Jet Lag

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June 9, 2005

Late last night my husband and I returned from a week-long anniversary get-away (without child) to Paris. I think I'm still jet-lagged. It's not that I'm tired, but that I'm confused. I'm not sure what the date is, and it is hard to be motivated about work, especially since I'm only going in for one day this week. I wonder whether or not it is worth going in at all, except that I need to get a briefing on what to expect Sunday.

Today was spent putting the house back together after our trip -- going through the mail (both physical and electronic), doing laundry, shopping for groceries, cooking, getting one of our cars inspected, transferring digital photos from our trip onto CD, paying bills, and unpacking. My husband also spent most of the day trying to get our new DSL system installed. (It still doesn't work; we're having a technician come next week.) In the middle of all of this our son was busy wandering around the house commenting on everything. We had been worried that he would be upset by our prolonged absence, but he seems to be acting perfectly normally; he is neither withdrawn nor clingy. This bodes well for future get-aways.... I don't think we're going to take another trip without him anytime soon, though. He may have been fine with our absence, but we missed him terribly the whole time and kept imagining what he was doing at any given moment.

Tonight we're also hosting my father-in-law. He had picked us up from the airport last night, and had mentioned that he would be in our area today for a job interview. Of course we invited him to visit. I'm awfully glad we managed to get our errands and tasks done before he came, though! I enjoy having company, but I like to have my house in order when I do it.

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