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This site specifically recommends books for teachers and students of 
Theatre Arts, Performing Arts and Speech. 

However, you may enquire and purchase books and other items on any subject that interests you.  
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Drama Reading

Commedia dell'Arte: 
An Actor's Handbook  by John Rudlin
An excellent text on the Commedia dell'Arte. Covers all the major characters, the history and performance styles.  It also contains detailed instructions on making a traditional leather mask. 

True and False : Heresy and Common Sense for the Actor   
by David Mamet

In bold and controversial style, David Mamet, one of the most significant figures in contemporary theatre, gives his unique opinion on what theatre is all about.

Condemning the "Method" and other actor training "hogwash", Mamet makes no bones about telling actors to simply learn the the lines and say them. A must read.
Stage Management  
by Lawrence Stern

This is regarded by many as THE book on stage management.
It covers all aspects and provides useful resources in the form of graphs, schedules, etc.




The Expressive Body : Physical Characterization for the Actor
 by David Alberts

Drama Books Featured Texts

The History of Theatre
by David Timson, Derek Jacobi (Narrator)

Following the success of The History of Opera, Naxos produces the history of drama and the stage from ancient Greece through the twentieth century in an accessible program. With master Derek Jacobi and actors who excerpt from dozens of plays as guides, the listener is treated to a fascinating chronicle for students, aficionados--and even anyone with a passing interest in history or theater. Jacobi illuminates the cultural heritage surrounding each period in a style both grand and approachable. David Timson's text is rich and involving. The linear sequence is tracked on the CD version, and the excellent liner notes to the plays, the excerpts, and the music round out this significant program. R.F.W. Winner of AUDIOFILE Earphones Award. � AudioFile 2001, Portland, Maine-- Copyright � AudioFile, Portland, Maine

Technical Theater for Nontechnical People
by Drew Campbell, Kis Knekt (Illustrator)

This unparalleled resource walks readers through every aspect of the backstage environment, from scenery to lighting to sound to props, as well as the often-overlooked area of stage management. The book is filled with helpful illustrations, backstage survival guides, and a glossary of key terms.

Comprehensive and easy to understand, the coverage includes:

  •  Working with designers to get the right look
  •  Tricks and tools for set building and enhancing scene-change choreography
  •  Setting a mood and creating focus with light
  •  Sculpting sound with microphones, mixers, and other sources
  •  Understanding floor plans
  •  Assessing a performance space
  •  Developing a prop list Managing a show both on and backstage
Play Directing in the School : A Drama Director's Survival Guide
by David Grote, Arthur L. Zapel (Editor)

Directing plays in schools requires knowledge and talents far different than directing for community or professional theatre. In ten comprehensive chapters the author explains the "real world" of producing effective theatricals in the school environment. He details the pitfalls and the problems while providing ideas for consistently successful shows. He covers budgeting, scheduling, faculty politics, motivating and disciplining students and many other school-life realities beyond a director or teacher's job description. Anyone faced with producing a play needs this book as a "Bible" for guidance and  fulfillment of objectives. A drama director's survival guide.


Mask Improvisation for Actor Training & Performance : The Compelling Image  
by Sears A Eldridge 

An excellent text covering numerous aspects of mask; including historical aspects,
neutral mask, character mask and the manufacture, construction and design of masks.
This is one of the best books I've seen on mask work.
I believe it is an absolute must for any teacher wanting to teach with masks.
Read my review at Amazon.com


Living Theatre  |  Acting  |  Actors  |  Stella Adler Edward Albee  |  Adolphe Appia  | Aristophanes  |  Baal  |  Barrault  |  Barrymore  |  Julian Beck  |  Samuel Beckett  |  Max Beerbohm  |  Berliner Ensemble  |  Edward Bond  |  Howard Brenton  |  James Burbage  |  Bunraku  |  Albert Camus  |  Caryl Churchill  |  Ryszard Cieslak  |  Cirque du Soleil  | Harold Clurman  |  Commedia dell'Arte  |  Jacques Copeau  |  Costume Design  |  Comedy  |  Peter Coyote  |  Cottesloe Theatre  |  Critics  |  Hume Cronyn  |  Dionysus  |  Directing  |  Directors  |  David Edgar  |  Epic Theatre  |  Euripides  |  Farce  |  Georges Feydeau  |  Albert Finney  |  Bob Fosse David Garrick Ben Gazzara  |  John Gielgud  |  Globe Theatre  |  Spalding Gray Tyrone Guthrie  |  Uta Hagen  |  Peter Hall  |  Lillian Hellman  |  Eugene Ionesco  |  Inigo Jones  |  Kabuki  |  Georg Kaiser  |  Elia Kazan  |  Ben Kingsley  |  La Mama  |  Lazzi  |  Lighting  |  Joan Littlewood  |  Judith Malina  |  David Mamet  |  Christopher Marlowe  |  Masks  |  Medieval Theatre  |  Arthur Miller  |  Melodrama  |  Vsevolod Meyerhold  |  Sanford Meisner  |  Moscow Art Theatre  |  National Theatre  |  Negro Theatre  |  Noh Theatre  |  Clifford Odets  |  Laurence Olivier John Osborne  |  Aeschylus  |  Erwin Piscator  |  Harold Pinter  |  Joe Orton Polish Theatre Laboratory  |  David Rabe  |  Realism  |  Ritual  |  Scenic Design  |  Sam Shepard  |  George Bernard Shaw  |  Shamanism  |  Neil Simon  |  Viola Spolin  |  Stages  |  Tom Stoppard  |  David Storey  |  Lee Strasberg  |  Moliere  |  Kurt Weill  |  Peter Weiss  |  Peter Handke  |  Thornton Wilder  | Oscar Wilde  |  Oscar Brockett  |  Robert Wilson  |  Tennessee Williams  |  Wooster Group

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