
Welcome. I am Alchemist's apprentice whose formation in the chemical sciences has taken for the fascinating me on the way to following the Nature having found the just and direct path toward the knowledge of the same in the Alchemy, nevertheless be this the evangelical "narrow door" and the proverbial "thorny road". And really that it is it in all senses because it to first view are full of trips and apparent conceptual and empirical contradictions, of such luck that not only is necessary a partial knowledge of the concepts and certain ability of laboratory, but all a range of the call universal culture that after all is transmuted in universal wisdom.

And it so is in fact. When you enter in contact with a Master Alchemist, you occur bill that minimum dominates three languages, that he has an big amount of impressive knowledge on classical sciences, mythology, symbolism, art, sociology and traditions, immediately without stopping mentioning the important knowledge of the chemistry of the centuries that they go from the XV to the XX, in order to could understand the meaning of the statements of the classical texts and understand what their authors really wanted to express, without putting in mouth of them, or rather in "hand from them" what they never planned to write.

Every it is great the interest for the Alchemy. We perceived it simply upon writing the word "alchemy" in any motor of search of Internet. Stayed surprised of the immense amount of pages that they get off the cyberspace, that goes, like everything, of the truly serious and professionals, that we recommended in the links of this page, until which they sell miraculous remedies "full of astral powers," or those that they offer to you make him Alchemist continuing such or which course by means of the corresponding "payment" in exchange for "lessons" for correspondence (normal or electronic), or those that they invite you to belong to such or which fraternity of alchemists for "join their powers" in assumptions "egrégores", where all less alchemy is made of. From all there is in this immense universe of information.

This page doesn't seek to be a more than those pages. Neither an accumulate of classical texts, because for this there is places many better and of great seriousness, that they constitute a true paradise for the sincere searcher and investigator.

We won't approach the complicated lucubration's of the speculative alchemy, in its psychological, magic or "of living room "way, how says my dear Brother and respected Master Rubellus Petrinus, where those speaks that "they have never stained the hands with the solvent of the Sun" in the daily solve et coagula of the laboratory.

Here we don't sell anything, neither products neither courses. Neither we are going to invite to join with no group or society or fraternity or Order. Not at all of that, that already there is too and it constitute a sovereign insult to so serious and reputed Science, to so noble stock of the authentic Alchemy.

Here we are going to try on Practical Alchemy. That Alchemy that is solely made our own knowledge in the daily and hard work in the laboratory that one could frame in the classical Latin sentences FESTINA LENTE- DORMIENS VIGILA. And IT so is really the life and the work of the alchemist. A continuous "hurry the step" but with patience and wisdom. Knowing the incommensurable value of the time. Without dismaying in the intent, an and again, until watch over while he fall asleep or he rest.

The alchemy is not only a science or an art, it is all one way of life.


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