Visions - How science will revoluitonise the 21st century

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Visions - How science will revoluitonise the 21st century by Michio Kaku

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While we focus on management theories and practices, silently Science may be developing a highly sophisticated Frankenstein, to outsmart whatever new theories on management that we can possibly conceive of.

Scientific research and development in the fields of a) quantum, b) biogenetic and c) computer will be an inevitable force that cannot be taken lightly. Although there are promises of benefits to mankind, the un-intended negative side effects will further increase the present state of complexity to be managed and lived with. While we are still struggling with dilemma, chaos and confusion over the remnants of Industrial revolution, and earlier stages of Information Technology in this borderless world, a glimpse into the futuristic outcome of science, a relentless pursuit of human being, is a part of the Vision in the management field.

Buy from Amazon Visions - How science will revoluitonise the 21st century by Michio Kaku

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Andrew Wong

(Business System Observer, Sarawak, Malaysia)

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