The Great Cookie Debate

(Note: I wrote this poem one day when I was taking a class on
"Leading and Facilitating Teams," by David Ross. The events described in the following poem
are fictitious, although Eileen really does make splendid cookies from scratch.)

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When Ms. Eileen Deegan
informed us that she can
make marvelous cookies from scratch

The class quickly said it
would be to her credit
if she would please bake us a batch.

"Oatmeal raisin," said one,
"And chocolate chip would be fun."
The rest of the students agreed.

But a fight soon broke out
Over "nuts" or "without,"
and no one knew how to proceed.

And even Dave Ross
found himself at a loss
as to how to resolve the debate.

He tried intervening
to stop all the screaming,
but it was too little, too late.

The insults were flying,
and some folks were crying;
all our team-building efforts seemed dead

'Til Eileen took the floor
and said, "Please, no more --
I'll do peanut butter instead!"

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