
From a sea of rage
to the new grave
Out of the darkness
comes fear.

Shadowing the heart,
tearing it apart,
leaving only one
single trail of tears.

Thoughts ripping at the mind
leaving all kindness behind
thinking of only the terrors
of your past.

Screaming with pain
Are you insane?
Will this torture stay
or leave at last.

In this cold place
I am not safe
to be alone
and silently still

Could this be true
It is happening to you.
leaving you lost
with no excitement or thrill.

by: Melissa McManis


Dreamers are special in their own little way,
they hope for the best each and every day.
But sometimes it's true they often fail
because all their hard work often grows stail.
No one can see what one dream can do,
it is the hope for them and you.
But when one is crushed like stone
their whole life is overthrown.
With their dream shatered and torn,
their life becomes one in scorn.
Their laughter is gone.
Their smile isn't on.
Sometimes it seem their life is at an end
and that the whole is too big to even mend.
So when you start to dream
it may start out as just a little gleam
but one dream can become something big
it can become apart of the life you live.


I see myself traveling down
a road I've never seen before.
In the beginning I see my friends,
by my side, and then I see more.

For a long time they were by my side
to be there when I needed a hand.
To carry me through the tough spots
and then help me stand.

They brought laughter to my heart
and took me under their wings.
They gave me memories I'll never forget
and showed me many things.

Now there is a fork in the road ahead
where each of us must decide.
We all chose our paths going separate ways
so now in who do I confide.

The road seems quite empty
it is all so strange to me
where did everyone go
and then I see.

College is our journey
that takes us different ways.
It will keep us apart
for many many days.

Although we are alone on this new road
and we must say our goodbye.
I'll guarantee that in the end
our friendships will never die.

This poem is written to my four closest friends Jennifer, Dan,
Sam, and Eric!! I wrote it myself.

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