Seminar / Workshop on

Strategies & Psychology in

Stock Market Trading


Who Should Attend?

Minimum Qualification of Learners

Fee Payable:

Inclusive of 5 extra group coaching sessions (one hour each), if learners want to continue practising the learned theories; lunch, hotel seminar room, lecture notes.

Implication of Fee Paid

1) That you really want to acquire a good understanding & perspective of market behaviour and design a workable set of strategies and rules for yourself to make you a successful trader with disciplined practices.

2) That you consider fee paid as initial investment in a new and exciting business with the vision of becoming a successful market trader.

3) That the fee paid is not just to be "entertained" by the lecturer like other typical seminars, but include subsequent practices / hardwork .

4) That the fee paid is to gather the key LESSONS from the lecturer / coach, who have invested not less than $30,000 in books, computer hardware / software, seminars, coach fee, etc. besides 6 years of serious study with about 5000 transactions with many mistakes made. Hence Lessons on avoiding similar mistakes / pitfalls will be crucial.

Proposed Program (One full Saturday in March, 98)

Interested please contact : Andrew Wong, Tel : 086-251250, Fax: 086-253804, email : [email protected], homepage


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By Andrew Wong, 8th Feb. 1998


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