Kid and Caboodle: Musings of a "Split-Shift" Mom
By Peggy B. Hu
January 2006

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It's January, a time of new beginnings and new resolutions.

After suffering a bout of flu and a serious throat abscess that knocked me out for about 10 days in December, I have decided to pay closer attention to my health this year. This resolution is likely to be one of the hardest I have ever made, given my hectic lifestyle. I'm often cheating myself of sleep to finish a project, never seem to fit in a regular exercise schedule (although I do plenty of household chores and errands), and sometimes eat leftovers rather than a properly balanced meal simply because it is more convenient. I've been taking my long run of good health for granted, I suppose. But all these little ways I regularly shortchange myself finally caught up with me in December. For days I was so sick that I couldn't swallow anything without pain -- not even water -- and felt tired to my bones. Fortunately I have a very supportive family and co-workers who took up the slack when I became ill. Hopefully I won't put them through such a test again anytime soon!

I think I'm still recovering from my illness. I still tire easily, my head and throat still hurt, and I'm finding it very hard to concentrate on writing this column. I want to say something profound to mark the beginning of the new year, but I can't think of anything more important than to urge each of my LOTH Sisters to take care of her health. If you lose your health, you lose your ability to do so many other things. Remember: Good health comes first. This is a lesson I have had to face recently, and hopefully it will be one I will remember when I am faced with several projects again.

And on that note, I'm going to go take a nap.

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