Chapter Twenty Seven

We have seen that there is not any reason to support an outdated feeble system of worship. Let us take another look at Gnosis.

Our origin is not from within the dimension where we now find ourselves. Frightening isn't it? We are like "gun shy" horses, galloping off in fear at the slightest sound. We had our minds made up and here is a different reality. Sure we did want to know the truth behind it all, but this was not the truth we desired. The truth we were looking for was that someone would come along and magically lift us to a "heaven" of bliss. We desired a "truth" which is "the easy way out," not one where we are the ones who are responsible. So we are alcoholics dying in a mire of blindness, what of it? We want to continue looking and just as long as we never see, we will be fine.

Oblivion is comfortable, knowledge means responsibility, hand me another bottle please! The above is going to be the response of many a person. We are just not mature enough to face the fact that the reality we seek is not the reality of our dreams. The God may be evil but we desire to make excuses for him in order that we can carry on along the same treadmill to nowhere.

The real state of affairs on the planet today, especially the Western societies, was brilliantly described in Plato's Republic 2500 years ago. Here, Plato describes Man as sitting inside a cave in a position where all they can see is the rock wall in front of them. They cannot turn their heads but are stuck in this one position. Above where they are sitting, there is a low wall and behind this wall, people walk carrying various statues of such things as animals and people. Further back, a fire burns which casts a shadow of these statues on the wall directly in front of these people sitting in the cave. Like today's society, their reality is limited to the shadows they see on the wall. The shadows to them are the real wall. The voices of the people carrying these statues are the voices of the statues.

Like the people in the cave, most people would be afraid to see that these shadows are not the real thing. You would rather live with the imagined reality you have become accustomed to. Wake up! Life has much to offer beyond the shadows on the wall!

We may also here use another piece from Plato to see how we react to the information contained herein. According to Socrates it comes from the ancient Greek rites and refers to those that elect to seek wisdom. The saying is: "Many are called but few are chosen."

In other words Socrates states the many are called to the quest for wisdom, yet few manage to separate the body enough from the evil trappings of the flesh to truly acquire wisdom.

Yes, I am fully aware that the same thing is found in the Bible and supposedly used by Jesus (Matt. 22:14, for many are called, but few are chosen.) This is religious plagiarism. It does not come from Christianity. It was never issued out of the mouth of Jesus as anything other than a reference to Greek philosophy.

Every time a religious leader or priest uses it, it refers to the chosen ones in Christianity. He is a liar without regard for honesty.

The "Source" does not partake in time. If no time is to be reckoned with, we would not be able to say it happened in the past. It did not happen in the future. We could say, `it always was since always' is also a concept which does not exist within the physical universe.

Out of Source a concept took form. This concept was of all that existed. All that existed was contained within the Source and the Source was in all. This concept was called Barbelo and would not have been the creation of a separate entity. It was only the beginning of the Source perceiving. It was the first perception which came about, forethought.

Perceiving forethought brought about foreknowledge and that was how something came out of nothing. Forethought could also be defined as the ability to think. The ability to think was what engendered foreknowledge and incorruptibility. Incorruptibility indicated that what had to now come into being was the ability to think coupled with perception of things in the future. Incorruptibility was the ability to perceive what is real instead of what one would like to see.

Only some of the manuscripts found relating to the origins of our perceptions have truth. I do not believe truth belongs here. I believe forethought, foreknowledge, incorruptibility and eternal life were the original. These together may have been a truth, but it is irrelevant. The manuscripts then continue and state that a spark between the Source and Barbelo proceeded to create the self-originated, but what is above is the self-originated and it does not belong. These together were called the Christ. Christ in Greek means the savior, but also the anointed has the same word in Greek. Rather than this being any anointed being or a Christ, it was just the completion of the first phase in creating the intellect of Man, the mind.

It was the necessary fulfillment of what had to take place for something to come out of nothing. There could have been another Source, yet had these manifestations not come about in this order, there would not be anything more which came forth from it. Should another Source have created for itself a mind and attributes necessary for life to form, could it be that we at some level of perception might become aware of this?

It says here that this also was the word. This is wrong. Word comes from the Greek Logos. The Divine Logos, and it is far beyond the spoken word, is the mental image concept. There have been a lot of problems with the Greek Logos because we have just forgotten the fact that before the word came the mental image concept. Besides, at the initial stages of creation without anything physical, there could not be anything spoken.

It is also the case that the confusion of the languages of Man by En-Ki/YHWH or whatever one desires to call the Archon, was the confusion of the mental image concept. The mental image concept is that power which, on its own, is capable of creating Life. In fact, there is no Life but the Life created by the mind and all that Life originates from the mental image concept. The next thing to come about were from the mind, Will, Thought and Life. With these three qualities are associated four powers which are Understanding, Grace Perception and Prudence. From these four again are associations which are inherent in our qualities. With Grace there is Truth and Form. With Understanding there is Love and Idea. With Perception is Conception and Memory. With Prudence is Peace and Wisdom.

These were then incorporated into a single being called the perfect Man. The perfect Man is referred to as Pigera Adamas.

Now there is no reason to see this as anything remotely relating to anything Christian. There is no reason to see this as anything but a simple explanation of how thinking Man came about. This could well have been a part of what was buried in the sands of Iraq and revealed again after the Flood. While the Flood most assuredly was the Flood which is referred to as the "cloak of darkness," there was in reality also another Flood by water. That Flood was engendered in order to deceive. When the writings are found from the time discussed, there will not be any religious references in them. No holy, no subjugation, only revelations and true revelations this time.

We do not need more documents to complete the awareness of Gnosis. Many a person will want to wait and see if I am correct when I state more will be discovered. Those are the ones who desire an instant fix, the easy way out. What Gnosticism proposes is not a difficult way out, it is not a different way out. The only difficulty is adjusting the mind to the facts. It would be interesting to see more Gnostic material come out of the ground which predated the Sumerian society of 2,500 B.C.E. To wait for it is an effort in futility. This entire planet could easily be swallowed up in a black hole at any time and if you desire to wait around, you would then really get to wait around for a while.

The Gnostic explanation is the only one available which finally makes sense. The creation in Genesis makes no sense. It does not explain what the Soul is. It does not explain what created the Soul. In the Old Testament, the God claims that all Souls belong to him, but there are no claims made by the God that he created them. I can just hear someone say that if he claimed they belonged to him he would have had to have created them. Not true. We already looked at the dismal characteristics of this God. I would not trust anyone with that type of personality to truthfully tell me anything. The God did not create the Soul. We also saw where he claimed his Soul was grieved. His Soul, my Soul your Soul, their Souls are all erroneous terms.

That which thinks is the Soul. When someone talks of having a Soul, they are only revealing ignorance. It is how we are supposed to think and this is the road to oblivion. I once heard a woman say that if rape was inevitable, the best would be to let the rapist have his way and get it over with. This might be true in such a case. The memory of the atrocity would continue and make the experience last, but the physical violation would be over.

The situation we have when it comes to ourselves the Souls is an entirely different one. That situation will never be over. There are no one else which can rescue us, we have to do it ourselves. We are not talking bodies, we are a talking awareness manifest in a body. When our awareness is gone so are we.

The Apochryphon of John explains the origin of the Soul. When the Soul was completed, it was called Pigera Adamas. It was the perfect Man. Nothing here is contradictory. When a Christian is asked where God came from his reply will be that he always was. The Gnostics go beyond this stating that this came about beyond time/space. It states the Source never partakes in time. What better definition could there possibly be of "always having existed?"

When Irenaeus, in his books "Against Heresies," proves that the creation of our spiritual selves as stated in the above material could not have taken place, he sites his opinion that nothing could have come about from nothing. Later on he tells us how his God created all which is from nothing, not even considering the fact that he spent valuable ink and paper proving this could not be done.

There is no wisdom in the Old Testament. Wisdom is never expressed by anyone including the prophets. There are a lot of assertions about the wisdom and knowledge of the "Lord," but it is never demonstrated. All that is there demonstrated is hate and violence. Jealousy and a short temper. Justifications and accusations. There exist no one and nothing to look up to in the entire Old Testament and very little if any in the New.

There are no laws given to Moses which were superior to the laws of any other Near Eastern peoples. There are some which are inferior, but none superior. By far, the best laws were those ancient Sumerian laws, possibly dating from before the time of the Deluge since they were just. No vindictiveness and no discrimination. The laws of Moses were most like the Canaanite laws, but inferior.

After the components of Man, or the Soul if you will, an experiment was made by wisdom attempting to create a duplicate of wisdom. This attempt was a failure. It is said by the documents that it was because wisdom did not consult the rest of her faculties. This explanation was made after the fact. It was like those who carried the message of Gnosis forward through time. They had to assign causes to it all.

They invented the saviours, they invented the holy and the rest of the revelatory dialogue to go with it because they were not in possession of the necessary data by which to judge the material being transmitted to them.

So it was with Sophia's (wisdom) creation. There was no prior Gnosis by which to evaluate the experiment so it failed. After the experiment failed, it was discarded and ejected into a dimension where it would not affect those of the Spiritual Universe. Since this creation is written at the end of the creations of the characteristics of Man I keep it there. In relation to time/space, this creation which failed was the reason why the characteristics of the perfect Man had to be created and it belongs at the beginning.

In the Spiritual Universe, new entities would come about, not through sexual reproduction or creation of duplicates. It would be but a mental image concept of the formation of separate thought. A duplicate would come about where neither of the two entities would be the new entity. They would both be the original. They would be identical until such a time as they formed separate mental image concepts.

The discarded failed project was a failure in more ways than one. Along with the failure some of the Pleroma (Spiritual Essence of Man.) was discarded along with the failed conception. It was deemed necessary to retrieve the lost part of the Spiritual Universe, or at least make its existence tolerable.

The spiritual entity is Luma. The Luma is thought full of hearing and word, united into one form. The darkness is wind in matter. Darkness possesses mind wrapped in a chaotic fire. Between them is the Spirit. A gentle humble Light. These are the three sources. They prevailed alone yet they covered each other, each one with its energy.

By the will of the Luma, dark matter separated causing the ignorance of darkness to come forth. When he stirred, the light of the spirit appeared to him. When he perceived it, he was startled. He did not know that another energy was in existence. In order that the mind of darkness might not be destroyed, it arose and shone with a fiery light upon all of Hades.

The likeness of the Luma appeared to the Spirit. This appearance was in order that the mind of darkness might not remain in Hades. The mind drew the chaotic fire from the midst of the Darkness and matter, and from the Darkness the matter became a cloud. From the cloud, the black hole took shape. The chaotic fire went there.

When the Darkness saw the black hole his mind dissolved down to the depths of Nature. It mingled with the energy of the bitterness of Darkness. The black hole's eye ruptured at the impact. It was a seed of Nature. When the Darkness had acquired the likeness of the black hole, it resembled the Spirit.

Nature rose up to expel the darkness. She brought forth the cloud, and the cloud shone. An intellect appeared in it like a frightful, harmful fire. The mind collided against the Spirit since it possessed a likeness from the dark mind, then Nature was divided into four parts. They became forces which varied in their appearance. They were called Space, Time, Energy and Matter. Space, Time and Energy were chaotic fires. The mind was drawn from the midst of the Darkness and matter in order that harmful matters might not cling to it. That way, the mind would be able to return to its power.

The dark Source appeared in another black hole. At the division of Nature, he separated from the dark energy which he possessed from the mind. The mind went into the midst of the energy, the middle region of Nature.

The Spirit of Light, when the mind burdened him, was overwhelmed. The force of his Gravity cast off the burden, and the burden returned to its Source. The dark mind put on the Light of the Spirit because of the encounter. When Nature moved away from the energy of the Light of the Spirit, the burden returned. The Gravity of Light cast off the burden again.

It stuck to the cloud of Space. All the clouds of Darkness who had separated from Hades cried out because of the alien Power. He is the Spirit of Light who has come in them. The Son of Man flowed out like a wave of bright Light and like a whirlwind of the immortal Spirit. He blew from the cloud of Space onto the Gravity of the unbegotten Spirit.

The cloud separated and cast Light upon the clouds. These separated in order that the Spirit might return.

The Light of the infinite Spirit came down to a feeble nature for a short time until all the impurity of nature became void. It put on a body which is the body of the Light.

The Son of Man came in the appearance of the Spirit to consider the whole Luma, which was in the depths of the Darkness in order that the Spirit by means of the Word (mental image concept) might be filled with its Light independently of the energy of the infinite Light. At its wish, the Spirit arose by his own energy. His greatness was granted to him that he might be filled with his whole Light and depart from the burden of Darkness.

What was behind was a dark fire which blew and pressed on the Spirit. And the Spirit rejoiced because he was protected from the frightful matter. When the Spirit arose above matter, the black likeness became apparent.

The three roots became known as they had been from the beginning. "I" was seen, the Son of Man, in order that the Light of the Spirit might not become faint, and that Nature might not reign over it. "You are the great Power which came into being." The image of the Light is inseparable from the unbegotten Spirit. And the Word took me to himself, from the Spirit, in the first cloud of the Space of Nature. And the threefold unity of my body appeared in the cloud in a single form. My likeness was covered with the Light of my body. And the cloud was disturbed. It was not able to bear my likeness. It shed the first energy, the one it had taken from the Spirit, the one which shone on him from the beginning, before I appeared in the word to the Spirit.

The Light which came forth from the cloud passed through the silence, until it came into the middle region. By the will of the Pleroma, the Light was mixed with the Spirit which exists in the silence. It had been separated from the Light by the cloud of silence. The cloud was disturbed. It was he who gave rest to the flame of fire. He humbled the black hole in order that she might not reveal other seed from the darkness. He kept them back in the middle region of Nature in their position which was in the cloud. They were troubled since they did not know where they were. For still, they did not posses the universal understanding of the Spirit.

The Light which was in space was disturbed by my energy, and it passed through my middle region. It was filled with the universal Thought, and through the word of the Light of the Spirit, it returned to its rest. It received form in its root and shone without deficiency. And the Light which had come forth with it from the silence went in the middle region and returned. And the cloud shone.

From it came an unquenchable fire, and the part which separated from the gravity put on forgetfulness. It was deceived by the fire of darkness, and the shock of its gravity cast off the burden of the cloud.

The fire mixed with matter in order that matter might become harmful. Her likeness appeared in matter in the form of a frightful beast with many faces. A light went down to plasma filled with mist and dust, in order to harm Nature. And the Light of gravity which is in the middle region came to it after he cast off the burden of the Darkness. Adamas rejoiced when the Spirit arose. He looked from the clouds down at the dark matter upon the Light which was in the depths of Nature.

Therefore I appeared that I might get an opportunity to go down to the netherworld, to the Light of the Spirit which was burdened, that I might protect him from the evil of the burden. And through his looking down at the dark region, the Light once more came up in order that the black hole might again explode from the matter.

The black hole came up by my will. Guileful, she exploded. The Light which had appeared in the middle region and which had separated from the Gravity rested and shone upon the dark mind.

The dark mind did not know that her root was made idle by the likeness of the Light, and that it was to the root that the Spirit had run.

And the dark mind called out begging for mercy admitting his Light and effort went astray. When the unbegotten Spirit perceived this, he had mercy on him.

I appeared in the cloud of the space, in the silence, without my body. With my will, I honored my body which has three forms in the cloud of the Space. I wore it, and its two parts appeared in a single form. Its other parts did not appear on account of the fire. I became unable to speak in the cloud of the Space, for its gravity was frightful, asserting itself without humility. In order that the word might appear, I placed likewise my other body in the cloud of the silence. I went into the middle region and put on the Light that was there. Luma had sunk into forgetfulness and was separated from the Spirit of gravity, for he had cast off the burden.

Then I took off my body of Light. I put on another body of Fire that had no form, which came from the mind of the energy, and was separated from matter. It had been prepared for me, in the middle region. The middle region covered it with a dark energy in order that I might come and put it on.

I went down to the plasma to save the whole Light from it. For without the power of Darkness, I could not oppose Nature. But I rested myself upon her staring eye which was a Light from the Spirit. It had been prepared for me as a body and a rest by the Spirit. Through me, he opened his eyes down to Hades. He granted Nature his mental image concept.

With my garment of Fire, I went down to what is strong in Nature, the part covered by the power of Darkness. The wrathful black hole appeared emptying the mind. She was hurt and cast off the Spirit. I put on the Light of the Spirit and I put on the body of the beast. In no other way could the power of the Spirit be saved from the bondage. I requested that the Heaven and the Earth come into being, and they were created. Nature arose and blew upon matter. The Heaven was created, and from the foam of the Heaven the Earth came into being.

This is basically how Dardakeas described the Creation of the physical universe in "The Paraphrase of Shem." The complete concept is not one which is readily understood by everyone. While it can be understood in relation to physics, Dardakeas may have been rightmany will not grasp this before they leave their physical bodies.

There are no reasons to believe this was the Creation of the Heaven we see and the Earth which we now are on. It would rather be the Creation of the physical universe with the stars and planets on which Life might evolve. To fully grasp it we need to comprehend an absence of time/space. An absence of time/space cannot be understood by the physical universe where everything is dependent upon the existence of time/space. Were it not for time/space, there would not be any changes within the physical universe, so there would not be a physical universe.

In reality, the three dimensional physical universe has a fourth dimension which is Time. Width, length, height and time are the components of the physical universe. Time is not a part of the native universe of man, so to state it is a four dimensional universe is not really correct. It is rather a entirely foreign universe to what we perceive within the physical universe.

What had been a mere error now took on new dimensions. Because the entity was permitted to survive, a new dimension was added to living. How this all happened, I believe, is put a little out of order. It would have been the case that the Creation by Sophia was done prior to the completion of the perfect Man. The Original Source most assuredly would have created an image of Himself which was deficient. Seeing it was deficient, it would have been discarded and the Source would have desired to create a perfection of the Spiritual. This would have brought about the manifestations and the characteristics of the perfect Man. After the perfect Man was created, an attempt would have been made to retrieve the Spiritual Essence within the new Universe.

When perfecting the Spiritual Essence within the new dimension, Power was added to the spiritual manifestation, and at the same time, Power was added to the entity Yaldabaot who in reality was also a Spiritual entity. When Yaldabaot was made more powerful, his allegiance was to the physical. He was not an entity which we know in the physical universe, and neither was any other Spiritual manifestation. In the dimension which these existed, it would not have been possible to strengthen one branch without also strengthening the others.

To consolidate his powers, Yaldabaot created separate powers of his own known as Archons. These were also spiritual entities though they were not perfected. They perceived the image of the immortal sphere and desired such a manifestation in their own universe which brought about the Creation of the astral Man. This entity was without any power and with little or no mental abilities until, from the immortal sphere, he was granted an essence of the Pleroma. At this stage, he would have been enabled to exist as an entity.

Now the Archons saw this being as a potential treat to themselves and their world. Nothing in this realm could simply be killed and be done away with. We are dealing with a dimension separate from the eternal realm yet not with the physical manifestations whose bodies can be killed. In order to limit the abilities of this "creature," the Archons first attempted corruption via physical sexual deception. Sexual reproduction within the realm of the universe we are dealing with would be possible, yet would not be sex as we know it.

The Essence of the immortal sphere being aware of what was happening came to perfect this new being. A teacher appeared to teach the beings referred to as Adam and Eve the Essence of the immortal realm and the truths in regards to the Essence of Man and their separate universe. The creation of an offspring by the female Essence and the Chief Archon was a part of the divine plan. By having every seed as it is referred to, all Spiritual manifestations of this new dimension could become a part of the spiritual universe.

After the original couple has become informed their Essence is alive, the Archons are jealous. Now is when they are given a physical soul. This physical soul is the genetic entity which it took 365 Archons a long time to create (yes, I know, 365 is the days in a year). The Man was given the artificial soul then he was imprisoned into the physical body and that was when the lineage of Man was started. The Soul was now trapped into the physical body with an artificial soul. This soul was the DNA and the real Soul was to believe this image of the DNA blueprint was who he was. He was made to believe he had been a failure in order that he could be controlled. His offsprings were intercepted between lives and indoctrinated by the Archons between bodies to ensure the cycle continued. The offsprings would inherit from the parents a copy of the DNA to ensure the survival of the physical.

Chances are none of this happened on this Earth. Chances are none of this happened in this galaxy or even among the other galaxies in the physical universe which we can detect. This would not matter at all. This universe would have started in its own time/space after an explosion of a black hole. Some souls would have been trapped within the black hole and they would have been attempting to modify the expanding universe per the DNA instructions which they had and believed they were.

After the expanding Universe had settled down a bit, stars and planets would have been formed and physical reactions would have enabled the living organisms to take form. These living organisms would have come about due to the Spiritual entities which were attempting to get their lives to continue so they could have bodies in which to worship the Archons.

They could have operated the bodies of these primitive life-forms and there would have been a start in the evolution of the forms within the environment of a certain planet.

When development reached a state where the bodies could be operated and a mind could have formed where thinking was possible, these bodies where able to communicate with each other.

Regardless of the Source of each of the Spiritual beings operating the bodies, if they were not re-indoctrinated between lives in the physical bodies, they would, after a while, be able to establish a harmonious relationship with each other.

The Cloak of Darkness would start to lift and salvation would have been imminent. To prevent this from happening, there would be Archons monitoring Man. What happened on this planet was that there was a golden age prior to the Archons arrival.

Quite possibly, Son of Man was here, and if the Steles are found in the Near East which I believe are there, this will be known. These Steles could however also exist other places on Earth. After the arrival of the Archons, there was a Flood by water which brought a great majority of the Spiritual beings out of their bodies so they could be indoctrinated by the Archons. The Flood was of water which was not important.

The Flood was also an indoctrination of implanting Man with false concepts. The Gnostics called this the "Cloak of Darkness" and this was important. The Golden Age of Man was over for now.

The next Golden Age comes about when there is enough Pleroma to offset the effects of the Archons. Each and every Soul contains an amount of Pleroma. The good people of whom it is said they would give you the shirt off their back have more Pleroma, and in criminals, the Cloak of Darkness is impinging so hard that the Pleroma has been all but buried. But in every one there is Pleroma and when this amounts to enough, an escape from the Archons becomes but a matter of time. This is not supposed to happen, so another black hole should be just around the corner.

Just how many planets may be inhabited within any one galaxy is impossible to state. Life may have started about the same time on many planets due to the original Souls which were trapped in the black hole, then far more than these souls after Life was began on one planet would be available to start Life over. After a body dies, most Souls remain in the vicinity of their planet awaiting another body to be jailed in. Many others are on their way. Most are in search of the fabled Heaven. They become lost among the planets, stars and black holes, and some of these would get Life going on other planets.

When we get to a planet such as the Earth, part of our indoctrination is also a false history. We are implanted with a reverence for the God(s) and their work. We are indoctrinated with how great and good the God(s) are, and we have just looked at how false this is. While there are different Archons, their tales are very similar. We see the Gods of Sumer exhibit much the same characteristics as those of Egypt, the Vikings and the Hebrew Deity.

Archons are Archons and they vary little until such a time as they tire of their work and start inhabiting humanoid bodies. When this comes about, they too start on the road to better themselves while at the start, they are most often very antisocial. But be careful here and do not deem any person who is antisocial an Archon. We are all from the immortal realm, and we are all Archons.

At any one time, the characteristics we exhibit vary from life to life. Understand however the fact that from life to life is erroneous. From body to body is correct, similar to what was stated by the North American Indians or the Vikings and many other peoples. The only thing some of them were not aware of was that the eternal hunting fields or the eternal battle fields they went to was right here on the same planet. This is true, yet I did meet an Indian in the California desert who told me the real reason the Indians were so upset over what the White Man had done to their country was because they knew the eternal hunting grounds were where they lived, and now the White Man had taken them away.

The Life that one is continues alwaysone has no life like one has no soul; one is a Soul and one is Life. Be it from body to body, be it in this dimension or any other, the one Life which one is has no beginning and it has no end. The responsibilities one shirks in one physical life will have to be faced in another.

The quest of the Archons is a failure, yet it may well also be a success. It is a failure because the physical universe as they envisioned it can never come about. It is a success because for many a Soul there will not find that much of a reason to leave it once he becomes aware. This is not a perfect dimension or a perfect universe. Perfection has a big drawback and it is called boredom. In the physical universe, we have games, lots and lots of games. No matter what awareness level we are at, we can find games within the physical universe.

There is only one way the physical universe could cease to exist, and that would be if all Pleroma should be removed. We do not really have any reason to do this. The only thing worth doing is to make the individual Souls aware and free them from the cloak of darkness.

For the physical universe to cease existing, all Souls within it would have to become One. This could happen, but is not very likely. How this could happen is not very difficult. Should you and I totally agree, if our mental image concepts were to merge we would become One.

I would not loose anything and you would not loose anything. I would not gain anything and you would not gain anything. It would not be a bigger Soul or a more intelligent Soul or a more able Soul. That which thought would still be that which thought and the "I" as I understand myself to be would still be what thought. But on the other hand, the "I" which you think of yourself as would be the "I" which thought.

This new "I" would still be the same one as the old one and would in the same fashion merge again. This could go on until such a time as all Souls had merged and there was only the one Soul remaining within the physical Universe. When this came about, the physical universe would be so boring and "I" would be so lonely "I" would either have to return to my native universe or start the process all over again in the physical universe.

So what do we have? What is reality? First of all, let us look at all those heavens of the ancients. The realm of the Source is not where we will go back and have a myriad of Souls frolicking about. It is impossible to have a quantity where time does not exist. It is impossible to frolic without the element of time. We have no challenges without time and we have no problems without time.

To go back to this original dimension would be to merge with the Source. We would not be a plurality or a singularity. This entity may be complete perception, but I am so far away from that state that I see no advantage for me by joining the Source.

Now, I stated we all exist in a non-time dimension. This is deduced by material such as the Gnostic manuscripts, Greek philosophies and other evidence. But we are not the same non-time dimension as the Source. We are of the same dimension, but in fact, there is a different dimension of non-time for each and every one of us. We bring into our own dimension the interaction with other Souls' dimensions through our experiences within the physical universe. We also bring into our universe a lot of garbage which is of the physical universe, and when we assign to those things importance, it becomes our demise.

The Soul's which interact within the physical universe can be said to exist at one certain level of awareness. Souls which interact within different levels of awareness can be said to live in different heavens. The heavens are definitely not like the ancients viewed them. The heavens of the modern religions which we saw described in 1 Enoch are no heavens. These heavens are locations in time and space. Locations in time and space are of no value other than as playgrounds.

If you managed to get through all this and are still wondering why I believe we have to do something about our beliefs, I will state it again as simply as I can.

To begin with, the Sumerian God En-Lil killed off people while En-Ki confused their tongue. The Egyptians stated that at the end of the world, there would only be left the "snake" which Man did not know about and the Gods could not see. The Sumerian God who was trapped in the turtle's body had to be released before the turtle died or he would have been trapped within the physical universe. If you still do not see the severity of attaining knowledge (Gnosis), read it all again. I could explain it here, but some things, one has to be ready to comprehend before one can grasp it.

According to the ancients, the implanting done between lives may well be done by the snake talked about by the Egyptiansthe building block (DNA) of all entities in the physical universe.

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