Chapter Eighteen

The Exodus

For lack of evidence, speculation abounds in regards to the sojourn of the Israelites in Egypt. Egyptian and other records indicate they were aware of a race of people known as Hapiru, but because it is known that these Hapirus had the same worship practices as the Canaanites, the experts are reluctant in recognizing these as the Israelites. For our purpose, it makes no difference if they were the same.
It was speculated that Hapiru as well as Israelites and some obscure "others" were a working class of people in Egypt who would hire themselves out as laborers. They subsequently became too powerful and the Pharaoh put them into slavery. This is not attested to in any of the Egyptian writings. With excuses, today's experts explain this away by saying the Egyptians only recorded their victories and not their failures.

Moses was supposedly the father of the Israelite covenant. In order to straighten out our minds and lift the cloak of darkness a bit more, we need to take a further look at this part of the Biblical record. As the record stands, it is part of the trap for the Soul which has been implanted among humanity by the Archons. Many will feel the mention of the Archons is the pushing of another belief and that it is not yet adequately substantiated. First, we are not done looking at the Gnostic records and what they really state and, what this really entails. Before we do this we need to lift the cloak of darkness. Second, no religion is pushed, once one attains Gnosis. No Church or religious order is necessary for him.

We already looked at the fact that the eternally burning bush was the Egyptian symbol of the eternal sun. We saw that the God "I am that I am" was the God of the Egyptian Pharaoh. We also saw this verified through the records of the fathers of the Christian Church so no more material regarding the question should be required. Since the time of the Exodus fits quite well with the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt by the pharaoh with the same name as Moses, it fits very poorly with the alleged Exodus by the Church which state it happened some 300 years later.

Also mentioned was the fact that recent archeological finds strongly negated the possible Exodus by the group of people depicted in the Bible, and these archeological finds are also being explained away.

The art of the time when the Israelites were supposed to have occupied Israel according to the Old Testament reflect Canaanite and sea people motifs and not Israelite. Archeological data from the United Kingdom which should show the reign of King Saul, King David and Solomon is absent. The data found is very controversial. It indicates, as has here been stated, that the kingdoms were those of the Palestinians and the Canaanites. This should have been expected before any digging started out. We hear very little about these facts due mainly to the dream of religious leaders of verifying religious material by excavations. When on the other hand, the material uncovered indicate current religious beliefs are the greatest hoax ever, this is only what the Gnostics could have told them years ago.

Had the deception been an innocent one, there would not be any need to expose it. Here, we are dealing with the only thing which really has any importance, the essence of Mana betrayal of what is spiritual is the only real crime possible and anyone guilty of attempting to discolor the importance of righting the spiritual essence of Man has no idea of the magnitude of the crime he is perpetrating against himself and his fellow Man.

The plan of Solomon's temple to YHWH is nearly identical to Canaanite temples as well as Syrian temples. This includes construction material, furnishings and altars. There is a simple reason why the art from the time of the United Kingdom reflect the Canaanites, Phoenicians, Palestinian and other tribes of people. The current religion of the Hebrews was not found represented before after 420 B.C.E. and the simple reason is the fact that current Hebrew religious practices did not come about until the second temple era in Palestine.

About the only written material from the 11th century are three arrowheads. There is mentioned Ben Anat, also well known from Canaanite and Ugarit. Mentioned in Judges 3:31, the Bible has here the same figure fighting for David the Israelite King. Or was David a Canaanite King? There is lots of evidence to support David as a Canaanite figure and, outside the Bible, none to support him as an Israelite. Prior to this time the name David was not even Israelite. The name David was only known previously from Ebla, a city which was a precursor to the Canaanites. In Psalm 57:4, David says he is in the midst of lions who are also depicted as sons of men.

The Lions depicted were Canaanites. Warriors were depicted as lions and to be in the midst of lions was to be in an army. Sons of Men were the chosen and the fact that these soldiers are Canaanite and David quite likely himself was a Canaanite reflect a far more plausible background for the wars in Israel at the time of Saul and David than the one professed by the Biblical tradition of the Israelites escaping the bondage in Egypt. When the sheep lived with the lions was when the soldier came home to his wife and children, the lambs. When the lamb slept in the mane of the lion, we could easily picture that of a contented and happy couple. The animal kingdom has nothing to do with the ancient lamb and lion Paraphrase.

Some important writings were discovered along the Gaza road written at the time of the United Kingdom reflecting Deut. 6:9 where YHWH commands the Israelites to write upon the posts and gates, the only problem with the writings are that they talk about YHWH and his Asherah. Asherah was the consort of the god El. She was the mother of 70 gods. Asherah was also often in myths, the cohort of the Canaanite god Baal and then she would have the name Baalat. She would have been removed from the Israelite cult at the time of Josiah when he was altering data to fit the concepts of his mind. Yammu however had no wife and this was one of the reasons he was jealous of Baal. En-Ki did and En-Ki/Ea was also referred to as the God El, so chances are the Israelites were a bit confused at the time. The Israelites did exist at the time in Palestine but, as the New Yorkers do not make up the race of Americans, the Israelites of the time did not make up the population of the area called Israel or Palestine.

Qaus was the chief among the Edomite Gods, and a great many Edomite temples were extant at the time of the United Kingdom in Israel. And why should they not have been? Supposedly, they were the descendants of Esau. The fact they also worshipped a God which, according to the Bible, was different than the one of the father of Esau should surprise no one. The Edomites might have worshipped according to the ancestors, what is abundantly clear is that the current Israelites are not worshipping the Gods of their ancestors. But on the other hand, they are. All these Gods are Archons. What they are referred to when it comes to names and other features is not really so important. Worshipping the Archons is about the same as the lamb of the animal kingdom worshipping the lion of the real animal kingdom.

Another frequent find dating to the time of the Kingdom and before was the three horned God. The three horned God was a depiction of Baal. Early Judean alters were four horned and early Judean pottery was also found. Again we see even more figurines here, this time from Judeans of the mother goddess. The indications are not that these were the relics of any pagan cults, or that these came from Israelites who had joined the foreign camp which still existed in Israel, it is rather strongly evident that this was a reflection of the religion and beliefs of the Hebrews after the Exodus. Thus it would also have been their belief at the time of the Exodus. It is utterly ridiculous to say that it was that way in those days and this was the reason the later prophets came along to change the worship practices of the Israelites. The Israelites did not ever have their own religious practices prior to 420 B.C.E. and that is the real reason that no Israelite beliefs can be verified earlier. The Israelites were to the Canaanites like the people of Van Nuys California are to the rest of the people in California. The people of Van Nuys do not make up the people of California, they are a people in California, and these people belong to an even larger group which are usually referred to as Americans.

The amount of relics found at any one area are proportional to the people of the area. If all the material discovered support the idea that the people were Canaanites and Palestinian worshipping according to the ancient Canaanite traditions the reason for that is because the people in the area at that time were Canaanites worshipping according to Canaanite traditions. The most amazing thing is the fact that the discoveries show such a coherency when it comes to the traditional worship practices at this particular time in history.

The most striking fact is that the twelve tribes most certainly included the Edomite's, the Canaanites, the Philistines, the Moabites and the Kenites. There were in fact twelve tribes, more appropriately races, including Hapiru/Hebrews, Israelites and Syrians and, they drove the Egyptians out of Palestine. This was the people of the area who drove the Egyptians out in about 1,250 B.C.E. and the Egyptians had occupied Palestine for a few hundred years at the time. The coalition of these twelve races of people drove them away from their homeland. This was not an army of refugees out of the Sinai desert. Sure, some fugitives may have arrived from bondage in Egypt, but this would have been a very insignificant group. It was basically the people of the land who drove out the Egyptian armies which were stationed in Israel. At this time in history, as demonstrated by numerous sources including archeological discoveries from Israel, Egyptian papyrus records and such, the Egyptians in fact did occupy the area.

(I can virtually see someone attempting to adjust this data to their minds.) Back to the Clay figurines. Booth the Israelites and Judah had these clay figurines of the fertility Deity, and presumably it was worn by females as ritual symbolism of fertility as was done by numerous other peoples of the areas. There were also from this time period in the archeological research a great number of female sphinxes, lions and a tree of life, as depicted by other so called pagan peoples of the area. The later Israelites referring to these people as pagans is nothing more than calling themselves pagans.

This indicates that the reforms by the later prophets were indeed a real reform. 7th century B.C.E. is suggested by some, but I doubt many real reforms came about until after the conquest by the Persians. These were quite radical, but then one has to bear in mind that those prophets were greatly influenced by the dualistic religions of the Persians and the influence of Zoroastrianism which in itself could quite adequately account for the change. As we know, the Persian King Darius who was motivated by Zoroastrianism was the King who permitted the Israelites to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. There were prophets prior to this, but like for example Isaiah, his material was Canaanite in nature as revealed by the finds at Ugarit. The worship of one God would not have existed in the original Isaiah, it was a later rewriting of the material.

The winged sun disc, the calf, the cult of Asherah and Baal all flourished in the area at the time, as they did in places such as the court of Solomon. Archeology is just now starting to release some of the discoveries. Many other are still buried and should we discover that the mind and the data are not compatible, so be it. There is no fool bigger than the fool who clings to outlived theories once data proves them invalid. Should this be discovered to be the case, the sooner we know it, the better. We have a far better philosophical and theological doctrine from the Gnostics. The only thing to fear would be the ignorance of maintaining an outlived theory.

Since we see that all the ancient Canaanite customs were those of the Early Israelites, and that the Canaanites were not adversaries of the Israelites until more than 600 years after the eviction of the Egyptians from Israel in about 1,250 B.C.E., we should let the facts speak for themselves. We do not need to justify the beliefs by irrational excuses and justifications. Should it be discovered that the beliefs of the Christians are the empty canals the Gnostics spoke off 1,700 years ago, it will not really change anything. There is no loss in loosing a dead cult.

The majority of other art works of the early Israelite period was of Egyptian origin including Gods and myths, and this does not indicate the tradition was brought back from Egypt. Rather, it reflects the fact that the Egyptians had been ruling Israel for centuries prior to their eviction before the turn of the millenium.

One of the more frequent motifs of Egyptian origin was the Sphinx. In Israelite literature, the Sphinx has been translated Cherub or Cherubim. Another frequent art motif was the lion attacking the bull, and though this motif was supposedly of Canaanite origin it can be seen as dating back even further to the Sumerians.

The earliest record of any surviving biblical literature which in any way at all confirms the Hebrew traditions are the Dead Sea Scrolls from the Essenes found at Qumran, possibly dating between 150 B.C.E. and 150 C.E. All earlier documents found contradict the Biblical traditions far more greatly than those.

Numbers 6:24-25 states: "The Lord bless thee and keep thee. The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee." This is the most famous of all the blessings and it has been found from prior to the Dead Sea Scrolls, but this proves nothing as it is quite likely an Egyptian blessing. But, it could equally have originated with the Canaanites or from Ebla or even Sumer.

The Israelite custom of burying in family graves was practiced by the Canaanites from long before the so-called Exodus. The burial practices of the Israelites were no different than those of the rest of the people of the area. Offerings were also found in the Israelite burials: numerous vessels containing food and drink for the dead and included oil lamps to light the way in the afterlife.

The Canaanite language has been described as being ancient Hebrew. In other words, the Hebrews got their language from the Canaanites and what could indicate social intercourse more than the adoption of another people's language?

No remains at Jericho are indicative of violence at the time of Joshua (Joshua 6). There had been a wall at the city earlier, but here the remains indicate it had fallen a lot earlier by Egyptian armies. The narrative of Joshua 8 is also denied by archeology. The area had been viewed and reports of the area were correct, but there was no war.

Judges also contradict Judges in regards to Jerusalem (1:8, 1:21 and 2 Sam. 5:6). Judges 1:8 is either fictional or relates to an incident regarding a conquest far earlier which would not have any association with the Israelites unless we were also to include the Canaanites with the Israelites which we could not really do, as the Israelites got their material from the Canaanites and not the other way around. Another city where previous actions and wars were adopted was the city Ai. Ai in Hebrew means ruin, and when they came to the area, they discovered ruins from an earlier era and invented a war to go with the ruins.

The modeling of skulls from about 7,000 years ago in the land of the Bible indicates a belief in the afterlife. The Soul was though to reside in the skull.

About 4,000 B.C.E., motifs were created about a snake and a tree. However, should this indicate anything about the snake and the garden of Eden, so would it be that our views have to radically change regarding the subject of Gods and theology. Family graves date back to 4,000 B.C.E. in the area.

The first Egyptian Pharaoh is depicted as a wild bull conquering Palestine. Egyptians, like Canaanites, depicted Gods as wild bulls.

There was vast destruction in Israel at about 2,300 B.C.E. This was most assuredly done by the pharaoh Pepi who left a great many records showing his successful campaigns against the sand people as he called the people of Palestine.

Third century art from the area is a depicting of the creation story according to Enuma-Elish and pre-Marduk En-Ki. Besides the God, the people depicted are also dressed according to the dress depicted in Sumerian art. Another figure found there is the two headed god, an assistant to En-Ki named Isimud.

From 2,000 until 1,500 B.C.E. was a time when Canaanite culture really thrived. The Palestinians were called Retenu by the Egyptians and were attacked by the Egyptians about 1,900.

Amorite names were also very closely associated to the names of the Canaanites. The personal names in the patriarchal stories are West-Semitic and are common in the area from 2,000 B.C.E.

In the early Isrealite art, God is depicted as standing on a bull. This is a representation of Baal. Huge standing stones in Canaanite religious services are reflected in places such as Joshua 24:26-27, Judges 9:46-49 of El-Berit Lord of the covenant. The El of the covenant is also Canaanite and the Canaanites covenants with their Gods are reflected in the Hebrew tradition. The entire region fell to the Egyptians about 1,500 B.C.E. when, according to the Bible, it should have been the Israelites who conquered Palestine. The Egyptians ruled Palestine quite peacefully until about 1,300 B.C.E. when intensified pressure against their occupation was felt in Palestine and the Canaanites were successful, with the help of many other tribes of people to expel them by about 1,250 B.C.E. According to the Bible, this would be about correct including the area of Canaan being liberated. The only discrepancy is who was being evicted and who really did the evicting. The feats of others have always been attractive for those not involved in them. Many a man has claimed heroic deeds he had nothing to do with. That the Israelites claimed to have been the ones who were responsible for having made past events come about should not be a surprise to anyone. But let us not in any way make a religion out of this jumble of historical events.

Beth Shemesh was supposed to have been an Israelite settlement. Archeological evidence however reveals that it was settled by the Palestinians. No Israelites were there, and all this signifies is that the Israelites identified themselves with the Palestinians. When they used Sumerian tales it was because they identified themselves with the Sumerians. When they used Canaanite stories they identified themselves with the Canaanites. When they used Egyptian tales, they identified themselves with the Egyptians. It was only following the return after the Exile in Babylon, almost a thousand years after these tales that the religion we now know started developing. The stories the people earlier revered were at that time reevaluated. Either they had to be changed or dismissed as having had anything to do with the Israelite race. They were changed.

The twelfth century B.C.E. saw a great influx of people. Sea people, Philistines, Tjekel and Dor, But there are no more Israelites. The Tjekel, a sea people, lived at Dor. In the Bible, Dor was given to the tribe of Manesseh who did not drive out the Palestinian population. Could the Tjekel have received the name Manesseh? No other likely explanation exist. Places such as Lachish had the most beautiful of pottery, yet no Israelite presence was even detected. It was the Philistines who rapidly expanded trough the country after the ouster of the Egyptians. They did not rout the Canaanites but absolved them. Numbers 21:1-3 and 33:40 show the Israelites destroying Negev. Archeology indicates this has to be a direct lie at best invented about 420 B.C.E. Some people lived in Nagev about 3,000 B.C.E. but they disappeared and it was never resettled until after the time of Solomon.

Numbers 21:21-32 is even more absurd. No settlement ever existed in the area prior to the year 1,000 B.C.E. After 1,000, it was extremely sparsely populated with only a few scattered settlements. No Amorite settlement was ever there for them to subdue. Neither is there any evidence of a Moabite Kingdom.

However, the tradition about Balaam the seer is verified (Numbers 22:24). Plaster inscriptions were found at Tell Deir Alla. The only problem here is that the seer lived at about 700-600 B.C.E. and must have returned a few centuries into the past to aid the Biblical heroes. This is also further evidence that religion was rewritten about 420 B.C.E. In 420, the people did not really distinguish between what happened two hundred years earlier and what happened a thousand years earlier. If the tales looked good together, they were adopted. Scholars also agree that the conquest by Joshua in Josh,1:11. is fictitious, stemming from about 450 B.C. Joshua 10:40-41 with regard to Jerusalem and the surrounding area are also indicative of the ouster of the Egyptians by the Palestine. The same goes for Hazor, and all the wars of Palestine. For example, Judges 1:18 is contradicted by 1:21 and 2 Sam. 5:69. The significance of these stories must have changed after the Egyptians no longer were the oppressors. The Israelites may have been involved in fighting some wars but these were not against the Palestinians or Canaanites, they were against the Egyptians. The ethnic distribution of Canaan as recorded in the Bible prior to the conquest by Nedbudchadnezzar is definitely wrong.

The great Kings David and Solomon were most likely not Israelites, but Canaanite and Hittite respectively.

Judges 20:21 has a well fortified city in the war against Benjamin. Archeology reveals a poor insignificant town. The facts are distorted. The Bible is not a great revelatory book of facts, rather it is a compilations of excuses, justifications and wishful thinking. But, there is yet truth to be discovered in the Bible. Because something is wrong, it would be terrible for us to discard the entire book.

Shiloh was called a great religious center in the Bible, and it was supposedly taken over by the Israelites. That it was taken over is doubtful, but that they worshipped alongside the Canaanites at the same site is very likely.

The twelve tribes of Israel in the Bible were more likely the Canaanites, Philippines, Israelites, Hyksos, Moabites, Tjekel, Denyen, Amorites, Hapiru, Edomites, Kainites and Ammonites.

We need not now do anything about these misleading facts. What is called for is an effort into discovering what really happened and learn how best to develop a sane and safe society for everyone. The mechanical and scientific development of Man has progressed by leaps and bounds while the spiritual has been at a virtual standstill since the closing of the last Greek schools. Since the closures of all the public institutions of learning by Justinian the great and the Church in 543 C.E., Man has regressed spiritually and mentally. He has been under the religious yoke of the Archons. Now is the time to awaken and remove the cloak of darkness. As an example of the effectiveness of the cloak of darkness is the fact that from the time of Socrates in Greek philosophy until these schools were closed in 543, about one thousand years, not one century went by without a great thinker and philosopher emerging. From 543 until today, there has not been one single philosopher that can measure up to these great thinkers. This is not because Mankind as a whole has become stupider through the ages. It is because he has followed a doctrine so repressive that it has been virtually impossible for anyone to come up with a coherent thought. One can only imagine what great philosophical works would have come from the likes of Michelangelo had a saner philosophical regime ruled Europe in his days.

The Jerusalem temple was built according to specifications employed for centuries by Canaanite and others in the area. Even the Cherubims and the molten sea and other interior decorations were images used for centuries or milleniums by the Canaanites and other so called pagans.

In 1 Kings 14:25-29, the Egyptian Pharaoh Shishak is given all the treasuries of the temple in Jerusalem in order to prevent him from sacking the City. This is verified from the Egyptian Karnal inscriptions. Before this, he had sacked the entire new Israelite Nagev region. He swept along the coastal route, destroyed the northern Israelite towns and came to Jerusalem. This is all verified in the Bible as well as by Egyptian records, but what this negates is the tale of Solomon. Just a few scant years earlier, Solomon supposedly married the Pharaoh's daughter, so she would have been a half sister to Shishak. Other things which make Solomon doubtful as the successor to David are many of the feats assigned to him such as the dividing of the child in two to give one half to each supposed mother, which was credited to kings long before Solomon.

For example, the tale of the Dividing of the child in two is told of both Buddha and Confucius, not that this was where the Israelites got their tale from. The tale is Egyptian. The test employed to find the true heir to the throne in Egypt was to propose the division of the country into two parts again. One upper and one lower Egypt. The one claimant to the throne who would go along with this idea was thrown out as an impostor while the claimant unwilling to divide Egypt would be crowned the King. Nothing is really known about Solomon except what was written about him in the Bible. Nothing is really known about David in any literature other than the Bible. All the great ancient kings in the area were named in various literary sources. If we desire to find out who Solomon really was, we will have to look outside of Biblical material. A good place to start would be with foreign kings who were said to have married Egyptian princesses.

The incredible wealth would not have fit into the short time span of Israelite rule. If his power was that enormous the Egyptians would not have been able to take the Israelite towns quite that readily a scant generation after Solomon.

The doubts mount as we learn more and more about the true picture of the time and area. One puzzling thing about Solomon is that he had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines.

Only priests and kings of fertility cults had such harems. One week with each wife and concubine consecutively would provide a new woman every week for 20 years.

As a matter of fact there are absolutely no evidence for the Hebrew religions being practiced according to the law of Moses before 300-100 B.C.E. The data we are left with when examining a small portion of the facts does not agree with the commonly held mind, but this does not alter the facts. Facts which are not as we would like them to be do not vanish by ignoring them. Facts which are not as we would like them to be are not lies because they do not agree with our minds. There are no "other explanations." Those would then be but excuses and justifications for not altering our minds to the facts and many names have been used to describe that situation.

We could devise all sorts of religions. The sky is the limit so to speak and to illustrate, let us imagine someone from of old watched the movie "The Wizard of Oz." It did not take you long this time, picturing all the inhabitants on Earth with their heels clicking together praying. "I want to go home."

What would be the result of such a religion? The witches do not demonstrate grave evil, and we may all be better off than we are today when it comes to crime, but something like that could not be the answer. Any religion based on false premises and erroneous philosophies will corrupt the Soul. This would be far less harmful than our current religious beliefs, but it would still have the form of a cloak of darkness.

The documents from Ugarit tells us the people were fed up with the Gods. The leaders were wishing they would leave Man alone since Man could create a saner safer society without the interference of the Gods. The same is true today! If the Church with their evil God would leave Man alone to evolve his own spiritual and ethical mores, the World today would be a better place to live. The conscience of ordinary people is what has curtailed the evil of the Church, it is not the other way around.

 Chapter 19

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