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Balangandã charm cluster - Museu Carlos Costa Pinto
Slave women wore these clusters of amulets and talismans to ward off the evil eye, and bring love, health and protection
Every February 2nd, followers of Yemanjá, orishá of the ocean, heap flowers, perfume, trinkets and other gifts into baskets, together with their prayers
Festival of Yemanjá, Rio Vermelho district of Salvador
Balangandã  - Museu Carlos Costa Pinto
Festival of Yemanjá, Rio Vermelho, Salvador
The Port of Barra and its famous lighthouse mark the entrance to Todos os Santos (All Saints) Bay
Port of Barra, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil Fort São Marcello or Sea Fort, Port of Salvador
Fort São Marcello, better known as the "Sea Fort," stands guard over Salvador's marina
Port of Barra, Salvador
  Fort São Marcello, Salvador
Praia do Forte, a resort on the north coast of Bahia
Praia do Forte is a popular tourist resort on the north coast of Bahia
Based in Praia do Forte, the TAMAR Project works to preserve endangered giant sea turtles
TAMAR Project protects sea turtles in Praia do Forte
Praia do Forte
 Sea Turtle

Intriguing scenes of Salvador

Gorgeous pics of Salvador by Michael Reckling (external link)

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