TV Time

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March 15, 2007

I'm sitting here at the dining room table writing this as my son watches a cartoon in the other room. Am I a bad mother for using the TV as a babysitter from time to time? I don't think so. I do plenty of things with my son; I read to him, play trains and tag, bake muffins with him, go to the park and the mall, and lots of other bonding experiences. Sometimes, though, I need him to pay attention to something besides me so I can check my e-mail, have a shower, or do some other activity by myself. I think TV can be beneficial; my son learned to read letters, count, and speak a few words of Chinese and Spanish at a very early age thanks to some of the children's shows we let him watch. TV Time is a part of our lives. As long as it doesn't become our entire lives, I think we're fine.

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