




About Me

Everything you never wanted to know about me...

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Home Sweet Home Well, to anyone that's interested...since you don't feel that your life would be complete without knowing about me...*grin* Here's the story of my life. Well, I was born in a little house ( well, not all that little anyway ) somewhere deep in the depths of the African jungle. You can see it here.. Yeah, right! Just kidding, to tell the truth, I was born in a spanking new hospital in Malaysia in October 1976.

I was given ( forced on, more like it ) the name Scott Ooi. Coincidentally, one of my soon to be fave comic idols would share the same name ( more on that later ). Brought up by a nanny and I have to admit, incredibly pampered, nothing could prepare me for the evil realities of school life. Yeah, I was sent to school at the ripe old age of seven, to endure ugly, malicious alien beings masquerading as nasty ol' schoolmarms, young would-be future Al Capones and the worst of all, the unbearable, unsurpassable mountain called homework. Even now, the word `homework' sends cold shivers down my spine and I am convinced that it was originally invented with the intention to torture juvenile delinquents....

But soon, I did get used to life in school. Made a few friends of my own, young Defenders of Justice, Peace and all that. ( Hmm... that sounded nice.. wonder where I heard that.. ). But actually, I have to admit that while in school, I was a real pain in the teacher's butt. Yup, I was the original school prankster. Nothing in the school was sacred to me. But as many times as I super-glued the teacher to the seat, I got away `scott'-free just as frequently. I have to admit that having an innocent, cherubic face helped at times.

But it was in school that I developed some of my quirky ( though lovable *smile* ) habits. One of my worst faults is my terrible memory and I.... whoops, what was I supposed to say.. Well, suffice to say, my memory is not one of the best. I can sometimes be found looking for a pencil when i have one tucked in my ear ( that kinda thing ). I have also been somewhat of a klutz. Impossible as it may seem, I have tripped over myself on a perfectly even, flat floor without obstacles.

Writing I also developed a love for reading. Spend most of my time with my nose buried in some thick paperback. I have to admit that I am absolutely obsessed with reading ( my friends who have seen my evil, insane alter-ego at warehouse book sales would attest to that ). I go through phases, going through all the different genres; philosophy, medical journals, bodice-ripping romances, detective novels, science-fiction etc.. practically anything I can get my greedy little hands on. Definitely an incurable addict...

One of my favourite authors is Georgette Heyer. You might not be able to find her in that many places, her name isn't all that well known. But her books are well worth the read. Her heroes are forever dashing and well.. heroic, I guess. And I have to admit,her heroines are the most unconventional females in the world going from quirky and fey to passionate and fiery. Her stories are absolutely hilarious ( her heroines seem to fall into all sorts of ridiculous predicaments ). True, they'are mostly romances and they do get mushy at parts but Heyer tries to avoid overly sentimental parts ( which is fine by me ).

There's also a new author that I'm laughing over right now. Her name is Janet Evanovich and her mysteries are an absolute scream. Her debuts also marks the debut of a new hard-ass detective, miss Stephanie Plum, bounty hunter extraodinaire. She has three books out ( the latest, Three To Get Deadly, is out in paperback ).

Paint One of my other hobbies is of course, reading comics. yeah, a little childish but hey, isn't everyone a little child at sometime or another? Anyway, I collect tons of comics and my mom lives in fear of her life everytime she walks near my cupboard ( in fear that she might soon be overcome by a torrent of comicbooks falling from the overtaxed shelves ).

The totally cool Phantom! Another thing I like to do is listen to music of course. AS usual I like everything ( I guess I'm not that picky about stuff ). Classical is fine by me, so's pop, heavy metal ( OK, only if it's not too loud.. loud enough to bust my eardrums! ).. I do have one pet peeve, I don't like rap music. Don't know why.. maybe some kinda inborn thing. Along with that is my love for musicals. Say what you will about modern theatres with their state-of-the-art systems and all that but nothing beats real-life theatre. One that I have seen several times is the Phantom of the Opera.

You might be wondering about the white kitty running around on the screen. Well, no, it's not because I'm a catlover ( I don't think I'm up to taking care of the cat right now ). Unlike my friend, Paul who probably sleeps with his dog, I'd probably forget to feed my pet or leave it by a 6 lane highway or something like that. Actually, I just thought it was cute and decided to put it there.

Animated Kitty
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