Reunion at the Skyland Resort

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September 6, 2005

Just got back yesterday from a weekend getaway with friends to the "Skyland Resort" in Shenandoah National Park. My husband and I had our toddler A.J., another family had a toddler and an infant, and there were three other couples. One of the couples also has a toddler but didn't bring him. Most of us knew each other in college, so it was essentially a mini-reunion. We rented several interconnected rooms, one of which has a living room area. My family and the other family with kids took the two rooms adjoining the living room area, which has its own separate entrance. This meant that at night -- after the kids had all gone to bed -- we could socialize with everyone else yet still be close enough to respond to any squawks from the kids, and others could go in and out of the suite without disturbing them. We obtained a small refrigerator and a microwave for the suite, and all of us brought lots of food and drink to share. There were lots of hiking trails, a children's playground, and a good restaurant close by, and in the suite we played games, did puzzles, ate, and just enjoyed catching up on our lives. It was a lot of fun, and I hope this type of getaway will become an annual event.

Chris Friedline's and Peggy Hu's pictures from the trip

Yvonne Yang's pictures from the trip

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