Developing Object using Structural Thinking Discipline


Many readers of this homepage find the Object Solution interesting, some feel the Structural Thinking format is impactful to get into the Insights of things. They have requested the undersigned to share the knowledge in coding Objects. Below is the result of the popular requests.

In Cyberspace email forum / discussion, a post below is fairly typical: (This particular example is about System Thinking, Learning Organisation type of topics)

From Mitchell Owen a member of the listserv:

"I found Systems thinking 5-6 years ago while I was exploring how to improve my leadership skills and have done much to integrate it into my life and work. I have reached a hurdle and I thought the list might be able to help me with it.

I am part of a team within an state agency that is charged with challenging the agency to address a group of issues that were discovered through two exhaustive studies. The group wishes to discover which of the issues are important and which are not.. I only know of one tool (an interrelational diagram) that would help in looking at these issues in a systems way and setting priorities. Do any of you have suggestions on how we might examine these issues to discover the interelationships, root causes, and true drivers of the issues. We hope to do this in an inclusive way and thus, methods would need to be useful in working with both small and large groups...

Thanks in advance for any help!"

The above statements represent a partial context in which the writer is seeking for something. Using the Object format (or structural elements) : i.e. [Goal] [Facts] [Symptoms] [Change] [Cause] [Fix], the described context is reconstructed using the structural elements.

A note on Structural elements :

Note: Facts are permanent at least over the period of perception for which the object is intended to be valid. Facts form the context in which the situation is perceived...and that perception is described by the Symptoms. And Changes are catalysts for the Cause not the Symptoms directly... Consider:

In the above the Change induces the Cause which creates the Symptom and it happens within the Context described by the Facts.


{Applying the discipline of System thinking, e.g. is the context fully described to represent a meaningful domain to be explored? From the above context, the undersigned regard the above as under the topic of:....., }


{What is the intent of the above writer, is one of the guesses of this coder ...}


{A new theme or objective is formulated, designed or modified from the descibed intend of the writer, ie. using a outside perspective to create a new perspective. ....}



From the same described context, another perspective can be created. This happens to be the next logical thinking from the above coded object.






The importance of understanding Current Reality led to further communication with the writer on better understanding of the original context. .....

"What is the State agency main trust, or mission?", "Who are the State agency customers? and WHY? currently by what means? what type of organisation and supporting structures?

Non-formal Education and University outreach are the primary purposes of the agency.. To the public of - a state -.. the whys include national legislation... but most of the agencies programs are determined locally by the public.. they suggest needs and help define what types of educational programs they need.. The topics vary among agriculture, community and resource development, consumer and family sciences, and youth development. Supporting structures include a host of experts housed at the state universities, administrators, and volunteers. The agency has a large program planning system, as well as the usual organizational systems (financial, management, etc).

From the above, it is generally satisfied that Organisation has a purpose to exist and some form of structure / mechanisms to function.

"What & how are the studies conducted on discoveries of issues?"

The issues were developed through two exhaustive studies carried out by outside consultants and then affirmed through an half day of dialogue with the majority of the organisation.. this included brainstorming and ranking by the masses ....

"Were there such studies done before and what happened?"

These studies were a first for the organization.. in the past most of these sorts of projects were done internally and little change occurred.

"What is the current Learning capability of the organisation?" Limited.. some trust problems between field and administration.. In a sense, I am looking for ways to help non-system thinkers examine issues like system thinkers.... and then hopefully enlighten them as to what they are doing...

"Using what Techniques and Skills and who play what roles?"

We are a CQI organization, so brainstorming is common.. sadly, we rarely do interrelational diagrams instead choosing to do simple rankings. We also are very linear and this leads to a very non-holistic approach to most organizational development efforts. Hope this is helping you see our situation...

The above clarification leads this Personal Coach to focus more specifically on the underlying causes. And the following Object solution shows that there is a need to shift the paradigm from looking for a Methodology to start practising Wisdom-Creating Action






Mitchell Owen responded:


One group that is examining the issues is doing just what you stated above.. but in an effort to move beyond linear thinking to a more holistic way of viewing issues, we are hoping to embrace the entire organization in looking at the interrelationships and root causes of the issues... this is our hope instead of just approach these issues as something that has to be addressed.. and is often never solved. My hope is that there is someone who has a mechanism for Organizational-wide examination of issues and can help us prioritize these issues in other terms than which ones are preceived by the masses as the most important to solve...

Two more Objects (new insights and prespectives are coded)











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By Andrew Wong, 27th May.1998


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