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The Roman Emperors

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The Year of the Four Emperors

galba.gif - 31015 Bytes Galba
June 68-January 69

There was a big revolt in 68 in response to Rome's growing dissatisfaction with the reign of Nero. Galba, then governor of Hispana Tarraconensis, was proclaimed Emperor by his troops in April of that year and was confirmed by the senate in June. Nero, who had governed for 14 years, committed suicide. His last words were "What a loss to art!". Indeed. No loss to the Roman people, however.

Galba was 70 when he took command of the Empire, but his reign was to last only one year.

otho.gif - 26500 Bytes Otho
January 69-April 69

The proclamations by the armies flew about and the civil strife continued at Rome and its empire. Otho took over after he overthrew Galba in January of 69. He was a strange fellow who enjoyed plucking out all of his body hair. He probably only got to do it once or twice in the exquisite comfort of the pristine imperial bathroom because he only lasted 3 months as Emperor.

vitellius.gif - 26291 Bytes Vitellius
April 69-December 69

This comely example of porcine manliness who accompanied Nero on his gluttonous excursions was proclaimed emperor by his troops in Germany even before Otho had seized power. Vitellius had no military credit to his name and, in Seutonius' own words, "Seldom has the support of the army been gained by any man through honorable means than he won it through his worthlessness". He was just in the right place at the right time.

And he lasted all of 9 months...



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