Chapter Five

The Interpretation


While we look at this, and while I have made some alterations to the above document more than what I have done could be made. "The Paraphrase of Shem" is quite similar to "The Paraphrase of Seth" which by some is considered a Christianized version of "Shem." While the manuscript here written was an English translation of a Coptic Manuscript, a more original manuscript in Greek should be found soon. A manuscript closer to the original language would make it easier to see exactly what the original may have had as its message.

The Three dimensional body of Dardakeas and the three dimensional universe is virtually certain. Another question which may be raised is the one of the ancient heavens. In these documents we see Sophia is left in the eight heaven. We are in the third dimension. Could not also these dimensions be called heavens? Correlating with other material we see the Hebrew paradise in the third heaven, and the paradise described by the Hebrew Deity is a three dimensional existence.

Much material exist where in the fourth Heaven is where the punishing of the Souls take place. Could this punishment not be done within aspects of the Fourth dimension? We know that the Soul leaves the body in this the three dimensional universe after the body is dead. The fourth heaven is as likely as not a four dimensional existence where the implantation of the Souls occur. The implanted picture would be the Soul we are supposed to be. Complete with the DNA structure and certain images which we have as a memory of atrocities we are responsible for. The Hebrew Deity is perhaps Ialdabaot, if he is not, then he is just a clone of Ialdabaot.

Being less than whole, Ialdabaot is not responsible for his evil as Sophia, Wisdom, is a part of every complete Man and thus each and every one of us are responsible whether we be in Hades or any other world. Had Ialdabaot however been able to bear up under his evil, there would not have been formed this other power in Hades, for then the mind would not have separated from him.

The image of the radiance is inseparable from the unbegotten spirit, Man. It can only be clouded over. The light is always there, the cloud needs to be removed. We are that light which came into being. The luminescence came to us through another lineage that we might be raised from the fragile elements of nature. The power of fire and light will remain in nature until all of the powers are removed from the black hole.

Every image into which nature has divided is a power of the chaotic fire.

In order to protect the mind and the whole light of the spirit further from every burden of the toil of Nature, a voice was granted him. This means you are the infinite light. You are able to establish everywhere the light of the spirit upon this place, and separate the mind from the darkness. For it was not right for the radiance to remain in Hades under the cover of darkness.

We are that single sole light which came into being. Dardakea appeared through another lineage in another form in order that our exalted spirit might rise above that of feeble nature.

The light of the space was disturbed by the power of Dardakea. It proceeded to pass through his middle region where it became filled with the universal thought, the son of Man.

The light returned to rest. It received form, and was without deficiency. Still, light was coming forth, going into the middle region of the black hole, and it's gravity began to shine. From it came an unquenchable fire. An explosion ensued, and all the parts began to separate in ignorance. The shock of the big bang cast off the burden of gravity and there was expansion of space. The impure fire mixed with matter and thus the matter might become evil.

Nature which was now disturbed immediately went into action. As she separated from the idle matter, Nature took onto herself the power of the fire. She became strong because the spirit of light was in Nature. Nature's form appeared in matter in the form of a frightful beast with many faces.

A light went down to the plasma filled with mist and dust in order to harm Nature, it was the inherent force of Ialdabaot. This impure light was the cause of another explosion.

The light of the new explosion came to the spirit out of the middle region after which the burden of darkness was cast off. Dardakea confronted the black hole being formed. The force and light of Ialdabaot was drawn to the black hole. When Dardakea confronted her (the black hole), the light which had appeared in the middle region which separated at the explosion shone upon her. The perception of Ialdabaot which was a part of the black hole rejoiced as she perceived things she had never perceived before. She rejoiced at the light though it was not hers. The force of the black hole and the perception of Ialdabaot in it's wickedness was brought down to matter. She thought she had reached the power of the light. She did not know the root of evil had been brought to idleness by the likeness of the light of the spirit, and it was to her the light of evil had run.

The light of Ialdabaot was gravity. The light or force was at the middle region and called Ialdabaot. Therefore his thought gazed directly up at the exalted luminescence where he called out to Adamas pleading for mercy. He said his light and his effort had gone astray. He pleaded with Adamas that his mercy and goodness might establish him. When Adamas heard this, he had mercy on Ialdabaot.

This was so we could be independent in our own power. We are independent of all the other powers. We are independent of the light of the spirit. We are our own spirit of luminescence. We are also independent of the intercourse with darkness. This way, at the end of time/space when nature becomes but another black hole, we will not have to be trapped in it since we are free. Instead, we can rest in the honored place. You will be found faithful, for you have loathed the unchastity between Nature and darkness. The strong power of your mind came into being from the original mind and the unbegotten spirit.


Because of the unbegotten spirit, the image of the spirit appeared on the earth and in matter. For you are the light.

You all posses a share of the winds and a share of the demons and a thought from the moment of the big bang. What Ialdabaot brought forth from the black hole upon the earth was not a good thing because of the images which appeared in us from the spirit. Man is exalted in his hearth. It is blessedness for one to depart from the artificial Soul to go to the thought of the light.

Ialdabaot is the first spirit who captured a Great power from his mother. He became strong and created for himself other spirits. He became more arrogant and begot authorities for himself. He shared his fire with them, but not the light which he got from his mother because he was ignorant as to how this would also have benefited him. When the light had mixed with the darkness, it caused the darkness to shine. When this light had mixed with the darkness, it was neither darkness or light.

The weak Archon has three names. The first is Ialdabaot. The second is Saklas and the third is Samael. He is the ignorant one, he is the one who said, "It is I who am God, and there are no others." He is ignorant of his strength, and he is ignorant of the place from where he came. The Archons created seven powers for themselves and each power created another six angels and they were 365 angels.


Source had desired to have an effect may be surmised at the beginning. The effect he had with his creation was undesirable so it was discarded. That which was discarded was also a part of Source and the part of Source missing had to be rescued.

In order to retrieve this, the attributes previously looked at was created and when they were completed, we had Pigera Adamas. Pigera Adamas was Source, but now Source was complete. Dardakeas who left to retrieve the missing parts of Source did not retrieve these parts of Source, but enabled this manifestation to become complete and thus become Adamas. Ialdabaot was originally the desire by a part of Source to have hegemony over all that existed. This was contrary to the nature of Source, so it was deemed evil.

Where this was discarded was a dimension where change occurred and thus it was a dimension of time. The amount of particle matter which composed the original black hole would have been negligible, but because time was here, the energy of the spiritual manifestations would have been enough that, when the explosion of the original black hole occurred, the force itself was a manifestation of more matter.

This matter then was in contact with what is spiritual and the spiritual ejected or rebelled against matter which again assembled into a black hole. This new black hole was where Ialdabaot went. Ialdabaot would still only have been a force, and when Dardakeas followed, another explosion came about of this black hole. A third time, matter collected and exploded and thus there was enough matter for an expanding universe.

It was Barbelo who first came into being apart from the original universe, imperfect and unsure. When he was to be rescued, that which did not desire to change became Ialdabaot, and that which was spiritual was the force which was perfected. That which was perfected was "Son of Man." The original Barbelo still existed in the original universe, the new force was independent, yet had the ability to aspire to equality with the original Barbelo. The part of Barbelo called "son of Man" was not lesser than the original, it existed in a different dimension and could re-enter the original dimension or exist in a non time dimension of his own. That something was created at the beginning rather than after the perfection of Man would have been but reasonable.

Had something erroneous not come from Source at the beginning there would not have been the knowledge we needed to become perfect Man. Afterthought was the first perception!

Sophia had also been a spectator to all of this. She had seen the result of the desire she had. She also witnessed, after Dardakeas left the physical universe, that Ialdabaot changed himself to an image of a dragon with a lions face. His eyes were like the bolts of lightning and his breath was like the smoke from a volcano. Indeed he was the first spiritual entity capable of stealing Great powers from his mother.

He became more and more powerful, and he soon became able to create for himself authorities other than himself as aids. He just became more and more arrogant and created continually more entities to rule over. He was said to have shared his fire with them, but not the light which he got from his mother. The reason for this was because he was ignorant of the power of pleroma. He did not understand the fact that if he shared the light there would be but more light available for everyone. When his light had mixed with the darkness, it made the darkness shine so that now it was neither darkness or light.

This weak Archon has three names. The first name is Ialdabaot. The second name is Saklas, and the third name is Samael. He is the unknowing among entities and it was him who stated: "It is I who am God and there are no Gods other than I." He is unknowing when it comes to his powers and he is unknowing when it comes to his place of origin.

The original Archons who were created managed to bring forth seven powers each, and each of the powers created six angels so there were a total of 365 angels.

It was manifested earlier that Sophia had to remain in the eight heaven until her mistake had been rectified. Earlier, we also saw that twelve manifestations were created. Now why would Sophia have to remain in the eight heaven until the error was corrected? Was not the creation of these twelve characters of man this correction? The Sophia here talked about would not have been the same Sophia which was the last of our characters which was developed. Knowledge comes from afterthought and it is an established fact that we all learn from our mistakes.

Our Source desired to have an effect and create a duplication, and that is what can be established from the beginning which came about. The effect by his creation was undesirable so it was discarded. That which was discarded was also a part of the original Source, and the part which was of the Source had to be rescued. In order to rescue the discarded part of the Source it was imperative that our characters which we looked at earlier be created. When these attributes had all been created, the Source was renamed Pigera Adamas.

Pigera Adamas was also the Source, it was just that now the Source was completed. Dardakeas, which was the name given to another duplication of the Source, who had as his object to retrieve the lost light, did not come back to the home universe with the light.

What happened was a revelation. The lost light was given the mental image concepts of the complete Man which made the lost light independent. It seems knowledge was the only way for this light to get back, and the completion of the knowledge had to be done through experiencing the aspects of the physical universe, and retrieving all the lost parts of the light from matter.

In the end it seems like we have to take responsibility on our own for retrieving all the Gnosis required to succeed in freeing ourselves from all adverse influence of the physical universe.

In the document, Dardakeas clearly talks about his three dimensional body rather than his three garments. He had already stated he could not bring his natural, splendid body. Surmising this is the case, it would not be difficult to see that it would be totally impossible to remove someone from a three dimensional to a four or more dimensional world. Even if someone should have the desire to leave the three dimensional world, it would be impossible to do so while the person still regards the three dimensional world as important. While a little Gnosis would easily make one see what the physical universe really is, it would be the chore of leaving other spiritual entities within the physical universe which would be hard. The only remedy is what the Gnostics have always stated: "Knowledge."

This natural splendid body of Dardakea would also solve some other riddles. We have the Egyptian society, which about the time Moses, supposedly floated around in the famous ark and built such great places as the Cheops pyramid. This pyramid was a feat which man today would have trouble duplicating. What is difficult to understand is this concept promoted by today's scientists regarding these people. They could erect fantastic structures, yet they had no idea about any of the real truths in the universe. In other words they were mechanical geniuses and spiritual morons.

This is wrong; the Egyptians were most assuredly much further developed in spiritual aspects than today's society. It is hard today to fathom what the Egyptians really thought when it came to religious concepts. There is a definite lack of material because the Christians were able to destroy a great amount of it. This lack makes a complete study very difficult because it seems the Egyptians were also aware of a fourth dimension. Their embalming of the physical corpses which they, like the Christians, thought would rise again is most assuredly a confusion. The four dimensional astral body could have been confused with the three dimensional physical body. Another theory is that the Egyptians were more aware and the embalming was done in order to make the Gods believe they were not in possession of certain knowledge. This would have freed them to pursue truth without bringing upon themselves the Wrath of the Gods.


Ialdabaot is a wish which we run into, and will as long as there are spirits trapped within the physical universe. His original wish was to ascertain that he was over everyone and everything else. As soon as he discovered that something else existed, he still had the desire to be the origin of the "all." In order to prove this, he desired to rule over all that existed. This ran totally against the thoughts of the true original Source and that was the reason he was deemed evil.

The discarded creation was dismissed to another dimension where change took place. This means that as the Monad threw it away, he was still in the process of creating and the change he was doing continued. Since change continued, time became an element. The amount of substance which was discarded would not have had to be great at all in order for it to have been the basis of the creation of the physical universe. In order for the creation of the first black hole to come about, I believe you would not need any more material than the amount we see in a mustard seed.

After the explosion, because of the amount of spiritual energy which was available, great amounts of matter would have come about, not because of the amount of material discarded, but because of the inherent energy which was there. Matter was after the original explosion in contact with that which is spiritual. The spiritual rejected this matter and it was repelled. Matter was then again gathered to form another black hole. This new black hole was where Ialdabaot continued his development. At this stage, Ialdabaot would not have been an entity, he would just have been the energy which later materialized. When Dardakeas followed, there ensued still another explosion in the new black hole. This again came into contact with the spiritual which still rejected matter, but this time when matter gathered into a third black hole, it brought along some of the spiritual energy. By this time, there was enough matter available to create the physical universe which we now see all around us, with the myriad stars and galaxies.

That which was unsure was discarded. It was realized that it had to be rescued and there was now an impulse within that needed to be rescued which perceived itself as the first and the greatest. This part which did not desire to be rescued became known as Ialdabaot, and it was designated as the dark spirituality. That which could be rescued was also spiritual, this spiritual impulse became known as "The son of Man." The original Barbelo is of course still existing in the original universe. She is now perfect. The new evil impulse desired to be completely independent. He also has the possibility of becoming equal to the original Barbelo in our original universe.

Son of Man is also Barbelo, and he is not of a lower position than the original once he is completed with all the attributes and characteristics which Barbelo was completed with. Son of man would be able to return to the original dimension after he is thus completed, should he so desire, but this would not be a necessity. He could exist wherever he might desire, including a non time dimension of his own making. He could be in another non time dimension where others were which he himself would create, or he could, if he so desired, remain within the physical universe where he now is.

While we could remain in the physical universe, it would not be really so much different because we are now in reality in a different dimension while experiencing the physical universe through physical bodies, the basic difference would just be that we would be aware of existing in a different dimension, and could operate in this different dimension freely while also operating a body in the physical universe.

While the spiritual energy which was originally in the physical universe was not complete, it just had to become completed in the same fashion as Pigera Adamas was completed.

In order for this to be possible, Dardakeas was the force which entered the three dimensional universe. All those who operate bodies are on the road to becoming completed. We would not have any problems becoming complete had it not been for the efforts of Ialdabaot. Now he is powerful, and while this is not our natural universe, it has become his. He is at home here while we are not, which is to his advantage. The only thing we need for completion however is Gnosis.

 Chapter 6

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