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Kafka once wrote about a man who turned into a cockroach, and some fantasy writer whose name I have long forgotten wrote of someone changing into a dragon, so you can understand what I mean when I say that I believe I am turning into a Pegasus. I have had this theory for a number of years, but only recently have I begun collecting the evidence to prove it.

The most obvious sign of my metamorphosis was my hair. Although most of my hair remains black, I have noticed that more and more of it is turning silver every year. As I am neither aged nor stressed, I can think of no better explanation than that I am gradually acquiring a Pegasus mane. Every month it seems one of my black human hairs is replaced with a silver Pegasus one. Some day I expect all of it to be as white as the proverbial moonlight.

The second clue I noticed was my back. My back has always been remarkably itchy; it frustrates my husband to no end because I so often ask him to rub it or scratch it. Although it is normal to have an itchy back at times, my back seems to itch constantly. So there must be something going on with my back -- something I can't see even with a mirror. I think that I must be sprouting feathers, and that these feathers are tickling my skin. Moreover, these feathers must be sprouting around my shoulder blades, in that perpetually itchy area I can't reach myself. Judging from the location of the itchy spots, I have therefore concluded that I am sprouting wings.

The final symptom that enlightened me was my hands. For most of my life I have had the hands of an old woman, with bony fingers, broad palms, and leathery skin. For many years my hands troubled me so much that I constantly drenched them in lotion and spent ridiculous amounts of money visiting dermatologists. But now that I understand what is happening, I am comforted; I know that my hands are meant to be small and tough so that they can one day become sturdy hooves.

For these reasons, I have deduced that I am slowly becoming a Pegasus. How many others like me are there in the world, I wonder? Are there others who have found their hair turning white for no good reason and their skin becoming dry and tough? If you are experiencing these symptoms as well, there is no need to curse your fate. Instead, make the most of your life and celebrate the changes in your body, for they are an indication of a greater metamorphosis to come.

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