Yao (YHWH). Seven androgynous Archons he created and he gave them feminine as well as masculine names. This was done through the influence of the thought of Sophia.

The Archon, or prime parent of chaos, proceeded to create beautiful dwelling places for all his offspring. Those he called heavens. In these heavens were then created myriad's of Angels, lords, archangels and virginal spirits in order to serve and worship the androgynous ones.

Those forces have a luminous fire which still exist. He created authorities for himself so that what was above might be reflected in what came into being below. The authorities were his images to the best of his abilities to create. They were to be his aids in the ruling of the cosmos. The names of these are then given, twelve in all.

This Archon who was over the physical universe is weak. He has three names. The first is Ialdabaot, the second is Saklas and the third is Samael. He is disrespectful and full of vanity saying, "I am God and there are no others beside me." The seven Archons created seven powers for themselves, and these powers in turn proceeded to create six angels each. Here we meet the Archon called Yao with the serpents face and seven heads. Yao is the same linguistically as Y.H.W.H. as well as Jehovah and Yawwu from the ancient Canaanite religion.


Because of the power Ialdabaot possessed from his mother, he called himself God. He united the seven powers with the authorities which were with him. Goodness was with the first authority Athot; Foreknowledge with Eloaio. Astraphaio who is the third is over Divinity. Lordship he placed with the fourth one, our friend Yao/YHWH. Kingdom with the fifth Sabaoth; Envy with the sixth Adonein, and finally Understanding with the seventh one, Sabbateon.

We see immediately that these characteristics are not nearly those of the sphere of the Pleroma. While there still are some good characteristics, there are also evil ones, and these can be said to be the characteristics of those of the physical universe. Ialdabaot attempted to organize everything according to the ordering of the first eon heaven which had come into being. He had never seen the first eon heaven, but the power from his mother created in him it's likeness. When he saw all that was around him, the myriad's of Angels and the creation which surrounded him he said, "I am a jealous God, and there is no God besides me." This indicated to the Angels that another more powerful being in fact existed, for if it did not, of whom could he possibly be jealous?

Being impressed with himself, Ialdabaot again stated, "it is I who am God, and no one exist apart from me." This was an offense in the eyes of the immortal beings, and when Sophia saw this she was filled with anger over the contempt of the leader of the physical universe. She said, "You are mistaken Samael," which means blind God. "There is immortal Man of Light who was in existence before you, the Man of Light." "He will appear among your modeled forms and he will trample you to scorn."

When Sabaoth the son of Ialdabaot, heard the voice of Pistis, he sang praises to her because she had instructed them about immortal Man and his Light. When Pistis Sophia heard this she poured some of her light upon him to be a condemnation of his father. Then Sabaoth was illumined and he received authority to oppose the forces of chaos. The forces of chaos were jealous of him because of his Light and made war against him in the heavens. When Sophia saw this, she snatched him up into the seventh heaven and put seven archangels as guards. Thus Sabaoth got to dwell above the twelve Gods of Chaos.

Sabaoth had taken up his place of repose because of his repentance and Pistis gave him her daughter Zoe (Life) together with great authority so that she might instruct him about all the things of the eight heaven. Another voice came forth from the exalted eon heaven saying: "The Man exist and the Son of Man." When Ialdabaot heard this, he thought it was his mother for he was not aware that anyone else existed. This was the voice out of the pleroma, and the voice taught the Archons about foreknowledge and all that which had come into being. The image of the first Man was revealed to them in the reflection in water.

 Chapter 7

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