Rich Dad's Guide to Investing : What the Rich Invest in That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not

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Rich Dad's Guide to Investing : What the Rich Invest in That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not

Buy from Amazon Rich Dad's Guide to Investing : What the Rich Invest in That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not, by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter (Contributor)

Reading this book, to many, is like a wake up call after 40 plus years.

Suddenly we see a pattern of hard work that we put in without producing an effective outcome of life in term of financial security and independence, as we are still employee working for others, though being professionals in various disciplines.

When a stone-cave man never knows another outside world, he toils and lives like a typical stone-cave man. There is no notion of an outside world, other than stone cave. If only the notion of outside world is introduced to him as a child, he could experiment and make his decision / choice of what sort of life should he pursue. But when a real outside world is shown to him at middle age, there is likelihood of regret, some is determined to make a new start.

In our pursuit for knowledge, it becomes paramount that certain knowledge acquisition imprisons us, other liberates! Knowledge specialization like our qualification in certain professional field, is obviously not a liberating force, but we have been subjected to such discipline and indoctrination for decades. We are not only do not have the knowledge of creating businesses, managing investment, we have strange hate and love feeling towards �money�. We influence our children to be the same.

The underlying ideas of �Rich Dad and Poor Dad� have been breeding in me for many years (see my webpages). As a corporate executive, hence an employee, I see much hope and challenges to shift our mental models away from employee to businessman / investor. And there are many avenues and opportunities for such practices while �we are still being employed�, until we are ready to stand in this borderless world on our own feet.

This book provides the critically important paradigm shift, using the �E, S, B, I� four quadrants model, i.e. Employee, Self-employed, Business and Investment, and many techniques, tools, strategies to make it happened. My webpages continue to provide other aspects of knowledge, skills and techniques to complement the book for readers to gain Personal Mastery. At the same time, I hope to provide another greater dimension of life : beyond �from employee to self employed, to businessman and to investor� that could be the Vision of your creation.

Buy from Amazon Rich Dad's Guide to Investing : What the Rich Invest in That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not, by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter (Contributor)

Buy from Amazon Cashflow Quadrant : Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter (Contributor)

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Buy from Amazon If You Want to Be Rich & Happy : Don't Go to School? : Ensuring Lifetime Security for Yourself and Your Childrenby Robert T. Kiyosaki, Hal Z. Bennett (Editor)

Buy from Amazon Cash Flow Quadrant : Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom [ABRIDGED]by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Jim Ward (Reader), Sharon L. Lechter (Contributor)

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Andrew Wong

(Business System Observer, Sarawak, Malaysia)

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