Cyber Scribblings
News blurbs and musings about everyday life
Technically, yesterday was my day off ....

Yesterday was my regular day off from the office, but it was incredibly busy nonetheless. Things I did yesterday included:

  • Emptying the pan from the dehumidifier we borrowed from one of my co-workers (Remember Sunday's incident with the washing machine?)
  • Spraying the laundry room floor with Lysol to inhibit mildew growth
  • Spraying the bathroom floor with Lysol
  • Checking the buckets in the basement and emptying the ones with water
  • Removing everything from the wet kitchen counter and piling all my cookbooks on the living room ottoman
  • Separating out the cookbooks with mildew from the rest of my collection
  • Cleaning the kitchen counter
  • Replacing everything on the kitchen counter except the cookbooks
  • Taking a shower and getting dressed
  • Giving my son a snack
  • Having breakfast myself
  • Giving my son a bath
  • Helping my son get dressed and groomed
  • Loading the dishwasher and turning it on
  • Loading the washing machine, turning it on and watching it very carefully throughout the wash cycle
  • Giving my son another snack
  • Helping my son get cleaned up again
  • Going to Staples to buy twine
  • Failing to find twine, but managing to purchase a paper puncher, duct tape, an electric pencil sharpener a set of hanging folders and a set of colorful velcro straps instead
  • Going to Michaels to buy twine
  • Failing to find twine, but managing to find a roll of hemp intended for jewelry making
  • Purchasing the hemp, a set of pipe cleaners, a cake pan shaped like a train, muffin tin liners, a large gift bag, a colorful bandana, a set of white vinyl letters, a door hanger with lots of pockets for craft-related items, a set of foam letters and a piece of foam shaped like a car
  • Going to Barnes and Noble to have lunch and look for a copy of Robert Satloff's Among the Righteous: Lost Stories from the Holocaust's Long Reach into Arab Lands
  • Failing to find the Satloff book in the store, but purchasing the Thomas and Friends "Water Tower" after watching my son play with the store's train set for an hour
  • Going to Borders to purchase a copy of Satloff's book (mission was successful)
  • Going to Giant to buy groceries
  • Getting stuck in a traffic jam for 35 minutes while trying to drive two miles
  • Finally getting to Giant and buying items on list
  • Getting home and sorting through the mail
  • Unloading groceries and setting out prepared foods for dinner due to pressing hunger on my family's part and lack of patience on my part
  • Transferring items from the washing machine to the dryer
  • Baking an apple-sour cream pie
  • Sauteing mushrooms and spinach
  • Poaching chicken
  • Putting my son to bed (this involves reading at least one book and going through a complicated ritual of setting up things in his room)
  • Stir-frying chicken with zucchini and mushrooms in a tomato-chicken broth
  • Putting away most of the cooked food
  • Having dinner myself
  • Folding laundry
  • Emptying the dishwasher and loading it again
  • Putting away dishes, except for tupperware
  • Organizing tupperware cabinet after having trouble fitting anything in it
  • Packing my bag for work the next day
  • Putting items in the car for the next day


2007-04-14 02:49:38 GMT

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