Cyber Scribblings
News blurbs and musings about everyday life
I have been doing a lot of cleaning lately.  Part of it, I think, is due to the washing machine incident, which forced me to throw out some things and move around a lot of other stuff that got wet.  When something starts to grow mildew, you really need to think hard about whether or not you want to keep it!  Over the past few weeks I have come to realize that I have a LOT of stuff, and I have been assessing exactly how much of it I want to keep.  I have been going through old clothes, shoes and pieces of jewelry that no longer fit or appeal to me.  I have offered friends and family first pick on things I think might appeal to them, and have been bagging the rest for charity.  Slowly, I am decluttering the house.  A side benefit is that I'm making room for new clothes, shoes and jewelry!
2007-04-27 12:35:27 GMT

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