Cyber Scribblings
News blurbs and musings about everyday life
Some advance notice would be nice next time....
A long, triangular package arrived in the mail this afternoon.  It had no markings as to which end should go up, or any indication of its contents (although the return address gave a hint), and at first I thought it was a large poster.  When I opened it, though, I found 10 live trees tightly bundled together like some sort of giant bouquet.  It's a good thing I was home when the package arrived and opened it immediately because the postal worker had put the package down lengthwise when he left it on the porch.  I'm sure it would not have been healthy for the trees to lie on their sides all afternoon, especially since it was pretty cold today.  My husband says he plans to plant the trees on Saturday.  Hopefully they will survive until then.
2007-04-06 00:18:28 GMT

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