In this issue, we want to challenge you to do some studying on your own. After all, our intention is not that anyone should look to Preach the Word as his source for truth. Rather our intention is to use these pages as a means to provoke our readers to think critically about the things they have been taught and to encourage them to turn to the Bible for answers.

    Unfortunately, some of our readers may read the articles in each issue, assume all the Biblical passages cited are quoted accurately and in accordance with their context, and accept our words as the gospel itself. Therefore, this month, we are including "A STUDY YOU CAN DO".

    If you are not accustomed to studying the Bible itself to find the answers to questions, you will find this to be an easy way to get the feel for how one considers the meaning of a passage in its context and how to turn to related passages which shed additional light on a subject. You will also find the answer to the questions, "What must one do in order to enter the kingdom?" and "What does 'born again' really mean?"

    The primary text, John 3:1-5, is included at the beginning of the study. However, you will need your Bible to read the other passages that are cited.

    Also included in this month's issue is an article on the same subject. Do the study first, then compare your conclusions with the editor's conclusions. If they are not the same, identify the differences, the reason for the differences, and drop us a note.

    And finally, we include an article that describes an example of Biblical interpretation that did not result from contextual study, but rather from theological bias. This is an example of how not to study!

Index of Previously Published Articles

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