Cyber Scribblings
News blurbs and musings about everyday life
Too Much Food!

Today Chris and I held one of our quarterly potluck parties. I made baked salmon with a mayonnaise-horseradish-dill sauce and sautéd zucchini with tomato sauce. I also put out whole wheat crackers, pork liver paté, a commercially made "spreadable cheese" blended with spinach and artichoke, and a bowl of fresh blueberries and raspberries.

I was a little worried when none of the guests showed up until 90 minutes after the party was scheduled to begin, but in the end it turned out to be a nice little gathering. Arthur drove up all the way from Charlottesville, which was great. I haven't seen him in a very long time. Cheryl and Kent brought their new baby Rena to show off, and the Twardys came with their two daughters Annie and Riverly. And it was great to see my high school friend Lynn and her husband Simon.

Lynn made homemade hummus and a spaghetti pie, which was sort of a lasagna in a pie crust. I guess you could call it a cross between a lasagna and a quiche. Arthur brought an enormous bean-olive-bamboo shoot salad, and the Twardys made a large potato pancake with ham. It was an interesting combination of dishes. I probably ate more than I should have; I generally do at these sorts of events. Oh well!

After the party ended, Chris and I decided to watch a movie: Morgan Spurlock's Supersize Me.

Now my stomach REALLY hurts! I think I'm going to stick to just fruits, vegetables, tea and water tomorrow -- I need to detox!

2007-04-01 01:48:22 GMT

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