Vamos Toth Bator
Site of the 40 footprints is in the UMAm.LA Forest (46.00-117 40) east of the RIVER and Town WALLA+WALLA (46.00-118.30) in the company of the RIVERS ASO1IN (46.20-117.30).PALOUSE (47.00-118.00). and PATAHA (48.30-117.30). All the five toponyms."' TOPONYIvI+STRUCTURES are TAMANA ONES - as we can see below:
UMATILLA - illd+Am.LA: Forest in Washington State. USA and Tribe in Oregon (45.38-118.35).
UM:+ATllLA is formed like UM:+Kalobi Mountain (28.54-30.08) and UM:+Lele Town (33.10-27.41) in South-Africa. UM:+Bala Island in Maldives (6.59-72.53). UN+Tur3n River (2.00-65.20) and Mountain (1.30-64.10) in Venezuela and UN+Zenta Mountain in Japan (33.05-129.38) and AT+I+LA Mountain in Maori-Zealand. Town in Bangladesh. Chad. Ethiopia. Finland. Three WELLS in the Sahara Desert. UM:+ATILLA is formed ~e UN+Csuk.UN+Gyura Town-Section in the Carpathian Basin. Then: AmLA: a ftequent topoIl}1Il+structure in the Carpathian Basin. a ftequent Ancient Magyar Family and Personal Name and name of the Run King 1550 years ago. And(!) ATILA was the name ofthe RIVER VOLGA 4000 years ago! But(!): the same VOLGA is a Town in the Guyana Highland Jungle (6.30-58.42) -- an area even not totally known today among Ancient Mand-Designed Giant Stone-Statues coming ftom the "prediluvial age". And VOLGA Town there is the neighbor of the Town HUBA (6.46-58.30) in the company of the towns AGA+TASS. KEVE+IGEK. the CREEKS ASO+VARI.
ASSA+~TA.HARA+KULA. KARA+BUKA+BURA. the Mountain SA+VA'RI -- all are Carpathian toponyms and Magyar Family and Personal names respectively. And(!): ASSA: Egyptian King 5000 years ago. the same HARA+KULA: Scythian King in India. died in a battle. Rungary 1590 years ago. the area and town there was named: after him: . But(!) the Town KEVE+IGEK (5.56-60.38) is located southwest ofthe RIVER ASd+VARI (7.20-59.35) there!! But(!) the REVERSED STRUCTURE ofAS6+VA'RI= VAR+ASz6: a Secluded Mountain Town in the :MAT+RA Mountains. Magyar-LandN south of the TAT+RA Mountains there; but(!) the same V AR+AS6: a Secluded Mountain Town in Pakistan; Land of the Ancient Indus-Vaney Culture also in the company ofthe TAT+RA Mountain there!!And(!) the second part of the Town KEVE+IGEK - IGEK-tJGEK: Magyar Prince in the 9th centwy. a descendant ofATllLA and the grandfather ofthe Magyar Prince ARP AD in the 10th century whose one of his Chieftans was caned HUBA! ! [-t].As far as the Creek KARA+BUKA+BURA is concerned: we can find her mENTICAL STRUCTURES in the New-Guinean Highlandjust discovered 70 years ago by airplanes: (cp.: HARA+KULAt) Mountain.Tabi+BUKA. Sum+B~ Tura+BURA towns are all in the West-Australian Desert KARA+BUKA - KARA+BURA - TA+MANA is a WELL-TRIO (24.00-117.00). And(!) in the Ancient Saga of the Australian ABO-s it was the Astronaut-God TAMANA who created the First Human-Couple there. And(!) in the Ancient Saga of the TAMANA+K6 Indians. Venezuela (9.45-68.25) southwest of the Guyana mgbland Jungle it was the 4600 meter high TAMANA Mountain. Colombia (5.02-76.17) where the First Ruman-Couple was formed..... .Going back to the UM+ ATn..LA Stuctw"e: illd+ KALOBI and UM+ LELE are both to be seen in South-Africa (t). where TAMANA is a ftequent Family Name - in tite company ofdIe 40.000 years old "' IRON MINES there. But(!) the same KALO+BI: a Secluded. Swampy Section in the Sziget+KOz Island of the DUNA And(!) KALOBI: Two RIVERS in Ivory Coast in the company of Three RIVERS called and Four RIVERS caned PARA+PARA - but(!) sm6: RIVER in an the five continents. and there are FolD' p ARA+P ARA RIVERS in Maori-Zealand also in the company of the Mountain ATILA there!! And(!) there are Seven PARA+PARA towns in Venezuela - home of the . southwest of the Guyana mgbland Jungle!! Then: the same KALOBI: RIVER in TAMANA+K6 Tn'be .Togo and in Zimbabwe as weR and(!) Town in Benin (1). And(!) KALOBI+BAN: RIVER in the Philippines (745.124.53) in the company of the Island BAR+T6K. the Cape-Point m+T6 . both are Magyar Family Names! !
The recently (1999) published worl< of Stephen Oppenheimer: "Eden in the East. The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia." renders essential support to the TAMANA SURVIV AL observation in New.Ouinea as well.
As far as the Town UM+LELE is concerned: here the Ending+Structure is a prominent Tamana Index:
Makd+LELE: Area in Magyar-Land, Balaton+LELE: Town along the shores of Lake BALA+TON, Magyar Land where the CREEK 1AMA (YAMA) joins the "Magyar-Sea". But(!) Yama+LELE: Town in New-Guinea (10.30-150.30) in the company of the towns BELE+BELE, DARU+BIA, SABARI toponym+structures in the Carpathian Basin also and(!) SABAR-SABIR-SA VARD . name of the Ancient Magyar Tribe and SAVARI- as we could see - Mountain in the Guyana Highland1ungle! (+). Then(!):\pard SABAR and SABIR are towns in Mesopotamia (35.00-43.40) in the company of the River TURAN, the Town KARA+GAL (35 47-45.55) and the Archeological Site BOT+MJ{L (35.31-43.52) there. But(!) the same KARA+G11: Town in the New-Guinean Highland (6.00-144.30) in the company of KARA-BUKA-BURA (1') II Then: TuRAN can be seen in all the five continents and(!) the same ..
BOT+M.{L: a HiII-Forest in the MAT+RA Mountains, near dIe Secluded towns VAR+AS6 (t) and MAR+KAZ; but(!) in Oman the Cape-Point MARKAZ is just under the Harbor-City MATRA there!! And(!) MAR+KAZI: a District in Iran (35.00-50.00) where ZARAND is dIe Seat-City. The same ZA.RAND: Town in dIe Indus-Valley(t), County, Town in dIe Carpathian Basin and a Magyar Family Name. We find the Ancient Town NAGOYA in ZARAND County, the Carpathian Basin; the same NAGOY A: City in Japan where TAMANA: a mythological Figure, a City and a Hill and a Personal and Family Name as wen! .Isle in the Maldives Islands, dIe Indian Ocean in dIe of the islands comPili+URI-allare GAI+MANA, INA+VARI, MAKA+RA. TATA+MUKA, TURA+KUNA, toponyms in the Carpathian Basin too! V Am, MAKA, TATA, TURA, KUNA, V 11, URI are Magyar Fann1y names as wen!' Then: the BALA Ending is a prominent Tamana trait Mdtra+BALLA: Town in Magyar-Land, chIk+BALLA: City in Tamil-India, Kala+BALA: River in Zambia, Kmna+BALA: River in Guinea-Bissau where two towns are called TAMANA there! Sala+BALA: River in Australia, Tana+BALA:I Town in Indonesia, ~+BALA: Town in Ghana. CSIK, KALA, KJ(:MA, SZALA, TANA, Z1(.M are an Magyar Family names too!! As far as UN+T{JRAN, is concerned: River and Mountain UN+Turan are located southwest of dIe Guyana Highland1ungle-Area, in the home of the TAMANA+K6 Tribe!! Then: Pin~TUR..,(: Mountain in the "Scytlrian-Hun-Avar-Magyar" Mindanao (8.05-125.11); in Turkey PINAR is a and the same Tl:JRAN is a Mountain (3742-36.13) in the neigllborhood ofthe Mountain and dIe 9000 years old Archeological Site of Chatal+Hoyf!k (37.13-35.48), Turkey. RUN and 6z are Magyar Family names too !Regarding UN+ZENTA: this Volcano-Motmtain is near the Cliff ZENTA, Japan west of the City.-.J TAMANA (32.52-130.35), but(!) the City ZENTA , the Carpathian Basin is northeast of dIe Ancient Fortress-Town TAMANA (45.15-19.22).!! And(!) ZENTAis a frequent MagyarFamily Name as wen!' .
ASOTJN - As6+ TIN is fonned J1l(e AS6+Km+Dia Town in Benin. West-Africa (9.37-1.29) in the close neigllborhood of the Twin-Towns ATA+HUSAR and ATA+KOz1R (9.43-1.31). And(!) J1l(e Pere+TIN Town in the Far-East (43.01-133.10) - southwest of the Cape-Point TAMANA (49.57-142.04). Then: AS6+TIN , is fonned J1l(e ASZ0+F6, Buda+TIN towns in the Carpathian Basin and(!) J1l(e the same Old Town ofPere+TIN - being part ofthe Fortress-Town TAMANA - in the Carpathian BaSin!! Then: AS6+M~ta: Town in Crete-KAN+DIA(!!) Island (35.11-24.27). KAN+DIA, ATA, HUSz1R, KOZJ PALOUSE - PAL+UZ: fonned like the sections PAL+Konya and Mat+UZ in Magyar-Land, like PAL+Ig& River . Togo (7.14-0.41) and the same Mat+UZ Mountain in Tunisia (32.14-10.15) northwest of the WELL AmA (35.58-9.35) and(!) the same Mat+UZ: Town in Mexico (18.34-100.17) - southwest of the Ancient Site IS+TAPA+LAPA (19.21-99.08) - but(!) ISZ+TARA+LAPA: a Swampy Pond in Western Magyar-Land and TAP A+Sz~k: Town in South Magyar-Land. Then: rlz by itself is a River in the Basin and(!) there are Two Uz (OUSE) Rivers in South-East England and along the River the Town MAGOR(!) can be found (51.33-3.00). The same MJ{GOR: Archeological Site ofthe KOROS-TISZA CULTURE ago. Here the Endings are found in Tamana indexes: Kala+UZ. are towns in Caucasus and in Central-Asia respectively. Ara+UZ: River in South-Chile in dIe company of the River TARA+BA (53.30-72.20) - but(!) TARABA+UZ: Town in Basque-Land (42.14-2.54 E) in the company of the River TURUL dIere; dIe same TURUL: Hill-Forest in Western Magyar-Land, Mountain in Korea and(!) Creek in Lebanon amongd1e CREEKS BAL+/..TA. B/..TOR, MURA. ZALAN - an are Water-Names in the Carpathian Basin as wen! Kanda+UZ: Town in New-Guinea (3.57-152.53) in d1e neighborhood of the Twin-Town TAMANA+IRJK and(!) WALLA+WALLA! (4.18-152.15) (~. As far as the Ending IG<.'Jis concerned: Gal+1G6: Forest in the Bakony Mountains. Magyar-Land and(!) d1e same Gal+1G6: River(!) in SriLanka (7.15-80.15) in dIe neighborhood ofdIe River TAMANA (7.50-8.30)! Here we have to underscore importance of our Tamana Find: the Water and Forest-Names are the most A good example: MER+F:~: River .In the Guyana Highland-Jungle and(!) the same Forest in Western Hungary. Or. CHI+FUTA: River in Zam+Bia and(!) the same CSI+FUTA: Forest in North-Magyar-Land. . P ATAHA - P ATA+ HA: formed like P ATA+ Lom and P~tr6+ HA towns in Magyar-Land. Like P ATA+ Lom River in Mindanao(t) and like the frequent Family Name TAMANA+HA in Japan! Like the Town PATA+Lak and the Mountain PATA+Loma in Peru and Tama+HA Town in South-Africa (33.04-27.12) where UM+Kalobi, UM+Lele towns and the Family Name TAMANA can be found too! (1'). WALLA+WALLA- VALLA+VALLA: the same VAU.A+VAU.A is the Twin-Town of TAMANA+IRIK, New-Guinea (1'). VALLA: a Magyar Family Name and(!) a Hill-Forest(!) in the BakonyMountains, Magyar-Land in the company ofthe Forest MER+tTE (-t-) there!The same VALLA+VALLA - V ALA+ V ALA: Creek in Fiji (16.20-179.30) in the company of the Creeks Nfi.D+URI, REvA, SO+VATA - all are Water-Names in the Carpathian Basin too! And(!) the same SOVATA:Creek in Etruscia, Italy in the neighborhood of the CREEKS ALMA.RIG6, the Town nsA+NANA - all are toponyms in Magyar-Land as well!! The Etruscian-Magyar 'nSZA+N.A'.NA Town is formed likensA+Pfu Town in Mexico and Chita+NANARiver in Alaskajoinig the River TANANA there!! And(!) the same SOVATA: is a River in the Marshy-Jungle of East-Honduras (15.15-83.38) in the neighborhood of the Town dz+vALA/V (15.25-83.50)!! The IRIK Ending of TAMANA+IRIK is a significant Tamana trait: P~+JR1K was a Scythian Tribe in Central-Asia, Ruma+IR1K: Town in the Carpathian Basin, KIn+M!!rld+IRIK: Creek in the Pacific Island of PONAPE-POHNPET; Site ofthe 7Jmeless City-Walls continuing their route under the Sea-Water-Level at the Harbor-Town TAM!..N there - under the Hill of TANA+TAM!..N (6.56-158.11). But(!) the same TANA+TA}OIf} is the Marshy-Area along the Azov-SABIR(!) Sea; place of the Ancient HUNOR-MAGOR(!) Magyar Saga. And(!) TANA.TAMJ.N are towns in the Carpathian Basin and they are Magyar Family names as well! !InSweden,among SevenSANDA+~"tO~s VALLA+VALLAcanbeseen. SZANDAand KER are Magyar Family and Clan names as well! Strait in Ponape near the Hill TANA+ TAW:N( t). The Forest UM+Am.LA, the RIVERS As6+'I1N, p1L+dz, PATA+HA, VALLA+VALLA in the neighborhood or the BIG FOOT Finds, Washington, USA did give us a great momentum to display these name+structures In their world-round Tamana context. It rendered us I good opportunity Igaln to present these toponym+structuresj these Water and Forest Name+Structures, par excellenece, as UNCHANGED SURVNALS OF THE MORPHO+S1RUC11JRE-CREA'I1NG mGH-LEVEL ANCIENT UNIVERSAL CUL TURE(S) TO BE MEASURED INIENS-IENS OF MILLENmA.During this presentation it has been clear enough to see their presence in the Clrpathian Basin and in the Magyar Family and Personal name+structures llkewise. All these F ACTS do indicate necessity for a fundemantal revision of our recent historical approachj for I more realistic-just weltanschauung of our past. It)The ISTApALApA Site is discussed in the excenent article of Dr.Horst Friedrich: "Hocbkulten im Tertiar?". Efodon Synesis. Munchen.3-4/1994. 00 If you have comments or suggestions, email Dr. Vamos Toth at [email protected]
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