Cyber Scribblings
News blurbs and musings about everyday life
Today was an interesting day for the Hu-Friedline family.  Chris got up around 6 a.m. to go on a long-anticipated hike with Charles and someone from the PMF program named Josh.  All three of them seemed to get along very well.  Unfortunately, Chris' feet have blisters after hiking for 15 miles.  Hopefully he'll be ok by Monday morning.  While Chris and Charles were hiking, Laura and I and our kids were socializing.  Laura drove Riverly and Annie over around 11 a.m.  We played with A.J.'s trains, gear toys, Legos, and talking basketball hoop, then had a fine lunch of sushi; steamed meat dumplings; beef with broccoli; combination lo mein; and a vegetable medley of bamboo, mushrooms and snow peas.  Yum!   After lunch, the kids got dressed in swimwear, and we filled up the little plastic wading pool in the backyard.  They played in the pool for over two hours!  Laura and I sat on the brick edge of the patio sipping cold drinks and chatted as we watched them.  The Twardy family finally left around 4.  It was a great "play date," and Laura and I hope to do it again some time soon.


Five minutes after Laura and her kids left, Chris' dad Jim showed up.  Chris got home about 45 minutes after that.  About two hours after that, Jim's cousin Mick showed up.  A.J. managed to get them to play six rounds of Uno with him, so he was happy ... until we told him it was time to stop playing cards and get ready for bed.  Oh well.  Chris, A.J., Jim and Mick are planning to go boating tomorrow morning.  This is the fourth time they have tried to do this trip; the first three attempts were canceled due to bad weather.  I forgot to do any shopping specifically for this boat trip (I guess I was starting to doubt it would ever happen!) so didn't buy any lunch meats for sandwiches.  I did have most of a rotisserie chicken in the fridge, though, so I cut up all the white meat and made some chicken salad sandwiches for the boat trip tomorrow.  I also put together juice packs, shelf-stable milk, bottled water, baby carrots, crackers, cheese, and cookies.  Guess this is good practice for preparing school lunches some day!  Chris also invited his fellow PMF Josh and his family along on the boat trip; guess they really got along during today's hike!
2007-06-10 03:34:23 GMT

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