The Viking Necklace

Miss Grinwald had arranged to give most of the costumes and scenary to a local amateur theatrical group. Tania was given the job of sorting everything out. The theatre was dark now. The last production was, a mistery thriller, had finished. Tania spent two hours looking through the old boxes and suitcases, pulling out dusty old clothes that hadn't been used for years. Until the 1960s the theathre had had its own company of actors, and produced its own plays. That had become too expensive, and although the theatre had been able to stay open, the plays had been performed by touring companies and sometimes by local amateur groups. Tania had to through away most of the things. They were too old and too dirty even to give away. It was late in the afternoon when she found the neckclace. It was wrapped up in a black costume that had been eaten by mice and insects and was full of holes. It was a rough heavy necklace made of a dull yellowish metal.

Adapted by Julio Aguilera


  1. What was Tania given out?
  2. What had happened?
  3. who had to throw away most of the things?


  1. Find a synonym in the text for "DRESS"
  2. Find a synonym in the text for "DUSKY"
  3. Give an oppossite for THROW AWAY
  4. Write a sentence with PERFORMED


  1. Complete the following sentence "If they had become too expensive..."
  2. Put the following sentence into passive " Tania had to throw most of the things"
  3. Join these sentences:Tania spent two days.She was looking through the old boxes and suitcases
  4. Write in indirect speech "They had to give most of the costumes"-she said


  1. Fashion
  2. Cinema or theatre

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