Cyber Scribblings
News blurbs and musings about everyday life
Skyland III

Just got back today from our annual getaway with college friends to the Skyland resort in Shenandoah National Park.  It was nice to see friends and have a mini-vacation, but the accommodations this year left much to be desired.  We decided to try cabins this year, as opposed to motel-type rooms or suites.  My husband, 4-year-old son and I shared one cabin with a family with a 6-year-old and a 36-month-old.  The cabin proved to be much smaller than expected; it contained only two bedrooms -- each with a double bed -- and a single bathroom with a door that didn't latch properly.  There was also a small dining area and a living room area.

The close accommodations made sleeping and other basics extremely challenging, especially since the kids didn't give much warning when they needed to use the bathroom, didn't really understand the concept of privacy and had different sleeping schedules.  The cabin also was infested with mice in the walls and large black ants pretty much everywhere else.  I took to zipping up all my travel bags and forgoing my usual habit of having a cup of water at hand at night for fear I might find ants in them in the morning.

I think we'll do the Skyland trip again next year, but I definitely don't want to stay in a cabin again.  Even though I have been home for several hours, I'm still imagining ants crawling on my legs.  Ugh!

2007-05-29 03:16:25 GMT

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