Cyber Scribblings
News blurbs and musings about everyday life
Since the weather has finally warmed up a bit, we are doing some gardening today.  My husband is in the backyard busy planting the trees that arrived a few weeks ago.  In contrast, my son and I have been cleaning the rock garden in the front yard.  As I have written elsewhere (link), we decided about a year ago that it was too much trouble to maintain the flower garden in the front yard so we had all the plants taken out and replaced with decorative white rocks.  Unfortunately, this now means that we regularly have to keep the rock garden free of leaves, dirt, pine needles and other things that ironically would benefit a regular garden.  Apparently it has been a while since we worked on the rock garden; today as I was trying to remove some dirt and mulch, I found live worms wriggling through the mixture!
2007-04-19 15:24:01 GMT

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